Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 613

Long Xiaoyun!

Lin Kai doesn't know how long he hasn't seen long Xiaoyun in military uniform.

Now I see long Xiaoyun in military uniform again, and my memory is like a tide.

He thought of long Xiaoyun, who was harsh and indifferent to himself, and the one who pulled himself at the critical moment.

I think of the long Xiaoyun who is crying for himself.

Now long Xiaoyun in front of Lin Kai makes him feel familiar and strange.

"All of them, stand at attention!"

Long Xiaoyun drank.

All the members of the wolf squadron stood at attention and raised their heads.

"I received orders from my superiors that all members of the wolf squadron go to the Chinese sea area to carry out the mission."

"This mission is carried out by the wolf squadron in cooperation with the local Navy. I am your top leader, and the navy is our top leader. Do you understand?"


Long Xiaoyun's words finished, the wolf squadron agreed in unison.

This time, the main task is the Navy.

The wolf squadron is an auxiliary Navy.

Because the Navy's special forces are not as strong as land special forces in land operations.

Therefore, in order to prevent landing operations, the wolf squadron will also be on board to carry out this mission.

That is to say, listen to the Navy on the sea, and listen to long Xiaoyun on the land.

"If you understand, I'll give you ten minutes to pack your equipment. In ten minutes, I'll see you at the airport!"

Long Xiaoyun looked at the stopwatch and snapped.


At the command of long Xiaoyun, all the members of the wolf squadron rushed into the dormitory against the clock!

Pack up your equipment, take your belongings, and run to the airport!

Ten minutes later, all the members of the wolf squadron were present at the landing site, and the one who took the squadron to carry out the mission was an armed helicopter.

All members of the wolf squadron Board, armed helicopter departure!

On the helicopter, Lin Kai looks at the scenery under his feet and sighs in his heart.

With 600 points of true Qi, as a martial arts master level figure, Lin Kai suddenly felt that it was not good to be an ordinary man when he was an ancient warrior.

This time I came to perform a special task. I was a level 100 character to refresh the map of hand village?

It should go well.

Lin Kai thought.

And long Xiaoyun seemed to know what Lin Kai was thinking. She said, "do you think this task is easy?"

"Well?" Lin Kai looks at long Xiaoyun.

Long Xiaoyun held the rifle and said with a smile: "ha ha, if the task can be solved by special forces, do you think brigadier he has transferred you from Jiulong Mountain with such great efforts?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Kai frowned.

"This group of pirates is not as simple as you imagine," long Xiaoyun explained coldly

"They live in the three areas between China and the island countries, and they can't do anything to them there, whether it's China or the island."

"And this group of pirates, a total of more than 100 people."

"They named it dragon hunting brigade."

"Do you know what it means?"

"Dragon is the representative of China, which means to hunt down the troops of China."

"Every member of this group of pirates is a very fierce man."

"Ancient warriors, there are also among them."

"The leader of them is a native of the island, whose name is Miyamoto banzo."

"It seems to be a martial Saint level master."

After listening to long Xiaoyun's words, Lin Kai can't help but be surprised.

Martial Saint level master!

Grandma, no wonder let yourself come.

He Zhijun called to inform himself that after he promised to come down, he Zhijun actually sent out a smile like a conspiracy.

So it is!

"However, this time, although the task is dangerous, but the reward is very rich."

Long Xiaoyun looked at Lin Kai and said, "the reward is that you can do it within a year without performing the monthly minimum guarantee task of Jiulongshan."

After hearing this, Lin Kai was relieved.

This award is OK.

"How many of us?" Asked Linkai.

Long Xiaoyun replied, "there are 157 people in total. On the other side of the Navy, there are only one company. There are only seven of us. There are a total of 157."

Lin Kai nodded. His troops were almost the same as those of the enemy.

"Lin Kai, you should pay special attention to it. Never enter the high seas to arrest people. You don't have the right. Don't step into the waters of island countries."

Lin Kai said that he understood, but he still understood common sense.

The soldiers of the state of China can only carry out their duties in China. Even if the enemy is near, they can't move.After a few hours, the helicopter arrived directly on a dock.

There were no other cruise ships or cargo ships on the dock, just a medium destroyer.

The ocean destroyer.

The destroyer is very aggressive. This destroyer can carry 15 million tons.

It has the functions of attack, defense and anti submarine.

Under the destroyer, a company of soldiers had assembled, and the leader was a navy who appeared to be about 30 years old.

Each of the 150 soldiers, dressed in blue camouflage suits and armed with rifles, held their chests and raised their heads one by one. Even though the sun was bright, they did not move.

The scene is very quiet, in front of the army, their navy can not lose face!

Long Xiaoyun with Lin Kai and others, directly came to them.

After saluting, long Xiaoyun said: "report, major comrade, major general long Xiaoyun and all members of the wolf squadron report!"

The top commander of this company is a major.

He is also the company commander of this company.

Major's height is 1.8 meters. Because he is wandering on the sea all the year round, his skin color is very black, but his body is strong and powerful.

He replied to long Xiaoyun: "major Pan Feng, welcome the wolf squadron."

Although he said welcome, there was a trace of displeasure in his eyes.

Looking at the soldiers of the whole company, they all showed a displeased look at Lin Kai and others.

"Get on the boat, and the troops will go at once!" Pan Feng said directly.

"All of them! Turn back! Get on the boat in turn

At the command of Pan Feng, the whole company behind him boarded the ocean liner in an orderly manner.

And long Xiaoyun also took the wolf squadron on the warship.

As soon as all the men were on board, the warship set off at once.

Lin Kai and others were assigned to a room.

In the room, very crowded, in addition to long Xiaoyun has a single room, Lin Kai and his brothers together crowded in a small single room.

The fat man's face was not happy: "Captain, how do I see Pan Feng that boy is not satisfied with us?"

"We are heroic company at least."

"Not a single room for one, but at least a room for three?"

"Isn't it a little too much for six of us to squeeze into a single room?"

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