Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 631

This is the martial sage palace edition semi Tibet!

The reason why this group of pirates can be so rampant is because of the existence of this man.

You know, martial saints, even in China, are very rare.

If you take out a martial saint, you can sit on one side.

Wusheng represents not only a strong strength, but also a strong appeal.

And Lin Kai can only be regarded as a pseudo martial saint.

Not applicable to the extraction ability. He is just a martial arts master who is stronger than other martial arts masters.

As soon as Miyamoto banzang appeared, the pirates who had just been beaten up stood up as if they had a backbone.

Lin Kai couldn't understand the slogans they were shouting in the island language, which was supposed to mean long live Miyamoto banzang.

And Miyamoto's half hidden eyes are full of murderous spirit.

He held the Taidao behind his waist in one hand, clenched his fist in the other hand, and looked at the Chinese soldiers in front of him coldly.

Later, he said in broken Chinese: "break into the territory of Gongben Bancang, you all deserve to die!"

Pan Feng's eyes narrowed, and he had already heard of the power of Gongben banzang.

I also know how powerful Gongben banzang is.

However, after all, Pan Feng has not seen the real strength of ancient warriors, and he does not believe that there will be people in the world who are not afraid of thermal weapons.

At that time, Pan Feng gave an order and said angrily, "shoot!"

"Kill Gongben banzang!"

Pan Feng's voice fell, and then more than 100 soldiers opened fire towards the palace!

Da da da da da da!

Fire dragon appeared one after another, countless bullets fired at Miyamoto banzang, and went out in general!

It's a barrage of bullets!

And Miyamoto banzang's eyes narrowed, and he roared: "hasa to!"


When a ray of light came on, Miyamoto banzang drew out a yellow Taidao behind his waist!

At the same time, a powerful Qi burst out from Taidao, forming a semicircular protective cover in front of Gongben banzang.

And Miyamoto Bancang, holding a Taidao and carrying a protective cover, soared into the sky!

The bullet shot on the protective cover, as if the rain fell into the sea, can only make the protective cover appear a little ripple.

Miyamoto banzang, who fell from the sky, landed directly in the crowd of Chinese soldiers. With a bang, four or five soldiers were shocked by the powerful gas field that he broke out!

The bullet doesn't work for him!

The Chinese soldiers retreated one after another.

A face of fear at the palace of half Tibet.

However, Miyamoto banzang held a Taidao in his hand and despised the public. He said in broken Chinese: "please let the strongest of you come out to fight!"

After that, Miyamoto banzang looked at more than 100 people in front of him, his eyes cold.

At this time, Lin Kai also stood out.

After Lin Kai stands out, Gong Ben banzang's eyes instantly look at him.

Lin Kai strides to Miyamoto banzang. To be honest, Lin Kai is also a little afraid. After all, this is the first time that he has faced a martial Saint level master.

"You are the best?"

The tone of Miyamoto's semi Tibetan is somewhat questionable.

The young man in front of him looks like he is less than 20 years old.

Is such a man an ancient warrior?

Lin Kai nodded: "martial arts Lin Kai, ask for advice."

After that, Lin Kai held his fist.

"Martial arts teacher?"

Miyamoto banzang's eyes narrowed and he was able to reach the level of a martial arts master at the age of 19, which is indeed a gift.

However, with a martial arts master, and his strength is far from enough.

There is a trace of contempt in Miyamoto's half hidden eyes.

"This war is divided into high and low, as well as life and death. If I win, all of you will die!"

"I lose, everybody, let you handle it!"

Miyamoto half Tibetan light mouth way, but his eyes, full of confidence, he thinks, he can not lose!

"It's a deal." Lin Kai agreed directly.

The duel between the two began.

The duel between the two decided the victory or defeat of the war.

Lin Kaisheng, then China wins!

If Miyamoto banzang wins, the pirates can continue to go unpunished.

Because, Miyamoto Bancang has the strength to destroy a company, and Lin Kai has the strength to annihilate pirates.

All the people around him consciously made way for the place. Lin Kai took out the meteorite finger tiger from his pocket and put it on his hand.

"Face the wind!"

Miyamoto banzang at this time a big drink, brush a knife light up, saw him holding a yellow Taidao, a knife toward the forest split over!

At the same time, the surrounding strong wind, flying sand and rocks!

In a trance, Lin Kai saw a knife and split himself!"Ha Lin Kai is also a big drink, the real Qi in his body surging, a blow to Gong Ben banzang's Taidao!

With a crack, Lin Kai's blow directly hit the blade of Gongben banzang.

Then, Lin Kai only felt a huge force coming from his arm! The body can't help but fly backwards!


Linkai knocked down a big tree and fell to the ground.

With just one knife, Gongben banzang defeated Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai's intuitive body surged, and with a sound, he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

What a powerful Miyamoto Bancang!

Looking at his damaged meteorite finger tiger, Lin Kai's heart was half cold at that time.

The meteorite finger tiger, actually broke!

This weapon that accompanied Lin for such a long time was actually cut off by Gongben's half hidden sword!

"Linkai!" At this time, long Xiaoyun could not help but exclaimed. He wanted to go forward, but was stopped by Pan Feng.

Lin Kai takes a look at long Xiaoyun and Miyamoto banzang. He stands up again.

"Huaxia, you are too weak!" Gongben banzang holds a Taidao, and his clothes are blown by the wind.

"Is it?" Lin Kai had a good laugh.

I saw him silently read: "extraction ability, Flathead brother!"


From Lin Kai's body, suddenly burst out a very strong momentum!

Lin Kai's true Qi value doubled instantly! From 600 to 1200!

Lin Kai's strength, speed and other attributes have all doubled, from 500 points to 1000 points!

Martial saint's momentum, instantly sent out.

But Lin Kai's eyes, also appeared the light of self-confidence.

Miyamoto banzang's eyes narrowed and a serious look appeared on his face: "martial saint?"

He couldn't believe it. Such a young martial saint?

Then he shook his head and said, "Oh, I want to die!"


Gong Ben banzang roared and rushed to Lin Kai again!

This time, Miyamoto banzang's figure has changed. His body is constantly swimming in front of Lin Kai, making people feel confused.

Play body method?

Lin laughed.

Play body method, I am your ancestor!

"Self created skills, ghost attack and kill!"

Lin Kai roared, and then the whole man attacked and killed Gongben banzang!

Note that it's not a Lin Kai who attacks and kills Gongben banzang. Because of his speed, he suddenly looks as if there are seven or eight Lin Kai attacking Gongben banzang!

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