Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 541

Just now Wang YuYan's words, old Li Tou naturally also heard.

But for fear of everyone's embarrassment, old Li Tou did not hear.

As soon as Wang Yuyan turned around, she saw Lao Li Tou. After seeing her, she frowned and even pinched her nose. She walked aside with disgust.

"Who are you?" Wang Yuyan asked in disgust.

After Li Fen saw Li's head, she had a smile on her face.

"Mr. Li, you are here." Li Fen said politely.

Lao Li nodded, smiling.

"This is the young man you introduced? It's a real talent. " Li Fen looks at Lin Kai.

And Lin Kai said politely, "Hello, aunt. My name is Linkai."

Lin Kai wore a simple sportswear, tall and handsome, but also very handsome.

And Wang Yuyan looked up and down at Lin Kai, disdained to shake his head: "cut, a small white face, a whole body of goods, such a person, also want to deal with my Wang Yuyan object?"

"How to speak?" Li Fen's tone became stern.

Wang Yuyan spat out a small fragrant tongue, dare not talk back.

"Mr. Li, in this way, we have a place in Michelin. Why don't we have lunch together?" Li Fen suggested.

But old Li Tou didn't know what kind of restaurant Michelin was, so he nodded.


After that, old Li Tou was ready to turn his electric tricycle.

And Wang Yuyan stopped old Li Tou: "OK! Don't drive your three wheel! If my friends recognize it, it's not enough for me to lose face! "

"In our car!"

Wang Yuyan points to the Mercedes Benz next to her.

After that, Wang Yuyan showed off and took out the key of Mercedes Benz and pressed it once, which made a sound.

Wang YuYan's face, with a proud look.

This Mercedes Benz car, but she cried for her grandfather and asked her grandmother, her father just bought her, worth 500000!

Wang Yuyan is very conscious of sitting on the posture, and Li Fen face with an apologetic smile, with Lin Kai and Lao Li Tou getting on the bus.

After getting on the bus, Wang Yuyan drove to the Michelin restaurant which is closest to them.

The location of this Michelin restaurant is OK, and the consumption level is on the high side.

Enter the dining room, four people directly came to the fixed position, seat.

Soon, the waiter brought the menu, and Wang Yuyan pushed the menu to Lin Kai.

"Michelin restaurant, I don't think you've been here a few times. Please order it." Wang Yuyan waved.

Lin Kai glanced at the menu.

The price of every dish is not cheap.

The cheapest dish, seven to eleven.

After seeing the price, Lao Li turned pale with fear.

"Xiaofen, is the price too expensive? Why don't you come to my place to eat? " Lao Li Tou is talking about his breakfast shop.

"Cut! Forget it! Only farmers will eat in your poor place! We're the best, we won't go to that kind of place! " Wang Yuyan disdains to speak.

As soon as Wang YuYan's words came out, he immediately made old Li Tou very embarrassed.

Li Fen also looked at her daughter helplessly.

Her daughter was used to being arrogant since she was a child. In addition, she was the only child of the Wang family, so she was arrogant since she was a child.

"Yuyan, don't talk nonsense!" Li Fen glared at Wang Yuyan.

She took the menu, ordered a few dishes with understanding, and gave the menu to the waiter.

After the waiter left, Li Fen looked at Lin Kai again.

Lin Kai's appearance and height naturally satisfied her.

So Li Fen asked, "where is your home, young man?"

Lin laughed and replied, "Jiangbei."

"Jiangbei?" After hearing these three words, Li Fen's brow slightly frowned.


Although Jiangbei is also a rich place in China, compared with the capital city, Jiangbei is undoubtedly a backwater.

But she doesn't know, Lin family is the overlord of Jiangbei!

The earth emperor is richer than her royal family. I don't know how many times!

Wang Yuyan laughed when she heard that Lin Kai was from Jiangbei.

"Ha ha!"


"It's the kind of person who comes out of a broken place?"

"You don't have a good eye, old man."

"Do you know how much the Beijing account is worth now? You let me go on a blind date with a poor boy from Jiangbei? "

Don't say it's Wang Yuyan. Even Li Fen is not very satisfied.

She didn't want to marry her daughter to Jiangbei to suffer.

But Li Fen still asked, "what do you do at home, young man?"Lin Kai thinks about it carefully. Lin family, it seems that they do everything.

So Lin Kai replied, "my family does everything."

"Do everything? It's not a rag picker, is it Wang Yuyan took out the small mirror and laughed absently.

Lin Kai brows a frown, this Wang YuYan's mouth, really very venomous tongue.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Li Fen was very disappointed.

Do everything? For Li fenlai, it is migrant workers doing chores!

Wang Yuyan is her precious daughter. She doesn't want to marry her daughter to the son of a migrant worker.

Li Fen can not care about Lin Kai's family, but Lin Kai must have the strength to marry her daughter.

"What do you do, young man?"

Here comes the key question.

Lin Kai felt his chin for a moment. What did he do?

Jiulongshan is absolutely confidential to the outside world and can not disclose its organization.

By the way!

Lin Kai's eyes lit up and made up an excuse: "I'm writing online novels."

Lin Kai just said this sentence, poop, Wang Yuyan directly burst out with a smile and sprinkled the coffee on the table.

Wang Yuyan quickly wiped her mouth with a tissue and looked at Lin Kai with a sneer on her face: "you actually write online novels? Ha ha ha

Wang Yuyan sneered heartlessly.

Because in her eyes, those who write online novels are dead fat house!

A dead fat house with a dirty face and a dirty head.

Moreover, writing online novels doesn't make money at all! Ten writers, nine punches, and within a hundred writers, only one writer can afford to live with the money he earns.

So when Lin Kai said he was writing online novels, Wang Yuyan laughed directly.

Li Fen's eyebrows are tight.

Although Lin Kai is good, his family background and work are too poor!

She didn't know that Lin Kai could easily earn tens of millions of yuan a month. Jiulongshan's treatment of its members was excellent!

"This..." For a moment, Li Fen was speechless.

But old Li Tou also smiles at Li Fen, as if he is very satisfied with Lin Kai.

And in my heart, Lin Kai and Wang Yuyan are made for each other.

But he didn't think that the Wang family was a big family. In Li Fen's eyes, the two people were simply not in charge of each other!

When Li Fen was worried about how to refuse Lin Kai, the waiter came to serve the meal.

"Hello, you ordered Kobe steak."

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