Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 557

When saying this, Wang Yuyan also showed a look of disgust.

"So it is." Zhao Tianxing said, the corner of his mouth also showed a joking smile.

He looked up and down at Lin Kai. After seeing Lin Kai's costume, Zhao Tianxing also laughed.

Such a person, can not bring him a little threat.

"Mr. Zhao, are you here?" At this time, the two waiters Dudian Er came to Zhao Tianxing, showing a flattering smile.

The service attitude is just like that of Lin Kai.

They want to kneel down and lick Zhao Tianxing's shoes!

"Mr. Zhao and Miss Wang, please come in." The waiter didn't mean to ask for an invitation at all.

Two people were released directly.

Wang Yuyan did not pay any attention to the two waiters. She looked at Lin Kai and felt funny in her heart.

Mom, is this the blind date you asked me to meet?

On the day of the blind date, although he was poor, he still had a personal style. Now it seems that he is a street thug with big underpants!

Such scum, worthy of my Wang Yuyan?

Take a look at your boyfriend. He is young, handsome and rich. This is his prince charming!

"Linkai? I said, "what are you doing here?"

"Today is the birthday of Du Jinhu and boss Du. The people who can enter the Four Seas Hotel are all the great people in the capital."

"What do you think you're a poor loser to join in?"

"Are you trying to get in and eat?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Wang Yuyan ridicules Lin Kai while raising her identity.

"Well, I think you're pathetic. Follow us in." Wang Yuyan seems to be in charity.

But the two waiters did not dare to refute.

They glared at Lin Kai and said angrily, "Miss Wang asked you to follow her in. Would you like to thank Miss Wang? I don't have any eyesight to see! "

Lin Kai frowned and shook his head.

"No more."

Lin Kai directly rejected Wang Yuyan.

"Oh, you'll be punished if you don't eat or eat when you toast!" When Wang Yuyan saw Lin Kai's refusal, she was annoyed.

You don't want the face I gave you? Do you look down on me, Wang Yuyan?

"Hello." At this time, see Zhao Tianxing stretched out his hand, squinting at Lin Kai, a pair of high on the appearance.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the president of Zhao's group and the eldest son of Zhao family, Zhao Tianxing."

Zhao Tianxing is showing off his family background.

The Zhao family is also very famous in Jiangjing town. I believe Lin Kai will be scared to death after hearing the word Zhao.

But unexpectedly, Lin Kai didn't even look at Zhao Tianxing.

Light said: "Hello, my name is Lin Kai."

Wang Yuyan saw that Lin Kai didn't even give Zhao Tianxing a face, so she was not angry.

"OK, Tianxing, if the poor loser can't get in, let him stand at the door!"

"There's no need to talk to this poor loser."

Zhao Tianxing smell speech, nodded, with Wang Yuyan, directly into the Four Seas Hotel.

After Zhao Tianxing two people enter, Lin Kai takes out his mobile phone and is ready to call Du Jinhu.

But the phone has not been called out, only a handsome young man in a suit came in a hurry.

When he saw Lin Kai, his eyes lit up.

"Mr. Lin." The young man came to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai looks at him. Lin Kai knows him.

He is Du Jinhu's driver. Lin Kai met him at the scene of the kidnapping.

"It's you." Lin Kai Dao.

"I'm sorry, boss Du forgot to send you an invitation. Let me meet you at the door." The young man bowed.

At this time, the two waiters changed their faces.

They know this one.

Du Jinhu's driver, also part-time Du Jinhu's secretary.

The poor loser who was despised by them just now actually knows Du Jinhu!

And it was Du Jinhu who invited him.

Thinking of this, both waiters' legs are soft.

If this big man had a grudge, they would have died without a burial place!

For a moment, their faces were pale.

Lin Kai glanced at the two waiters and didn't pay any attention to them.

"Well, thank you." After that, Lin Kai followed the young man into the Four Seas Hotel.

When Lin drove in, the two waiters were relieved.

Fortunately, Lin Kai didn't have a grudge, otherwise, they could not find a place to cry!

After entering Sihai Hotel, I saw many guests walking back and forth on the first floor. These people are friends of Du Jinhu.They all came to celebrate Du Jinhu's birthday.

On the first floor of the hotel, there are gifts like hills, which are presented to Du Jinhu by these guests.

They are all valuable items, including antiques, famous paintings and hundreds of thousands of red wine.

This pile of gifts is worth hundreds of millions.

And every one of the guests who walk around the Four Seas Hotel has a great future.

Lin Kai found a place in silence and sat down. While eating melon seeds, he watched the excitement.

Soon after, the young man came to Lin Kai's side and said quietly, "Mr. Lin, boss Du invited you to the gorgeous moon room on the third floor."

Lin Kai nodded and followed the young man up the elevator.

"Mr. Lin, yanyuefang is the top single room of Sihai hotel. All the important guests were invited to the room by boss Du."

The young man explained for Lin Kai.

Linkai nodded.

It seems that Du Jinhu is still a man of loyalty. He saved his life and regarded himself as a guest of honor.

To the door of the bright moon room, only to see the two acquaintances, once again by Lin Kai to bump into.

They were stunned when they saw Lin Kai.

Some even don't believe in the corners of their eyes.

"Linkai?" Wang YuYan's words are full of doubts.

"How did you get in here?" Wang Yuyan asked in a sharp voice.

She doesn't think that Lin Kai was invited by Du Jinhu. She must have sneaked in!

You know, her Wang family are not eligible to be invited by Du Jinhu, she is completely relying on Zhao Tianxing, just reluctantly invited to this gorgeous moon house by Du Jinhu.

Lin Kai, a poor loser, actually got into the third floor?

Zhao Tianxing also looked at Lin Kai and frowned.

"Come on! Get the man out of here Zhao Tianxing gave an order.

At that time, two security guards came from a distance. Looking at Lin Kai, the two guards did not hesitate to go directly to prepare to subdue Lin Kai.

Lin Kai doesn't look like a distinguished guest.

"Stop it!"

Just then, a fat man rushed from the elevator.

The fat man was dressed in a suit. He was in his forties. His face was greasy, but his eyes were fierce.

This is Du Jinhu!

Du Jinhu was furious when he saw that the security guard was going to attack Lin. he trotted all the way to the two guards.

A hand, left and right bow, two big mouth son directly called in the past.

Bang! Bang!

"Presumptuous! That's how you treat my guests? "

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