Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 588

Ye Feng!

The master of the Ye family.

Also a warrior!

He was once beaten by Lin Kai to Qingming lake, the Ye family's reputation, and swept the floor at that time.

Ye Feng always keeps this hatred in mind!

Just now, Zuo Ming called him and said that Lin Kai was at long's house!

Ye Feng did not care to offend the dragon family, but came directly to the dragon family with the elite force of the Ye family.

He wants Lin Kai to pay for his life!

Ye Nantian has been disabled, he has been expelled from Jiulong Mountain, because Jiulongshan does not need the disabled!

On the first day of the Ye family, it went down like this.

At the moment of seeing the forest open, the hair on Ye Feng's body exploded.

"Lin Open it

Ye Feng almost clenched his teeth and called out Lin Kai's name.

He knew that he was not Lin Kai's opponent, so this time he brought two masters of the Ye family.

Just to kill Linkai.

At this time, long Xiaolin patted the table, stood up, angry: "Ye Feng! What do you mean

"Our dragon family and your Ye family have always been well water and do not invade the river. Are you bringing so many people to our dragon family today, do you want to fight against my dragon family?"

In the face of long Xiaolin's anger, Ye Feng also dare not contradict.

At that time, I saw Ye Feng embracing his fist at the Dragon Xiaolin and said, "the dragon master, offended."

"It's Ye Feng's fault to take someone to break into the dragon's house today. However, Lin Kai beat my son and hurt me in Qingming lake. If I don't kill him, I'm not at ease."

"As long as the master of the dragon family gives me this Lin Kai, I will take people away from the dragon's house now, and put on a feast to make amends to all the dragon family!"

Hearing this, long Xiaolin sneered: "ha ha, Ye Feng, Lin Kai is now my son-in-law of the dragon family. If you move Linkai, you will move my dragon family!"

"What's more, the battle between Lin Kai and ye Nantian is a matter of life and death. Lin Kai's failure to kill Ye Nantian has given you enough face."

"And you are not good at skills, and you were driven into the lake by Lin Kai."

"Can't you afford to lose?"

Smell speech, Ye Feng's eyes, seems to be able to spray fire.

He looked at the Dragon Xiaolin and said angrily, "the dragon master, really want to be the enemy of our Ye family?"

Although the long family has been in the army for generations, it has also been attached great importance to and made good friends with the Chinese government.

However, the Ye family is a family of martial arts practitioners. There are many ancient martial arts practitioners. The hundreds of people in the courtyard are all ye family disciples, and their skills are extraordinary.

If we really want to fight, longxiaolin may not have the upper hand.

And long Xiaolin snorted: "today, no one wants to take Lin Kai away!"

"Is it?" Ye Feng nodded and looked at longxiaolin coldly.

"Fu Lao Shou Lao, please."

Ye Feng's words, I saw two old people behind him stand out.

The two old men were dressed in training clothes, one black and one white, and their clothes were embroidered with leaf characters.

The two of them are the top strong members of the Ye family! Two martial arts masters!

The two of them, each holding a sword, have fierce eyes and are fierce. Even though they have white hair, they still can't be underestimated.

As soon as their momentum came out, long Xiaolin's face changed greatly: "two martial masters!"

Long Xiaolin didn't expect that Ye Feng invited two martial masters to kill Lin Kai!

These two martial arts masters are the top masters of Ye family!

In addition to the Ye family's unborn old monster, these two martial arts masters are the strongest!

And the martial arts master of the dragon family is not in the dragon family at all. No one in the dragon family can protect Linkai!

"Linkai! Run! They are martial arts masters

At this time, long Xiaolin roared.

And the security guards of the dragon family rushed out to protect Lin Kai.

Lin Kai stood up, looked at Ye Feng, and said with a smile, "ha ha, I spared you a dog's life at the beginning, but you didn't repent and dare to challenge me?"

"Today, none of you, ye family, can run away!"

"What a wild voice!" At that time, Ye Feng laughed: "ha ha! Lin Kai, my son Ye Nantian, is a martial artist

"You can beat us, and obviously you are also a warrior."

"But Fu Lao and Shou Lao are martial arts masters

"There are only a few martial arts masters in the whole capital. Lin Kai, you must die today!"

Ye Feng snorted coldly, holding his arm, and looking proud.

But Fu Lao and Shou Lao are also negative hands, and do not pay attention to Lin Kai at all.

In their eyes, Lin Kai is just a reptile that can be easily crushed to death.

The difference between a warrior and a martial arts master is not that one plus one equals two.

A martial arts master, even ten martial arts, can not beat!

Because martial arts masters can release their true Qi! Kill in the invisible!But long Xiaolin also knew the martial arts teacher's terror, at this time he stood up and held his fist at Ye Feng.

The master of the dragon family talks soft.

"Master ye, can you spare this forest for my honor?"

"My dragon family, there must be a lot of thanks!"

See long Xiaolin soft, Ye Feng heart is also a little bit proud, the hall of the dragon family, but so!

Ye Feng snorted coldly: "today, no one can stop me from taking this Lin Kai's life!"

"Fu Lao Shou Lao, kill him for me!"

As soon as Fu Lao and Shou Lao took orders, their swords came out of the scabbard.

Brush! Brush! Two cold lights flashed, and the two martial arts masters directly cut a sword at the forest!

At that time, only two true Qi broke out from the sword!

The invisible real Qi set off an air wave, which was directly against the dragon family in front of Lin Kai.

With a roar, the sword of Fu Lao and Shou Lao directly lifted dozens of dragon families out!

At that time, only heard a burst of painful voice sounded, after the dragon family landed, each face was very pale, and some people vomited blood!

When Ye Feng saw this, he laughed, and his eyes showed a crazy look: "ha ha ha! See that? This is the strength of a martial arts master! "

"Lin Kai, I'll let you know today what happened to the Ye family."

At this time, Fu Lao and Shou Lao also ran to the forest, and the two swords flashed cold light again.

Fu Lao chopped his sword at Lin Kai! This sword, with a strong genuine spirit.

But Shou Lao stabbed Lin Kai with a sword and blocked his back road.

Two people cooperate very tacit understanding, if is the ordinary person, may die immediately under the attack of two people.

But Lin Kai didn't think so. He took out the meteorite finger tiger from his pocket.

When the meteorite finger tiger is worn on the finger, the real Qi in the body works, and the meteorite finger tiger is immediately wrapped by the true Qi.

Then, Lin Kai roared and hit Shoulao's sword!


Bang! Fu Lao's fierce sword was smashed by Lin Kai's meteorite finger tiger!

Old Fu's eyes widened. His powerful impact made him lose his grip on the sword and made his mouth numb.

How could it be?

How can Lin Kai have the strength to withstand his own sword?

Fu Laoyi pats his thigh, there is only one possibility, he is also a martial arts master!

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