Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 600

Li Laodao raised his number plate like gnashing his teeth.

"1.5 billion!"

But Lin Kai is still not in a hurry and raises his number plate.

"1.5 billion!"

No matter how much Li Laodao bid, Lin Kai is only 100000 higher than him, which makes Li Laodao very angry in his heart.

Want to continue to increase the price, but in the pocket of shyness, Li Laodao fiercely glared at Lin Kai and gave up the price increase.

However, his eyes, vicious people tremble.

Seeing that no one was going to raise the price, Master Chu asked, "is there any one who will raise the price?"

"1.5 billion for the first time!"

"1.5 billion second time!"

"1.5 billion for the third time!"



A hammer fell, and Lin Kai took the price of 1.5 billion yuan for this three legged copper furnace.

"Congratulations to this gentleman, you've got the copper stove!" Master Chu said with a smile and clapped his hands.

But off the field, no one dares to applaud for Lin.

After all, Lin Kai offended Lao Dao Li, who was a martial arts master. Who would offend him for the sake of Lin Kai?

Before long, Lin Kai swiped the card and successfully photographed the copper furnace.

The auction continues.

The morning passed quickly. At noon, the auction was half-time, and everyone moved to the center of the factory for dinner.

The center of the factory has been transformed into a cafeteria, and there is no choice between the environment or the ingredients.

People who came out of the auction took off their masks and walked back and forth in the restaurant with their red wine glasses in their hands.

But Lin Kai and Du Jinhu found a corner, and Lin began to eat with relish.

Du Jinhu looked worried. He couldn't eat any food in front of him.

"Brother Lin, that old Li Dao is a man who must report his grievances. If you offend him, it's not good to walk out of the Zhangjia auction house!"

While eating lobster, Lin Kai said casually, "what are you afraid of? Didn't master Chu say that? In Zhangjia auction house, no one dares to do it! "

"Yes Du Jinhu nodded, his face worried: "but out of the Zhangjia auction house, Zhangjia can not protect your safety!"

Hearing this, Lin opened his mouth for a meal, but then Lin Kai gave a indifferent smile: "ha ha, it doesn't matter."

Lin Kai is not afraid of Li Laodao at all, but Du Jinhu is not scared.

Even though Lin Kai is a famous ancient martial artist, Lao Dao Li is a famous murderer in the world. Can Lin Kai be young and powerful enough to fight him?

Just thinking about it, I only heard a loud voice coming, and a group of people came directly from the distance.

The leader, who is fierce, dressed in yellow robes and holding a duster in his hand, is the old man Li!

And behind Li Laodao, there are several famous figures in the capital. These people come to flatter him.

As soon as Li Laodao appeared with people, there was a space around Linkai, and everyone avoided it.

Li Laodao came directly to Lin Kai and looked down at Lin Kai sitting on the chair.

"Well, you can still eat?"

"Never mind, I'll let you eat slowly! When you get out of the Zhangjia auction house, I'll let you spit out all the food you eat! "

Lin Kai glanced at Li Laodao and didn't pay any attention to him.

At this time, Li Laodao side of a fat man stood out.

This fat man, named Zhang Kai, is a famous oil boss in the Fourth Ring Road of Beijing, worth over 10 billion yuan.

But even such a big man is around Li Laodao, just like a pug.

"Hello! Boy, can't you hear martial arts master Li speak to you

"Are your ears on your butt?"

Smell speech, Lin Kai coldly stare at that fat man: "mouth put clean a bit!"

Zhang Kai a listen, disdain a smile: "ha ha, you also have the qualification to let me put the mouth clean?"

"Tell you! You offended the wrong people today! If you are wise, you can offer up the three legged copper stove with both hands, and then kowtow to martial Master Li three times to make amends. That's all

"Otherwise, the auction house of Zhangjia can guarantee you for a while, but not for your whole life!"

"When you get out of the auction house of Zhangjia, you will be torn apart and broken to pieces!"

"At that time, the whole body will not be left for you!"

As soon as Zhang Kai's words came out, the onlookers all over the place trembled and looked at Lao Li with fear.

There are many people gloating at Lin Kai.

Let you pretend to force, now you know regret?

This world, how can it be so simple? Really think the auction floor is fair competition? Naive!

Du Jinhu is beside Lin Kai. He is trembling with fear.Zhang Kai also found Du Jinhu: "well, who should have given him so much confidence? Isn't this Du Jinhu?"

"What? Do you want to disband your golden tiger club? "

Zhang Kai came to Du Jinhu and patted his face.

Du Jinhu shivered and said nothing.

In the Fifth Ring Road, he is the leader of the golden tiger Association, but in front of Zhang Kai, he is a little brother.

"I dare not..." Du Jinhu quickly flattered with a smile.

"Boy, do you hear me? If you are sensible, hand over the three legged copper furnace as soon as possible! "

Zhang Kai came to Lin Kai and threatened.

But Lin Kaikai got up with the lobster in his hand and looked directly at Zhang Kai and Li Laodao in front of him.

"Want a three legged copper stove? Yes, after the auction, come to me, Lin kaina

"If you have that skill, you can take away the three legged copper stove, and my life will be yours too!"

"If you don't have that skill, don't blame me for taking your head off your neck!"

Lin Kai sneered.

But Lin Kai's words set off a storm at the scene.

Countless people took a breath of cold air and looked at Lin Kai with wide eyes. Is this young man dying?

He is openly challenging Lao Dao Li! The only way to live has been ruined!

It's over him! Dead!

Many people look at Lin Kai like a fool.

And Li Laodao nodded and threatened, with a disdainful face: "ha ha, there is a kind of! After the auction, at the gate of the auction, I'll wait for you! "

Li Laodao said, with a wave of his sleeve, he took people directly.

When Zhang Kailin left, he looked at Lin Kai with a pity. His eyes seemed to be looking at a dead man.

It's too hard. Lao Dao Li once fought two martial arts masters without defeat. You, a 20-year-old young man, dare to challenge him?

People at the scene looked at Lin Kai's eyes, full of regret. What a handsome young man, it's a pity that he will soon become a dead man.

After a long silence, Du Jinhu looked at Lin Kai and said, "brother Lin, why don't you go and ask the eldest lady of Zhangjia? If you agree to protect you, Lao Dao Li will not dare to touch you! "

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