Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 550

Kui is the master of the ninth mountain.

"Jiulongshan, the current popular point system."

"It's all about points."

"The positions of Jiulongshan are the cave master and the lowest level member respectively."

"And the team leader, who has the right to manage a team of ten people."

"And the captain, who can manage a team of 100 people."

"If you go up again, you will be the Deputy mountain chief, who can manage a team of 1000 people, and the highest one is the mountain master."

"As long as you have enough points, you can become a higher official."

"The owner of the cave doesn't need integral."

"The team leader needs 10000 points."

"The captain needs 100000 points."

"Vice mountain leader needs one million points."

"Mountain master needs 10 million points."

After listening to Xiao AI, Lin Kai understood.

In Jiulong Mountain, money is not valuable.

Most people who can enter Jiulong Mountain don't need money.

And the point system is popular here!

Can use integral to exchange official position!

"The source of points requires members to take the initiative to accept the task."

"Complete the task, you can get corresponding points."

"In the cave, you can view the task list and choose to accept the task."

AI said, Lin Kai in front of, appeared a task hall page.

The task is divided into four levels.

ABCD four levels of tasks.

The d-level task is the simplest, and the score is the least.

A-level tasks are the most difficult and get the highest points.

"Each member must complete at least one task a month, otherwise he will be expelled from Jiulong Mountain."

"Points can not only be used to upgrade one's official position."

"It can also be used to exchange rare items at Jiulongshan exchange point."

"Jiulongshan has collected the rarest items in China. You can check them by yourself."

After AI's introduction, Lin Kai's personal page jumped out.

"Lin Kai, the master of the cave, is a member of the s-grade scoring team. He is awarded 10000 points for his excellent performance."

"You can be promoted to team leader now. Would you like to upgrade now?"

Laozi has 10000 points now?

Lin Kai thought for a while, but he didn't want to be an official.

Why don't you go to the exchange and see if there's anything good.

"No upgrade."

After that, Lin Kai took off his clothes and put on the uniform of Jiulongshan.

As soon as Jiulongshan's uniform was put on, the energetic Lin Kai appeared in the cave.

Black strong clothing, light but warm, and elastic, military boots are also very breathable, and very comfortable.

The listing on the chest shows the identity of Lin Kaidong.

Go to the exchange!

Lin Kai went straight out of the gate of the cave.

The ninth mountain is very big, but the exchange point is easy to find.

Turn left when you get out of the cave.

The exchange point is also a huge cave, which is much larger than ordinary caves and is open to the public.

Came to the door of the exchange point, outside the exchange point stood a lot of uniformed ninth mountain members, in groups.

As soon as Lin Kai appeared, several eyes immediately turned to him.

One of them looked at Lin Kai with a bad smile.

It was a strong man of 1.89 meters in height, with swollen muscles and a scar on his face. He was wearing Jiulongshan uniform.

Next to him were seven or eight members of Jiulongshan in uniform.

After seeing Lin Kai, these 89 people directly surrounded him.

Before Lin Kai entered the exchange point, he was stopped by these 89 people.

What do you mean Lin Kai stopped, frowned and asked.

The burly man sneered: "ah, introduce myself, I'm Zhang Zhuangnan, and I'll give you the nickname scar brother."

"Are you new here?"

"A fresh face!"

Brother scar touched his chin, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

The rest of the people also showed a bad smile.

Bullying new people?

Lin Kai always thought that bullying new people would only happen in the new barracks. Unexpectedly, when he came to Jiulongshan, such things happened.

"Brother scar?" Lin Kai glanced up at brother scar and laughed.

"Hehe, what's your advice?"

Scar man a nuozi, behind him a tall thin little brother immediately stood up and yelled: "teach?"

"When I say new comers, do you really or falsely don't understand?"

Do you dare to come here? Aren't you afraid to be killed? "Tall and thin, his face and toes were high, and he pointed to brother scar and said with pride: "this one, scar elder brother of the ninth mountain

"In the future, brother scar covers you and guarantees that no one dares to move a hair of you!"

Smell speech, Lin Kai smile slightly, embrace a fist: "then rely on scar elder brother!"

After that, Lin Kai wanted to bypass them and enter the exchange point.

But Lin Kai just moved, and 89 people surrounded him directly.

"Brothers, what do you mean?" Lin opened his eyes and asked.

A tall thin man with a crooked head said with a smile: "Hey, brother, don't worry!"

"Brother scar can protect you, but you have to show it more or less!"

Then he rubbed his fingers.

"Money?" Asked Linkai.

"Don't pretend to be a calf! Points! Each new member has 500 points. Don't hide it. Transfer it to my elder brother right away. You'll follow my elder brother in the future

Want points?

Is it possible to transfer the points to Jiulongshan?

Glancing at the scar brother, Lin Kai didn't want to give him his own integral.

"If you want to score, I don't recognize this big brother." Lin Kai waved his hand and wanted to leave.

"Stop!" As soon as Lin Kai moved, he heard a big drink.

Brother scar stands in front of Lin Kai.

Big brother scar stands in front of Linkai like a hill. His eyes are fierce, and the scar on his face is extremely ferocious.

"Don't you give me scar face?" Brother scar threatened.

Lin Kai looked up at the scar brother and laughed: "ha ha, don't give it, so what?"

Even eight or nine people, Lin Kai is not afraid!

Smell speech, at that time only heard crackling, a burst of clenching fist sound sounded, seven or eight people rubbing their hands toward Lin Kai, a face of evil intention.

And the people around see scar brother actually to a new start, have cast a curious look.

After a while, the scene was surrounded by the crowd, three floors outside.


"If I don't give you some color to see, it seems that you don't know why the flowers are so red!"

"Boy, I want to challenge you, dare you accept it?"

Brother scar drinks and looks at Lin Kai.

Challenge yourself?

After listening to brother scar's words, Lin Kai laughed at that time.

It seems that in Jiulong Mountain, brother scar dare not do it himself.

He can only be a challenge, not a fight!

Brother scar's seven and eight younger brother also looked at Lin Kai with a high face, and his eyes were full of irony.

"Boy, I advise you not to die! My elder brother beat all over Jiulong Mountain! You are not enough for my big brother to fight with one hand

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