Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 608

"The system is confidential and cannot be disclosed."

In a word of the system, Lin Kai almost went crazy.

Lin Kai can't use the three legged copper furnace for the time being. After all, Lin Kai can't make pills.

But Lin Kai can study this book.

There are various painting methods and detailed teaching methods recorded in the book. Lin Kai can draw the spirit Rune he wants according to the hints in the book.

When fighting with Li Laodao, he used a spirit rune.

The talisman saved the life of Li Laodao.

So Lin Kai was very interested in runes.

However, Lin Kai needs a brush and paper to draw symbols.

Just ready to find these two things, the sound of the system rings in my ear: "do you know why there are so few modern runes?"

Lin Kai was stunned and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Because the modern technique of drawing talismans is completely lost, the current methods of drawing them are actually wrong."

"Oh?" Lin Kaikai became interested: "what should be the correct method of drawing runes?"

"First, the ink used to draw the rune is not ordinary ink, but a mixture of chicken blood and dog blood and ink."

"Second, ordinary brush can't draw spirit runes at all."

"You need to find a brush that can communicate with spirit. To put it simply, it is a brush that can bear your anger."

"Third, when drawing spirit runes, we need to instill the true Qi into the brush and use the brush to activate the ink to draw the rune."

After listening to the system, Lin Kai suddenly realized.

His world seems to have opened a new door.

I know a lot about this system.

"I see."

"I'm going to find a brush now!"

Dog blood and chicken blood are easy to find, but the psychic brush is difficult to find.

Lin opened the door, took a taxi and went straight to the nearest antique market.

In the antique market, many old objects are sold. Maybe you can find this psychic brush.

Soon after, Lin Kai came to Jiangjing town's largest antique market.

The antique market is very lively. There are various shops on both sides of the street. There are small stalls at the door of the shops.

There's everything for sale.

Lin Kai walks in the street with his back in his hands. Soon after, he enters a relatively large antique shop.

The name of the antique shop is Sanshu antique shop.

There are a lot of customers in the store, as many as seven or eight.

Lin Kai is young and dressed in ordinary clothes. However, no one comes to receive him.

Lin Kai doesn't mind. He wanders around the antique shop alone.

After wandering for a long time, Lin Kai didn't find the brush he wanted.

Just ready to leave, just at this time, I saw a young man run in.

The young man was about seventeen or eighteen years old. His face was green and his clothes were very ordinary. His clothes were very old, but he was better than clean.

He had a copper bowl in his hand.

He flew to the counter.

"Boss! How about my copper bowl The young man asked plainly.

The owner of the antique shop is a fat man in his forties, wearing glasses.

He came over and took over the copper bowl in the young man's hand and looked at it carefully.

Soon after, the owner of the antique shop was bright, but his face was still. He threw the copper bowl on the counter.

"What kind of crap are you? It's not worth the money

As soon as the antique shop owner's words came out, the young man's face immediately showed a look of disappointment.

"Ah? What can I do? My father is still waiting for money to cure his illness! If I can't get the money, my father will die soon! "

The worry on the young man's face did not seem to be a lie.

At this time, Lin Kai's golden pupil saw that the copper bowl was true or false, and Lin Kai knew it immediately.

Bronze of Qin Dynasty! It is worth at least 800000 if it is preserved so completely in the present world!

The boss believed he could see it, but he wanted to take the copper bowl at a low price!

The owner of the antique shop heard this and showed a hesitant look on purpose.

After a long time, he waved his hand and said mercifully, "forget it, look at your pity. I paid 2000 yuan for your copper bowl."

Smell speech, plain young man's eyes shine.

"Really? Thank you for my father, boss. You are a good man The young man said with gratitude.

The boss's eyes flashed with pride.

There were also a few experts around who also saw that it was greasy, but they did not say anything to remind the young man.

The owner of the third uncle antique shop is also a famous figure in the antique market. Who dares to do something bad to him?The owner of the antique shop took out 2000 yuan from the counter and put it on the table.

And the simple young man reached for the two thousand dollars.

At this moment, Lin Kai suddenly appeared and grabbed the young man's hand.

"Wait a minute." Linkai stopped the boy.

The young man looked up at Lin Kai and asked, "what are you doing with me, brother?"

That boss also looks at Lin Kai with a look of displeasure. Is it difficult for Lin Kai to find fault?

Lin Kai had a good laugh, looked at the boss and asked, "boss, it's not good to entrap others like this?"

Smell speech, boss's eyes a narrow, cold voice way: "friend, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?"

Lin Kai sneered, pointed to the copper bowl and said in a loud voice, "this copper bowl is a bronze ware of the Qin Dynasty. If you put it now, you can sell it for at least 800000 yuan. Do you give it to someone else for 2000 yuan?"

"Isn't that a trap?"

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, the whole audience was in uproar, and many people looked at Lin Kai here.

The young man's eyes blinked: "big brother, is that true? Can I sell this copper bowl for 800000? "

"If that's true, my father's disease will be cured!"

The young man's face was excited.

But the boss's face was ugly, he snorted coldly: "hum, my friend, you need to talk about evidence. You say this is the copper bowl of Qin Dynasty, so it is the copper bowl of Qin Dynasty?"

Hearing this, people around him also looked at Lin Kai.

There's no proof of it! Lin Kaide proved that the bronze bowl was really from the Qin Dynasty.

Lin laughed, picked up the copper bowl on the table and said, "proof? I don't have to prove it, little brother. I'll take it and give you 800000! "

Hearing this, the young man was overjoyed: "big brother? Really? "

"Really." Lin Kai said with a smile.

Hearing this, the antique shop owner's face turned black in an instant.

Yes, he naturally recognized the copper bowl. He also knew that the copper bowl was very valuable. Originally, he wanted to get a white wolf with empty hands, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin on the way.

800, 000 for this copper bowl? Hundreds of thousands of profits disappeared, and the antique shop owner's face turned black at that time.

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