Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 597

"What's good about a broken apple?" Zhang Xiaoqian asked.

"Broken apple?" Lin Kai had a good laugh.

He picked up the mud wrapped Hunyuan fruit on the ground and said with a smile: "ha ha, a spirit that can make ordinary people become ancient martial artists and let ancient martial artists go to a higher level is actually a broken apple?"

"It's ridiculous!"

Zhang Xiaoqian also looked at the mixed fruit in the hands of Lin Kai.

Hunyuanguo is covered with mud, which makes it more like an apple.

"Hum! Do you think I'm Zhang Xiaoqian a fool? This is not an apple. What is this? "

In the face of Zhang Xiaoqian's query, the old man also scolded: "I have been engaged in the authentication industry for decades, what kind of treasure have not seen?"

"You rotten fruit, you are not a spiritual creature at all!"

"In the book, the real spirit is with a little bit of starlight, the fragrance is attractive, you broken apple, starlight aroma is not, what is a spiritual thing?"

Lin Kai smelled the speech and laughed: "ha ha, it's just that it's not a spiritual thing. Can't I send it to shoot?"

After that, Lin Kai is about to leave the office.

"Stop!" At this time, Zhang Xiaoqian a Jiao drink: "you say to shoot, say to leave, you think this is where? Is it your home

Lin Kai looked back at Zhang Xiaoqian and said, "well What do you want? "

Facing Lin Kai's meaningful smile, Zhang Xiaoqian's heart is as flustered as a deer.

"To Take it for me Zhang Xiaoqian tries her best to control her expression and says angrily.

And the two ancient martial arts masters behind him just want to move, and another old man who followed Zhang Xiaoqian to come in stopped the crowd.

"Wait a minute!"

The 70 year old man stood up and pushed his glasses. His glasses were staring at the hunyuanguo in Lin Kai's hands.

"What's the matter, Master Chu?" Zhang Xiaoqian is also very respectful to the old man.

This old man, but Zhang Xiaoqian spent a lot of money to invite a treasure expert, in the field of treasure authentication is a senior figure.

The old man who helped Linkai identify the mixed fruit at this time joked: "Master Chu, that's a broken apple. What's good about it?"

"Shut up!"

Master Chu turned back and said in a cold voice.

The old man shrank his neck and did not dare to speak.

In front of Master Chu, he is an expert, and he is not worthy of being called an expert.

Lin Kai nodded and directly handed the Hunyuan fruit to Master Chu.

And Master Chu looked down at hunyuanguo for a long time, then sighed.


Seeing Master Chu sighing, the expert also laughed: "ha ha! Master Chu, isn't this broken apple a spiritual thing? I said, "how can I see..."


Before he finished his words, Master Chu turned back and slapped him in the face.

This slap, he to muddle, Zhang Xiaoqian also to beat muddle.

"Master Chu, you!" The old man looked at Master Chu, puzzled and aggrieved.

Master Chu hated iron and said, "is this a broken apple?"

"You call it a broken apple

"This can make us have a more martial arts master in Zhangjia, even a martial saint. Do you think it's a broken apple?"

After listening to Master Chu's words, the old man was silly at that time.

"But coco But... "

"But what?" Master Chu was very angry: "you throw this valuable spirit thing on the ground, do you know the sin?"

Hearing the speech, the old man's face changed greatly.

The customer's things on the ground, or genuine, according to the rules, this is to chop hands!

With a plop, the old man knelt down on the ground with fear on his face.

"Students know the crime, students know the crime..."

After that, he kowtowed to Master Chu and Lin Kai for forgiveness.

And Zhang Xiaoqian is also a face of surprise, Lin Kai actually took a spiritual object to auction?

Du Jinhu also breathed a sigh, it seems that this time there is no need to be punished by Zhangjia.

Master Chu looked at Lin Kai with a face of apology: "Sir, I'm really sorry. It's him who took a look and misunderstood him."

But Lin Kai looked unhappy: "ha ha."

And Zhang Xiaoqian saw that it was the fault of his subordinates, and there was no reason to target Lin Kai again.

She snorted with her arms in her arms, and her face was unhappy.

"Do you want this Master Chu asked.

Lin opened a smile, directly from the hands of Master Chu back to the spirit: "I do not sell."

After that, Lin turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, sir. You can wait a minute. Everything is negotiable." Master Chu quickly stopped Lin Kai.

Zhang Xiaoqian saw that Master Chu flattered Lin Kai so much. At that time, she was very unhappy and said, "Master Chu, if he wants to go, let him go. Isn't it a spiritual thing? Is that strange? "Master Chu said with a wry smile: "Miss, that spiritual object is called hunyuanguo, and the fruit tree that produces Hunyuan fruit will blossom in 300 years and bear fruit in 500 years. This Hunyuan fruit is more effective for ancient martial artists."

"Everyone can only take one pill in his life. Ordinary people will take it immediately after taking it!"

"After taking it, a warrior has a 50% chance to be promoted to a martial arts master!"

"After the martial master takes it, he has a 10% chance to be promoted to martial saint!"

"Do you think it's precious

Smell speech, Zhang Xiaoqian's small face also changed.

"Hello, I'll give you a chance to auction the mixed yuan fruit here."

Zhang Xiaoqian ordered general said.

But Lin Kai shook his head: "sorry, I'm not satisfied with your service attitude, I don't send photos."

As soon as Lin Kai's words came out, Zhang Xiaoqian was infuriated.


But Lin Kai is not afraid of boiling water. As long as Zhang Xiaoqian is rude to her, he immediately tells us about the matter of teasing Zhang Xiaoqian.

Let her face down!

And Zhang Xiaoqian seems to realize that Lin Kai is threatening her with this matter.

"You say, how can you send the hunyuanguo to us Zhang Xiaoqian asked angrily.

But Lin Kai held his arm, his eyes turned, and he said with a smile, "ha ha, well, if you kiss me, I'll put hunyuanguo in your post here, how about it?"

"You dare to tease me? Miss Ben is the eldest lady of Zhangjiajie! Are you afraid I'll cut you off? "


But Lin Kai held his arm and laughed: "ha ha, if I'm afraid, I won't call Lin Kai!"

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