Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 636

"Black tiger club?" Lin Kai is at a loss. Isn't there only one golden tiger meeting? When will a black tiger club come out again?

"Yes, it is the black tiger Association. This black tiger association is a newly rising force."

"The boss seems to be a martial arts master."

"Lord, you know, in the Fifth Ring Road of the capital, the martial arts master is a rare level master."

"If one side of the forces has a martial arts master in charge, it will still be able to capture a golden tiger association without ancient warriors."

He nodded.

"Where is Du Jinhu now?" Asked Linkai.

Wang Gang replied, "Du Jinhu, he He now... "

Speaking of this, Wang Gang hesitated to say the truth.

"What's wrong with him? Speak Lin Kai asked impatiently.

"He's downstairs, my Lord. You'll see it." Wang Gang said stiffly.

Hearing this, Lin Kai went straight out of the hospital bed, put on his clothes, and went downstairs with three people and a dog.

Soon, Lin Kai appeared at the gate of the hospital. There were many small vendors selling snacks at the gate of the hospital. The flow of people was not large. After a round inspection, Lin Kai did not see Du Jinhu.

"Where's Du Jinhu?" Asked Linkai.

At this time, Wang Gang pointed to the electric pole not far away.

Linkai looked at the past.

After seeing the man, Lin Kai was stunned.

Is this man Du Jinhu?

At this time, Lin Kai couldn't believe his eyes. The famous big man in the Fifth Ring Road of the capital is actually like this?

Under a wire pole, Du Jinhu was in rags, wearing a ragged suit. He was black all over, his hair was in a mess, and there were many wounds on his body.

Du Jinhu, who was originally fat, has also lost weight.

He sat on the ground with a stainless steel basin in front of him, and there were several yuan RMB in the basin.

Now Du Jinhu is begging!

Du Jinhu sat cross legged on the ground, staring at the stainless steel basin in front of him, a face of dementia.

Is this kid stupid?

"What's going on?" Lin Kai frowned and his heart was angry.

How can a good man become like this?

Li Laodao stood up and shook the dust: "after the black tiger association appeared, he directly rebelled against the high-level of the golden tiger Association, put Du Jinhu in the air, and then beat him up. The leader of the black tiger Association insulted his wife in front of Du Jinhu."

"Finally, he threw Du Jinhu out and asked him to ask for food."

"And let out the words, who dare to help him, is to fight against the black tiger."

"Now no one dares to help Du Jinhu. There are people staring at him in the distance."

With that, Li Laodao nuogued toward the distance.

Sure enough, there are two or three people staring at Du Jinhu in the distance.

So miserable?

Lin Kai's heart, also rose a anger: "a small martial arts teacher, dare to be so rampant?"

Lin Kai strides to Du Jinhu.

Du Jinhu's face was dull. Lin Kai came to him. He was still staring at the ground in a daze. He didn't look up to see Lin Kai at all.

"Du Jinhu." Lin Kai called out his name.

After hearing Lin Kai's voice, Du Jinhu's body shook and he gradually raised his head.

And Lin Kai also saw Du Jinhu's Scarlet eyes, blood covered with white eyes!

At this time, Du Jinhu is very embarrassed. After seeing Lin Kai, the dull expression on his face finally disappears, and he starts to get excited.

A grasp of Lin Kai's leg, the five ring crocodile, at this time actually cried out!

"Brother Lin!" Du Jinhu hugged Lin Kai's calf and burst into tears.

At this time, all of Du Jinhu's grievances turned into tears, dropping on the ground one by one.

Lin Kai looked at a big man holding his calf and crying. He felt pity for Du Jinhu.

He called himself a brother, and he looked at him as a brother!

"Brother Lin, no one is willing to help me now. Brother Lin, you must help me!"

"If you don't help me, I don't want to live!"

Du Jinhu looked up at Lin Kai, and his eyes were full of prayers.

The reason why he can hold on is to put all his hopes on Lin Kai's body!

Now, only Lin Kai can help him!

If Lin Kai doesn't help him, Du Jinhu has only one way to go, that is the dead end!

"Get up, I'll help you." Said Lin Kai.

Hearing this, Du Jinhu was extremely excited: "really?"

"Really." Lin Kai agreed.

Smell speech, Du Jinhu this just stood up.

In this way, Lin Kai's eyebrows wrinkled. There were countless wounds on Du Jinhu's body, large and small. In November's weather, Du Jinhu just wore such a thin suit.It's hard to imagine how Du Jinhu survived this week.

When the three people in the distance saw someone approaching Du Jinhu, they walked quickly towards Lin Kai and others.

As he walked, the man seemed to be still on the phone.

Soon, the three men had come to Lin Kai.

The leader, a tall and thin man, was wearing a suit and holding a walkie talkie. He looked arrogant and pointed to Lin Kai: "you guys! Get away from me

"Do you dare to help Du Jinhu? Are you tired of living? "

The three were very arrogant.

From the three of them, we can see how the new force black tiger will expand!

Lin Kai gave them a cold look and asked, "are you from the black tiger club?"

The tall and thin man with a rude face: "know that we are the people of the black tiger Association, you still fuckin 'don't go away?"

"Be careful! A phone call from Laozi will ruin your family

Lin Kai smelled the speech and glanced at Master Xin.

Master liaoxin was pleased to understand. He came to the tall and thin man, folded his hands, bowed and said, "Amitabha, benefactor, please pay attention to your words. Our Lord has a bad temper."

The tall and thin man looked at Master Xin and was happy at that time. He knocked on Master Xin's bald head with his walkie talkie.

"Stinking monk, are you kidding me? I don't have a good temper yet! Before I get angry, get out of here

"And you! Du Jinhu, do you think you are the leader of the golden tiger association? What the hell are you looking at? Sit down and beg for me

After that, the tall and thin man went to kick Du Jinhu, and Du Jinhu took a step backward to avoid it easily.

At that time, the tall and thin man became angry: "do you dare to hide from me? I'll kill you

After that, the tall and thin man pulled out the electric stick and wanted to start with Du Jinhu.

At this time, master liaoxin stopped the tall and thin man again: "Amitabha, benefactor, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha at once!"

"I Buddha your mother!" Tall thin angry, a electric stick stabbed at the heart master!

With a smile on his face, master liaoxin waved his Zen stick and knocked on his tall and thin stomach.

At that time, the thin and tall body was like a kite with a broken line flying backwards!

"Amitabha! I don't want to do it

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