Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 565

Lin Kai put down this sentence.

And Wang Qinglong's face was completely black.

Lin Kai is not going to sell this pheasant to him!

Wang Qinglong was on fire at that time.

I am the eldest young master of the Wang family!

But Lin Kai despised himself so much.

Behind him, however, there are several young masters of other big families looking at him!

Chang Shasha is also watching here, there are more than a dozen bodyguards looking at here.

If this matter is not handled well, they will laugh at themselves when they return to the capital!

At this time, Ruda trotted over and said with a smile, "forget it, you two. There's no need to fight."

After that, he winked at Lin Kai again and said, "Lin Kai, why don't you give the pheasant to master Wang to eat? Make a mistake for Wang Shao

After that, Ruda whispered in Linkai's ear: "behind this young master Wang, there is a lot to come from. You can't offend him!"

"Even Du Jinhu can't afford to offend this young master!"

"Apologize quickly!"

Ruda is reminding Linkai.

Lin Kai ignored Ruda's words.

Lin Kai said, "why should I apologize? I didn't do anything wrong. I called the pheasant myself

"It's also baked by myself. I can give it to whoever I want to eat. I don't want to give it to anyone, and no one can take it away!"

"Why should I apologize?"

After hearing Lin Kai's words, Ruda was red with anger.

"Why are you so stubborn, child? Du Jinhu didn't teach you how to be tactful? "

"Du Jinhu?" Lin laughed: "he is not worthy to teach me!"

"What a big voice!"

At this time, Wang Qinglong also completely lost patience.

He found out that Lin Kai was determined to fight against himself!

This chicken, he's not going to give it to himself! He's not going to give himself face!

That oneself, let him know own formidable!


Wang Qinglong hit his finger directly.

Subsequently, five bodyguards appeared behind Wang Qinglong.

These ten bodyguards were all brought by their dandies. Wang Qinglong brought five bodyguards.

"Boy, if you offend me, you don't ask. Who is the master in the capital?"

"Hit him for me!"

At Wang Qinglong's command, the five bodyguards behind him directly surround Lin Kai and want to start.

"Enough!" But at this time, a big drink sounded.

The five bodyguards stopped.

The Chang Lao, who lives directly in Chang's family, stands up.

Although he had white hair, he walked like a dragon and a tiger, and his eyes were very divine.

"Always old." After seeing Chang Lao, Wang Qinglong bowed his head obediently.

He knew that this Chang Lao was not a simple role.

This Chang Lao is the housekeeper of Chang family!

It's not just a housekeeper.

It is said that Chang is always a martial arts master! Similar to those in martial arts novels, eight or nine strong men are not close to him.

Even Wang Qinglong did not dare to provoke him.

"Wang Qinglong, this is not the capital city. You should be restrained!" The old man scolded directly.

"Yes." Wang Qinglong didn't even dare to fart. He bowed his head and replied.

Then, Chang Lao glanced at Lin Kai with a look of appreciation in his eyes.

Lin Kai has a lot of backbone, which he appreciates very much.

"This chicken is indeed the young man's, Wang Qinglong. If people don't want to sell it, you don't want to rob it. Everything can't escape a reasonable word. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Wang Qinglong nodded.

Chang Lao then turned to leave.

When Chang Lao left, Wang Qinglong pointed to Lin Kai and said, "you're lucky!"

"Lucky for me?" Lin laughed: "you should be lucky."

If there is a real fight, Lin Kai will certainly let Wang Qinglong have a hard time.

He should thank Chang Lao, who has saved him a bloody disaster.

Wang Qinglong left with indignation.

But Lin Kai sat in the same place and ate the pheasant with relish.

At this time, Miss Chang couldn't help coming over.

The pheasant was so fragrant that she couldn't help it.

Just because of the face of the eldest lady, she had no good intention to come here, but now, she really can't help it, she is too greedy.

I saw Chang Shasha squatting on the opposite side of Lin Kai, two small hands a little confused.

She widened her eyes and looked at Lin Kai lovingly."Yes Can I have some? " Chang Shasha asked tentatively.

After all, just now Wang Qinglong came to ask Linkai to eat pheasant, but Lin Kai refused mercilessly.

Lin Kai glanced at Chang Shasha and said with a smile, "yes, please."

It's not that Lin Kai values women more than men, because Chang Shasha is more polite, unlike Wang Qinglong, who drags like an uncle.

Often Sasa smell speech, overjoyed, see she can't wait to tear a chicken leg from the pheasant, cherry small mouth taste.

At that time, Chang Shasha opened her eyes and gobbled up.

Because she found that this pheasant is really delicious!

It's better than any chicken she's ever eaten.

This chicken, roasted outside Jiao Nen, just eat such a bite, Chang Shasha has fallen in love with this flavor.

This pheasant is natural.

First of all, it's a real pheasant. It's not the kind of pheasant raised in captivity.

Secondly, this is a real roast chicken, which is baked by Lin Kai with fire.

What's more, the chicken didn't add so much seasoning, just a few simple seasonings that Lin Kai carried with him.

It preserves the most natural flavor of the chicken.

It took only a few minutes for the two men to kill the pheasant.

The other people are salivating.

And Wang Qinglong is gnashing teeth at Lin Kai.

OK, you Linkai. You give it to Chang Shasha, but you don't give it to me, do you?

It's still a long way to go!

You wait for me!

And Chang Shasha looked at a pile of bones in front of her and burped.

She patted her stomach and looked at Lin Kai again. There was a blush on her face.

She was a little embarrassed.

For the first time, in front of outsiders, I ate so little that I didn't look like a Miss Chang at all.

Thank you She often said with a smile.

"You're welcome," Lin replied with a smile

"When you get back to Beijing, I'll invite you to my home for dinner." Chang Shasha said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you." Lin Kai replied politely.

After hearing that Chang Shasha wanted to invite Lin Kai to dinner, several dandies around him opened their eyes and looked at Lin Kai.

This Chang Shasha, but their goddess!

The reason why they followed Chang Sha Sha out this time was not to play, but to show themselves in front of Chang Sha Sha.

It's good. Chang Shasha wants to invite the man dressed in floor goods to have dinner at home!

At that time, all the dandies looked at Lin's eyes!

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