Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 567

"Keep going

After Ruda had a voice, the team of dozens set out again.

Continue to walk to the depth of the forest, after half an hour, Lin Kai found a magical phenomenon.

He found that the surrounding weeds were noticeably more lush and the trees were significantly thicker.

Here, the leaves of the sun to block the death, no ray of sunlight can shine in.

It's afternoon, but it's more like evening.

And there are more mosquitoes here, and each one is very large.

If you are bitten by a mosquito, you will have a bag the size of a soybean.

When they got here, the group of dandies could no longer resist and began to complain.

"What kind of place is this? I would not have come if I had known. "

"The mosquitoes here are the size of Mantis! Mosquitoes are not mosquitoes, but nurses with needles

"Miss Chang, let's have a rest? I can't walk


There were shouts of grief.

Chang Shasha just wanted to speak, but Ruda directly reached out to stop Chang Shasha.

And made a gesture.

"Don't talk!" Ruda had a serious look on her face.

When those dandies heard the words, they all shut their mouths.

As soon as the scene was quiet, a strange sound came up.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

It's like something is running fast in the grass.

And this strange sound is getting louder and louder, as if that thing is very close to the crowd!

At this time, Ruda's face changed: "boar!"

Ruda's voice had just dropped. There was a big boar coming out of the grass!

The wild boar looks more huge than on TV. It is one meter high and two meters long. It has two huge fangs in its mouth. It is very ferocious.

The wild boar's eyes are red, the expression is very fierce, the dark boar skin, there is a similar armor general protective shell.


"Such a big boar?"

At this time, Ruda couldn't help but burst out a rude remark.

Wild boar he has not never seen, so many people on the scene, subduing an adult wild boar, is not a problem.

But he had never seen such a huge boar!

Is this still a wild boar? It's as big as a little elephant!

"Hush!" The boar made a sound, and his eyes were fixed on Wang Qinglong, who was at the front of the line.

And Wang Qinglong was scared to turn pale.

Wang Qinglong, who had just threatened to be a black belt, was shaking his legs.

And the boar directly hit Wang Qinglong!

Thump! Thump! A wild boar trampled on the ground, the boar's speed is very fast, two fangs straight to Wang Qinglong.

At this time, Wang Qinglong ran away and yelled, "help!"

While Wang Qinglong screamed, a group of bodyguards behind him pulled out pistols in unison.

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of a series of shots sounded, only one bullet shot at the boar, only a spark, bullets to the boar, no harm!

The skin of this wild boar is not so thick!

And the boar is about to catch up with Wang Qinglong, and Wang Qinglong's tears are coming out.

At this time, the old man suddenly appeared in front of the boar.

An old man with white hair was very angry at this time, and his eyes were very sharp. He was not afraid of the wild boar in the face of a horse step.

With a dull bang, Chang Lao directly grasped the two big tusks of the wild boar with his own hands!


A burst of friction sounds, wild boar huge force, will often old knock out dozens of meters away!

The old man's feet pushed hard on the ground, but still could not stop the wild boar.


The old man's feet directly pedaled on a big tree behind him. The big tree trembled and stopped.

"Get out of here!" At this time, Chang Lao gave a roar, and saw that he was struggling to turn around in situ. He threw the huge wild boar with a weight of 200 kg directly to the ground!

After that, Chang let go, and the boar was thrown out like a kite with a broken string.


With a dull sound, the boar hit a big tree and fell to the ground.

At this time, everyone held their breath and stared at the boar.

However, the old pig threw his head at the ground, which made everyone disappointed.

The scarlet eyes, if only they could burst out fire!

The boar let out a roar and ran to Chang Lao again!But Chang Lao's face changed greatly. The wild boar's strength was very arrogant. Even he felt extremely difficult.

It seems that you can only use real gas!

Chang Lao stabbed himself down with a horse step, and then his Qi was transported to the elixir's field. A faint genuine Qi appeared in Chang Lao's hands.

The huge wild boar ran towards Chang Lao again.

This time, Chang looks confident.

He hit the boar's head with one hand!

If the ordinary people do so, it is undoubtedly looking for death!

But Chang is not the same, he used out of real gas!

And that wild boar is not afraid at all, one bumps into Chang Lao!


A violent sound sounded, and everyone felt that the surrounding space was shocked.

Chang Lao's figure did not move, but the wild boar had fallen in front of Chang Lao.

I saw the boar's mouth shed blood, eyes with a reluctant look, but can no longer move.

Old Chang subdued the boar!

After a few seconds of silence, there was a burst of cheering.

This group of dandies, at last, breathed a sigh of relief.

"How wonderful! It is worthy of being the first expert of the Chang family

"Such a big boar can be killed. I admire it!"

"Mr. Chang, you are so good. I will take you as my teacher and accept me as my apprentice."


The sound of flattery rang out.

Wang Qinglong, who was chased by a wild boar just now, is also relieved.

He came back and kicked the boar's ass hard.

"Damn it, I don't care about you in general. You're addicted to chasing me, aren't you?"

"I would have killed you if Chang hadn't done it first!"

Wang Qinglong said indignantly.

Other people also see through, don't tell, Wang Qinglong's face, who dares to refute?

The old man took a deep breath, and his pale face finally improved.

True Qi is also very precious to him.

"It's strange why there are such huge wild boars in this forest?"

Often old face doubt.

However, Ruda, the guide, couldn't explain why. It was the first time that he met this situation.

Other people are also big eyes stare small eyes, not aware of the fierce.

At this time, Lin Kai stood up and said with a smile, "it's very simple."

"It's because there's a rare spirit in the neighborhood."

"This spirit contains a lot of energy, and the nearby biological plants are infected by the power of this spirit, so they mutate."

"This wild boar is the best proof

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