Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 574

Lin Kai's words, like a slap in the head, let the Chang family's hearts cool.

Yes, they are masters at the martial arts level. Why do they treat the Chang family?

He doesn't owe much to Chang family!

Hearing this, Chang Lao thought a little and replied, "master martial arts, as long as you can save the owner of our Chang family, my Chang family will surely give you a satisfactory reward!"

Lin Kai just wanted to refuse. At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in his ear.

"Release the task, cure the Chang family owner, reward 100 points of attribute points, 100 points of upgrade points, and one extraction ability!"

New mission!

Lin Kai's eyes brightened.

The system has not released tasks to itself for a long time.

In that case, it is not impossible to promise.

At that time, Lin Kai nodded faintly: "I will go to your often home to have a look."

Lin Kai said, and the Chang family were overjoyed.

Chang Xiaer almost tears.

Chang family master, finally saved!

And Chang Shasha also cried with joy. She looked at Lin Kai with gratitude on her face.

"Linkai, thank you!"

Chang Shasha said sincerely.

"You're welcome." Lin Kai replied.

If the system did not release the task to himself, Lin Kai would never agree to help.

After all, for Lin Kai, one thing is better than another.

Soon after, the Chang family left the scene.

Lin Kai is the only one left in the tiger territory.

Lin Kai has not left yet because he has another very important thing to deal with.

It's the animal behind him.

Lin Kai likes this animal a little. He is reluctant to kill it.

This animal is very spiritual. It understands Lin Kai's words, and its combat effectiveness is also very strong. If it can be used for its own use, it will become a great help to itself.

But its appearance is too scary. If you walk on the street with such a tiger, I believe it will be taken away by the government within a day.

Lin Kai asked in his heart, "system, don't you say you can change the shape of the tiger?"

"Yes." The system replied.

"Then you can change it so that I can take it back to the capital."


The system directly allows the atmosphere to come down.

Lin Kai also praised the system in his heart.

It seems that this system is still very practical. It can do whatever it wants. It seems that it knows who is the master.

Lin Kai is a little bit happy.

At this time, I saw a flash of light on the tiger's body, and the tiger's shape changed.

Originally like a small tank tiger, the size is constantly shrinking, smaller and smaller.

Finally, it's the size of an adult dog.

And the color of the hair also changed, from yellow black to earth yellow, and the king character on the forehead disappeared.

The sharp claws and teeth were gone, and the ears were lengthened.

Take a close look, yo, isn't this a Chinese garden dog?

Big local dog!

In addition to being bigger than the average local dog, it is no different from the native dog!

At that time, Lin Kai even had the heart to kill the system.

No wonder it's so refreshing!

He turned his majestic tiger into a big local dog!

And still so ugly!

Even if you're a husky for me! How about becoming a local dog?

Lin Kai was speechless for a while.

"This is the system you gave me?" Lin Kai's tone was very angry.

The system's answer is not cold and light: "yes, if you want to change its shape, you only need to spend 1000 upgrade points!"


Big profiteer!

Lin Kai roared in his heart.

Make yourself so ugly, and then find yourself to upgrade.

I'm not going to be fooled!

Ugliness is a little uglier. It's as it is now. At least it can be taken out.

Lin Kai snorted.

At this time, the tiger is also looking at its new shape.

After seeing that he has turned into a local dog, the tiger's eyes are a grudge.

If it's not that I can't beat you, I must screw your head off and kick it!

Just when Lin Kai was about to take the native dog out of here, the native dog suddenly whined and let out a painful cry.

Then, the hyacinth fell to the ground and kept rolling.

Look at the expression, extremely uncomfortable, the tail is caught between the legs, the hair on the back has exploded."What's the situation?" Lin Kai looks puzzled.

The system replied, "after taking the spirit thing, it breaks through, and the warrior is promoted to a martial arts master."

"I advise you to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, or you can't beat it when the breakthrough is completed."

Hearing this, Lin Kai was excited.

Lin Kai didn't think so much when he gave him hunyuanguo. Now he has a cold sweat on his back.

If you let it break through, it can screw its head off and kick it!

At that time, Lin Kai meditated in a hurry. He took out a Hunyuan fruit from his backpack and ate it directly.

After the spirit thing had gone down, a powerful Qi burst out and Lin Kai tried to absorb it.

At this time, Lin Kai doesn't care about his own discomfort. He tries to absorb the real Qi in his body.

And the true Qi value of Lin Kai is also rising slowly.

About half an hour later, Lin Kai took a long breath and finally succeeded.

Lin Kai is now a martial arts master!

Before the breakthrough, Lin Kai had 390 points of true Qi.

Now, Lin Kai has 600 points of true Qi!

Let's take a look at the properties of Linkai, which has undergone earth shaking changes!

Age: 19

gender: male

strength: 500

speed: 500

reaction: 500

physical strength: 500

defense: 500

true Qi: 600

heart of the strong: 0 / 100

skills: Golden pupil (gold), watermelon (silver), balloon (silver), Ganoderma lucidum (gold), turtle (bronze), mountain stone (silver), Yuli (silver) ), fury spirit ape (silver), longicorn meteor impact (gold), crow (silver), Flathead brother extraction ability (demigod level)

self created skills: Ghost attack (gold)

upgrade point: 10

attribute point: 0

true Qi value is 600 points, which has become the highest attribute among Linkai's many attributes.

Now Lin Kai has a very strong fighting capacity.

In the world of ancient warriors, Lin Kai is definitely a strong one!

Shortly after Lin Kai's breakthrough, a long whistling sound sounded.

This long howl, resounding through the mountains and forests!

Lin Kai felt his ears numb!

I saw the big local dog stand up, majestic, a proud of the world on the strength of the burst out.

The eyes are extremely cold.

The atmosphere is extremely powerful.

The hair on the body is windless.

That look, like a master who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

Then it looks at Linkai.

After feeling Lin Kai's powerful aura, the big local dog was stunned, and then he spit out his tongue humanized, as if smiling.

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