Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 610

At the command of brother scar, more than ten thugs swung their fists and went on!

But they had not made a step out, only heard the roar of a low engine.

The dozen people were stunned.

They look at the sound.

The place where the sound comes from is behind Lin Kai.

After driving from the forest, a black armored vehicle appeared.

The tank was as sharp as the sand, and it was as black as a car.


This off-road vehicle, extremely expensive, was used as an armored vehicle by foreign troops.

This car appears from behind Lin.

Of course, this car is the elite members of the golden tiger Association!

In the Fifth Ring Road, no matter who sees the members of the golden tiger Association, they will be given face.

And golden tiger will continue to do some charity activities.

However, this does not mean that the golden tiger association is easy to bully. On the contrary, although there is strict discipline within the golden tiger Association, who dares to move the golden tiger Association will certainly make the other party pay the price!

The 40 members of the golden tiger Association stood behind Lin Kai.

Look at brother scar, he's almost scared to pee!

At this time, a member of the golden tiger Association came to Lin Kai and bowed respectfully.

"Yes, Mr. Lin

Lin Kai waved and ignored the member of the golden tiger Association.

After seeing this scene, brother scar was shocked.

He thought he was a member of the golden tiger Association, but now it seems that Lin Kai is not a member of the golden tiger Association!

Lin Kai is not a member of the golden tiger Association, but he can find people from the golden tiger Association. He doesn't even pay attention to the rules of the golden tiger Association.

What does that mean?

Explain that Lin Kai is at least the same level as Du Jinhu!

This kick of his own is a kick on the iron plate!

Lin opened his hands and put his hands in his pockets, and looked at scar brother with a look of amusement: "you're not going to cut off my three fingers? Come on! Chop

Lin Kai took the initiative to extend his hand.

And brother scar was scared to pee.

"Brother, you Don't tease me, I dare not

"Dare not?" Lin said with a smile, "aren't you crazy just now? Do you dare to rob the things I opened in the forest? "

Smell speech, see scar elder brother whole body tremble, take out the copper bowl of Lin Kai from the bosom, hands tremble hand Lin Kai.

"Brother, I'm wrong. I don't know Taishan well. You don't have the right to take your things."

Brother scar admitted it at that time.

But Lin Kai glanced at the copper bowl and laughed: "ha ha, copper bowl, I gave it to you."

"Ah?" Brother scar was confused at that time.

It is said that this copper bowl needs 1.8 million yuan! So expensive for him?

Then Lin Kai's words almost made brother scar collapse.

Lin said with a smile: "ha ha, it should be the medical expenses for you."

Hearing this, brother scar almost cried out!

800000 medical expenses, this What do you have to do?

With a plop, brother scar knelt down directly, and her tears began to flow.

"Brother, I'm wrong, brother! Please spare my life! Big brother

Brother scar howled.

But Lin Kai didn't take care of brother scar. What happened next was not suitable for children.


Soon after, Lin Kai returned to the third uncle antique shop.

And behind him, followed by the 40 people of the golden tiger Association.

Dare to attack yourself?

Lin Kai's eyes are cold, he stepped into the third uncle antique shop.

At this time, the third uncle antique shop, there are not a few guests, only a few clerks and antique shop owner.

At this time, the owner of the antique shop is lying on a couch, watching TV happily.

Seeing Lin open in, he was stunned and then sneered.

"Ha ha, my people, things are fast, so soon back."

The owner of the antique shop stood up and took a glance at Lin Kai.

"Boy, do you know that I am good now? Take out the copper bowl

The owner of the antique shop waved and said impatiently.

In his opinion, it must have been his own man who delivered the bronze bowl to his door!

Lin Kai smiles and says, "copper bowl, I gave it to you."

"To my man?" The owner of the antique shop was stunned.

"What do you mean? Where's the scar? "

Lin laughed and said, "ha ha, I went to the hospital. The copper bowl is the medical fee I gave."At this time, the owner of the antique shop realized that something was wrong. He only heard him yelling: "come on!"

With a brush, seven or eight assistants stood up and looked at Lin Kai badly.

"Boy, what have you done to the scar?" Asked the owner of the antique shop.

In his heart, he was very puzzled. Scar was always safe in his work. Did scar not take anyone with him, so he beat him up?

Lin Kai looks at the seven or eight guys in front of him and smiles.

"Ha ha."

"Boss, be kind! Don't rely on too many people and bully me a little! "

After that, Lin clapped his hands.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three rings, No. 40 of the golden tiger Club entered the antique shop directly.

As soon as the forty appeared, the antique shop was full of people!

Uniform clothing, are young men, a murderous face, especially the chest Gold Tiger Head medal, it is a symbol of their identity!

The owner of the antique shop changed his face when he saw so many people.

After seeing the Gold Tiger Association medal, he exclaimed in a trembling voice: "Golden Tiger club! You You are... "

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