Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 625

Bad news?

"What's the bad news?" Long Xiaoyun asked.

Pan Feng looks ugly: "this island, at least 120 pirates, and well-equipped."

"The island is easier to defend than to attack."

"If we drive the destroyer in rashly, we will be sunk by fire."

Although they have mastered the position of each other, Lin Kai and they have only such a destroyer.

The other side is on the island, with artillery, machine guns and all kinds of weapons. It is too easy to sink a destroyer.

Can Pan Feng return empty handed this time? He was unconvinced.

"If you ask for help, I'm afraid the pirates will be vigilant and even flee to the high seas if they find the disappearance of beards and moustaches."

"But it's too hard to attack."

This is the difficulty of Pan Feng.

Long Xiaoyun also showed a frown, and asked, "that moustache doesn't mean that he knows how to enter the palace semi Tibetan nest quietly?"

Pan Feng nodded and said, "he really knows."

"It also provides us with information that there is a gap in some part of the island underwater."

"Through this gap, you can swim directly into the center of the island."

After listening to Pan Feng's words, Lin Kai's eyes brightened.

"That's easy to do. I'll take the wolf squadron to dive and fight. When the gunfire rings in the island, the destroyer will come near immediately and fight with the enemy inside and outside."

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, Pan Feng fell into meditation.

Soon after, Pan Feng patted his thigh and said, "good way, just do it!"

Just then, Pan Feng frowned again.

"But if the wolf squadron wants to dive, the destroyer must not stop very close to the island. You need to swim at least five nautical miles."

"Can you hold on?"

Lin Kai grinned: "Hey, little problem."

Pan Feng shook his head and said, "no, I want to go into the water with you."

"I'm a veteran of the Navy. Diving. I'm more familiar with you. I'll show you the way."

Lin Kai hears the speech and looks at long Xiaoyun.

And long Xiaoyun also nodded.


When the plan was made, the destroyer headed for the island.

In the cabin, Pan Feng took out a map and carefully studied where the passageway under the island led to the island.


Three hours later, the destroyer had quietly approached Miyamoto's old home.

At this time, on the deck, seven of the wolf Squadron had put on their diving suits and oxygen bottles on their backs.

Also wearing diving suits and carrying oxygen cylinders, there is company commander Pan Feng.

The destroyer is under the command of the deputy company commander for the time being.

"This place is five nautical miles away from the island ahead."

"Brothers, do you have the confidence to sneak in?"

Pan Feng asked aloud.


The seven men of the wolf squadron drank in unison, and their momentum soared to the sky.


Pan Feng takes the lead and plunges into the water. With a splash, Pan Feng disappears.

Subsequently, the wolf squadron and other people also jumped into the sea.

The weather in November was undoubtedly very cold, and the sea water was even colder than before. After they jumped in, they all shivered.

However, a group of eight are all professional special forces, which can be overcome.

Eight people are five miles away from the island.

If the sea is changed into kilometers, there are still more than nine kilometers.

If it's a nine kilometer journey, it's certainly no difficulty for the special forces.

But swimming nine kilometers in the sea is a great test of patience.

Under the sea, pan Fengyou is in the front, Lin Kai follows closely, and then there is long Xiaoyun.

A group of eight people, each carrying a rifle, nine kilometers is too far, eight people naturally can not carry too heavy weapons.

As time goes by, people get closer and closer.

Eight, seven, six and five kilometers.

By the time of five kilometers, they began to slow down.

After all, they are land special forces. Diving is very physical. They can't bear it.

Only Pan Feng and Lin Kai are quite relaxed.

Pan Feng in front of the wolf squadron raised a thumbs up gesture, indicating that all the people to refuel.

Fat people and others are also hard to bite teeth, keep up closely.

The distance is getting closer and closer. Gradually, Lin Kai and others are only three kilometers away from the island.At this time, the physical strength of the fat people has been exhausted, almost can not swim.

Originally, it was very difficult for people to breathe. In addition, breathing with oxygen masks made all people lack of oxygen.

Even Pan Feng's swimming speed slowed down.

However, we all know that it is dangerous to stop for one more second.

Swimming in the front of Pan Feng hesitated for a moment, or issued a temporary rest order.

As a result, eight people temporarily stopped swimming, potential underwater rest.

But at this moment, Lin opened his eyes.

His eyesight, even underwater, is much better than others.

He saw a black shadow and swam towards him.

A huge black shadow!

Lin Kai immediately pushed Pan Feng and pointed to the direction of the black shadow.

Pan Feng frowned and looked at the past, but he didn't see anything.

After a long time, the black shadow was getting closer and closer to Linkai, and Pan Feng finally saw this black shadow.

Underwater, people's eyesight is not very good, but Pan Feng, who has rich experience in combat, can see at a glance what the black shadow is.

Pan Feng anxiously gestures to Lin Kai. He takes off his mask and makes a gesture at Lin Kai.

Killer whale!

I'm sick. Lin Kai is also cursing in his heart at this time.

You met a killer whale?

Killer whales are the top predators of the ocean.

Killer whales usually feed on sharks.

Although the black and white Orcas look a bit like penguins, they also give people a feeling of stupidity and sprouting.

But that's only for humans.

In the ocean, killer whales are absolutely the top predators!

Killer whales are good at fighting in groups. They are huge and brutal, but for humans, they are more docile.

Orcas are getting closer and closer to Linkai, and Linkai is also swallowing a mouthful of saliva, a little nervous.

This is an adult killer whale!

The fat man and others also realized that something was wrong and took up their rifles one after another, ready to fire.

Soon after, a killer whale broke into the sight of Lin Kai and others.

This killer whale is huge, and its teeth are ten centimeters long! Even Lin Kai can't bear to take a bite!

And this killer whale directly into the crowd, eyes full of curiosity.

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