Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 638

There are more than a dozen people in this line. They are very arrogant, and they don't pay any attention to Lin Kai and others.

"You Wang Gang was so angry that he tried to teach these ten young people a lesson.

But he was pulled by Lin Kai, who shook his head at him.

Now we can't find trouble, their target is Li Heihu! It's not worth it for a couple of jerks.

Wang Gang did not dare to listen to Lin Kai's words. At that time, he pressed down his anger and sat down.

When the ten young people saw Wang Gang's advice, they even laughed with pride.

"Ha ha ha ha! I thought it was a cruel character! It turned out to be just a piece of advice! "

"Ha ha! It's not just counseling. Look at him, a monk, a Taoist, a dog! There is a fat man who looks withered, and an uncle who looks ferocious in a suit, but he is forced to do so

"The last one, the cross legged one, looks good. It's all over the floor!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of young people jeered at them.

Drinking the wine and eating the fruit plate bought by Lin Kai, he still mocks Lin Kai.

The little sister was drinking one cup after another. After a while, her face turned red.

At this time, the little sister looked at Lin Kai who was sitting next to her. There was a hint of ambiguity in her eyes.

Lin Kai is very good, and she has a strong desire for him in her heart.

At that time, taking advantage of the poor light in the bar, her hand quietly touched Lin Kai's thigh.

But Lin Kai grabbed the little sister's hand and said with a smile, "girl, please respect yourself."


Several eyes at the same time looked over!

Huang Shaohui is also looking at Lin Kai. When he sees Lin Kai holding his woman's hand, he is angry!

Brush once, a dozen people all stand up! Looking at Lin Kai, his face is not good!

And that little sister, at this time also ah a draw back their own hands, showing a face of grievance.

"Huang Shao! You see, he He teases me

"He touched my hand!"

Little sister a cry injustice, at that time, more than a dozen people are rubbing hands, a face of bad.

Huang Shaohui was even more angry. He grabbed the collar of Lin Kai's clothes: "you dare to move my girl. You're tired of being crooked, aren't you?"

"Do you know who Laozi Huang Shaohui is? Believe it or not, I'll screw your head off and kick it

Huang Shaohui moved Lin Kai, Li Lao Dao, they all stood up, angry eyes wide open!

Li Laodao is to shake the dust in his hands, ready to fight.

When did their martial arts masters suffer from this kind of anger?

Huang Shaohui looked at Li Laodao and they stood up, and even more ridiculed: "you, what the hell are you looking at?"

"A Taoist! A monk! What the hell are you doing at the bar? And some spades a? "

"Do you think that if you book a bigger card seat, you will be posted by your sister?"

"I tell you! You poor losers want to come here to pick up girls? Don't pee and take care of yourself! Do you deserve it? "

Having said that, Huang Shaohui patted Lin Kai's face with his hand, a face of contempt.

"Boy, this is tiger Lord's territory. I won't see you in the same way. When I get out of the black tiger bar, I'll beat you even your mother doesn't know you!"

Huang Shaohui sneered, hugged his little sister and sat down again.

More than a dozen mental guys also sat down.

Then, Huang Shaohui glanced at Lin Kai and disdained to smile.

"Hands are a little dry. Come on, wash my hands!"

After that, Huang Shaohui rolled up his sleeves and revealed the tattoos on his arms.

He showed off shaking his flower arm, as if to frighten Lin Kai.

And his younger brother, also picked up the expensive spade a champagne, to wash hands for Huang Shaohui, not a bit distressed.

At that time, the group of young people cheered.

Anyway, it's not their own wine. They don't care at all.

Huang Shaohui looked at Lin Kai with a defiant face and wasted a bottle of wine on his hand.

And Lin Kai has been smiling faintly, ignoring him.

In Lin Kai's opinion, Huang Shaohui is just a clown who is not worth his attention.

Li Laodao and master liaoxin also clenched their fists at this time, but without Lin Kai's command, they did not dare to do anything about them for the time being.

That little sister at this time also quite proud of a glance at Lin Kai, I touch you, is for your face, you dare not?

A group of young people once again raised a glass on the card seat to drink, and did not take Linkai seriously.

At this time, I heard that little yellow tiger had something to do with you"I still have to rely on you in the future."

Huang Shaohui's face showed a proud smile and waved his hand: "ha ha! That's a small thing

"Li Heibao, that's my big brother!"

"You are all following me, Huang Shaohui. As long as you are bullied, I will protect you!"

After Huang Shaohui said this, more than a dozen young people held up their glasses and called out: "Huang Shaowei Wu!"

Li Heibao?

At this time, Lin Kai and Du Jinhu looked at each other.

In Du Jinhu's eyes, there was also a hostile look.

Lin Kai asked softly, "do you know this Li Heibao?"

Du Jinhu nodded, almost gnashing his teeth and said: "brother Lin, this Li black leopard and Li Heihu are not good stubbornness!"

"This Li Heibao and his men smashed all my luxury cars!"

"My sister is more defiled

"Brother Lin, Li Heibao and Li Heihu, I don't want to let go of any of them!"

Du Jinhu's voice, a little bit loud, let Huang Shaohui listen to it.

Huang Shaohui immediately looked at Du Jinhu and raised his eyebrows: "Yo, are you talking about my big brother Li Heibao just now?"

With a brush, Huang Shaohui stood up, his eyes wide and angry.

Du Jinhu glanced at Huang Shaohui coldly. After all, Du Jinhu had been the president of the golden tiger Association for so many years, and the momentum of his elder brother immediately spread out.

Du Jinhu said coldly, "yes, so what?"

Huang Shaohui and others are also frightened by Du Jinhu's momentum. But Huang Shaohui is afraid of a mere fat man when he looks at so many people behind him?

"Yes? Don't you know Li Heibao is my big brother? "

"Dare to talk about my big brother behind my back. You're tired of living in a bad way, aren't you?"

"Boy, do you know the golden tiger club? Du Jinhu, the leader of the golden tiger Association, was so arrogant before? "

"Is it because of my big brother Li Heibao? Now Du Jinhu is begging at the gate of the hospital! "

"My big brother has put his wife and sister to sleep! Now I'm locked up in my big brother's house and keep it as a pet

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Huang Shaohui burst out laughing, and the rest of the dozen young people laughed, extremely rampant.

At this time, Du Jinhu's whole body trembled slightly, and the flesh on his face was shaking. He stood up, glared at Huang Shaohui, and his voice trembled: "you damn, tell me to try again!"

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