Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 528

Ye Nantian believes that Lin Kai dare not move him!

Because behind him is the Ye family, the powerful Ye family!

But he looked down on Lin Kai and looked up at the Ye family.

Lin Kai smelled the speech and sneered: "I've been dead once. I'm afraid of you, ye family?"

After that, Lin Kai's leg fell down.

With a click, Lin Kai's leg directly stepped on Ye Nantian's thigh. Visible to the naked eye, ye Nantian's thigh has been deformed!

At that time, a scream sounded, and on Ye Nantian's forehead, the sweat the size of soybean rolled down.

Even ye Nantian, the God of war, can't bear the pain of breaking bones!

A scream like killing a pig sounded, and ye Nantian's scream rang through the whole Qingming lake, which made the people around him tremble.

"You Ye Feng, standing by the lake, widened his eyes. He didn't expect that Lin Kai didn't even give the Ye family face, so he wasted a leg of Ye Nantian!

Then, Lin Kai raised his leg again.

Fall again.


Ye Nantian's other leg is also broken by the forest.

Ye Nantian has become a real disabled person!

In the face of Ye Nantian's scream, Lin Kai's face has no trace of sympathy.

There is only banter in the eyes.

"It's cool to be trampled on your legs?"

Facing Lin Kai's question, ye Nantian looks up at Lin Kai.

When his eyes and Lin Kai's eyes on the moment, ye Nantian all over a shiver.

Because he found that Lin Kai's eyes were very cold.

In his eyes, ye Nantian only saw hatred and arrogance!

Ye Nantian knew that he had kicked himself on the iron plate.

At this time, ye Nantian finally knew that he was afraid. He didn't want his two arms to be broken by Lin Kai!

At that time, ye Nantian's voice trembled and said, "Lin Kai, don't be impulsive, you What did you want? I can satisfy you

"I can make you rich, I can make you powerful, I can make you a new generation of China..."


Ye Nantian's words have not finished, a burst of fracture sounds, Lin Kai again abandoned Ye Nantian's arm.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Ye Nantian's screams are endless.

But Lin Kai's face was expressionless.

"Do you think Lao Tzu lacks those?"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, ye Nantian almost cried. Lin Kai really didn't get into the oil and salt!

"Linkai, please don't do it any more. I can't stand it!" At this time, ye Nantian finally put down his dignity, and his tears almost flowed out. He looked at Lin Kai with fear on his face and begged for mercy.

At this time, Lin Kai's face finally appeared a smile.

"Would that have been all right?"

Seeing Lin laughing, ye Nan Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he could finally keep his last arm.

But it's impossible to guard against it. Lin Kai still started.

He raised his foot and stepped on Ye Nantian's last arm again.

A burst of miserable cry sounded again, ye Nantian's two arms and two legs were all broken by the forest!

Ye Nantian was abandoned by the forest!

And ye Nantian at this time, because he couldn't bear the intense pain, he fainted directly to the pain!

Lin Kai's eyes, only disdain and indifference.

At this time, the whole Qingming lake around, even a needle dropped on the ground can be heard.

Everyone was shocked.

Ye Nantian, the God of war in China, was defeated like this!

Fiasco! The one who is beaten and can't fight back.

Isn't he the king of war in China? Isn't he a general?

Lin Kai is just a new king!

A simple new king, actually defeated the king of war of China. In this war, Lin Kai became famous!

In the eyes of many people, there has been a look of worship.

Compared with Ye Nantian, Lin Kai's appearance is also very high, and he is very young. In addition, he is so powerful that men will worship when they see it, and women will love them when they see it.

At that time, Lin Kai harvested a large number of fans at the scene!

Lin Kai's performance is really shocking!

Lin Kai's father and mother were all in tears.

Naturally, they know what role Ye Nantian is.

Seeing that their son has become so powerful, their hearts are very happy, after all, who doesn't want to see his son become a dragon?

Even if Lin Kai offends the Ye family in Beijing, they will not hesitate to support Lin Kai!

Because Linkai is their son!And thunder and Enron were silent.

The two of them are the people who can't see Lin Kai well.

Now Lin Kai is so powerful that they can only look up to it.

Ye Nantian, for them, is an unattainable figure.

For Lin Kai, it is a small role that can be easily defeated.

They understand that the gap between themselves and Lin Kai is already different.

And there is a person very excited, this person, of course, is the instructor of Lin Kai, long Xiaoyun.

I don't know why, long Xiaoyun cried excitedly after seeing Lin Kai alive.

She is not excited because Lin Kai has defeated Ye Nantian, but because Lin Kai has survived!

Linkai, you're not dead!

The people of the wolf squadron have cheered at this time, their captain, survived!

They fight wolf Squadron, will be famous in the first World War!

In the two Volkswagen cars, the old man long Xiaolin clenched his fist and burst into tears.

He never thought that Lin Kai was growing so fast, but he didn't see him for a month or two. Lin Kai was so powerful that he didn't even pay attention to Ye Nantian!

At that time, the old man long Xiaolin ordered: "now, immediately, go to the Lin family in Jiangbei to propose marriage! Take the sincerity of our dragon family

Long Xiaotian hesitated for a moment and asked, "Dad, are you not afraid to offend the Ye family

Longxiaolin excitedly slapped the head of longxiaotian: "I'm afraid of a fart! Linkai is not a thing in the pool! Go now


After taking his orders, long Xiaotian went to do it directly.

In the last Volkswagen car, Kui's eyes were fixed on Lin Kai.

Lin didn't want to see the battle because he wanted to see it.

But after seeing the battle, he was shocked.

He has found a great genius!

Kui understood why Ye Nantian was so powerful.

Ye Nan is endowed with extraordinary talent every day, but it is inseparable from Ye's training and education from childhood to adulthood.

After arriving at the army, ye Nantian was sent to the research organization. In the organization, ye Nantian was injected with the most precious medicine of China, the drug that stimulates potential!

That kind of medicine makes Ye Nantian powerful!

But it also makes Ye Nantian have no room to rise.

But Lin Kai, who he saw now, is much younger than ye Nantian!

A unique genius who can defeat Ye Nantian only by talent!

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