Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 526

Another big man in the Volkswagen may not be so famous, but he has the real power to make long Xiaolin fear it!

He is the master of the Chinese super team, he has no name, only a code name, code named "Kui".

Kui sits in the bus, wearing a black mask and gloves, looking at Ye Nantian in the pavilion.

And no one paid attention to Lin Kai, at this time quietly appeared on the other side of the water corridor.

"Why hasn't Lin Kai come yet?"

"Yes! What is the background of Lin Kai? How dare you fight ye Nantian? "

"I heard that Lin Kai is a new king in the southeast military region."

"Ye Nantian broke his limbs a month ago. He didn't accept it and wanted to fight ye Nantian!"

"Joke, ye Nantian is the God of war in China! Did he offer to fight ye Nantian

"Here comes the forest! Here comes the forest


A burst of startled voice rang out. For a moment, Lin Kai, who stepped on the corridor, also became the focus.

Countless people looked at Lin Kai.

After seeing Lin Kai's young appearance, many people were shocked.

How young is the man who made an appointment to fight ye Nantian?

And still so handsome!

Is that Lin Kai?

At that time, many people who knew him also looked at him.

Lin Kai's family, Jiangdong people, Yanjing people, and even people from the military region all look at Lin Kai.

Long Xiaoyun stands by the lake, looking at Lin Kai with a complicated face.

She can't help Lin Kai do anything. She can only pray in her heart that Lin Kai won't lose too badly.

As long as you can make a few moves in Ye Nantian's hands, Lin Kai will be famous in China!

Lin Kai step by step to Ye Nantian, after seeing ye Nantian, Lin Kai's eyes twinkled with anger.

He thought of a month ago, he was brutally treated by Ye Nantian!

Thinking of him breaking his limbs.

Hate, Lin Kai can't forget!

I saw Lin Kai quickly walked to Ye Nantian, and ye Nantian also quietly turned back and looked at Lin Kai.

See ye Nantian's eyes, still is that kind of contemptuous look.

Arrogant, no one in the eyes.

He glanced at Linkai and disdained to shake his head.

The two men did not say a word. Lin Kai came to Ye Nantian, facing Ye Nantian's four eyes.

And ye Nantian looks at Lin Kai indifferently. There are only two words in his eyes, disdain!

"You surprise me."

"I can't think of it, but I can't recover."

"Did your Lin family spend a lot of money?"

Ye Nantian smiles, a face of irony.

"I'm surprised you really dare to come."

"But if you dare to come, I dare to let you be broken again!"

A scornful face of Ye Nan.


Ye Nan Tian just finished this sentence and saw Lin Kai's hand move.

Bang a dull sound, Lin Kai a punch hammer in Ye Nantian's eye socket!

Thump! Thump!

Three days later, I covered my eyes.

I saw that his eyes have become bruised up, obviously has become panda eyes!

Ye Nantian looks shocked.

Lin Kai did it?

And his speed, why is he so fast?

Ye Nantian can't react.

Lin Kai stares at Ye Nantian coldly: "a month ago, you broke my limbs. Today, I want your life!"


After that, Lin Kai stepped on the ground, his body shot out like a shell, and went straight to Ye Nantian!

And ye Nantian also sneered: "ha ha, sneak attack me? Do you really think you can win me? "


Ye Nantian flies out with a fist and hits Lin Kai, and Lin Kai also punches out, hitting Ye Nantian!

The fists of the two men collided in the air.

A muffled, a thump.

It seems that there is a sound of air being blasted. The moment two people's fists touch each other, the water waves.

This blow, Lin Kai exhausted all his strength!

And ye Nantian, also played out his real strength!

Thump! Thump!

The two men took three steps back.

Their fists were trembling slightly.

Lin Kai looked at Ye Nantian coldly and laughed: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ye Nantian, you are just like this! "

Ye Nantian's face is shocked, but for a month, why does Lin Kai become so strong?

What did he experience in this month?"Don't be proud, boy. I was just playing with you just now." Ye Nantian's cold voice.

After that, ye Nantian pulled out his belt with a crack.

Although this belt looks like a belt, it is actually a weapon that ye Nantian carries with him.

The name is broken wind!

The broken wind is a whip that follows Ye Nantian for many years. It is made of what material, but ye Nantian is not sure.

But this whip has killed countless people!

Lin Kai also crooked his head, took out the meteorite finger tiger, and put it on his hand.

"Come on

Lin Kai hits Ye Nantian with a fist!

As soon as the meteorite finger tiger wears on Lin Kai's hand, Lin Kai's momentum changes greatly!

Lin Kai's fist, like a meteor falling from the sky, smashed it to Ye Nantian!

Even ye Nantian did not dare to face up to this momentum.

Ye Nantian's face was cold and stern. With a whoosh, he directly threw out his whip, which directly drew the finger tiger on Lin Kai's hand!

Only heard a crack, Lin's fist was severely whipped by the whip!

Although this whip makes Lin Kai's hand hurt, Lin Kai doesn't stop. His fist goes straight to Ye Nan Tian!


Lin Kai roared loudly!

Once again, Pi Lin's face changed!

However, it was too late. Only a dull bang was heard. Lin Kaiyi punched Ye Nantian's chest. At that time, ye Nantian's body was like a kite with a broken string, which was directly flown out by Lin Kaiyi!


See ye Nantian's body fly back dozens of meters away!

Ye Nantian tries his best to control his body in the air and let his feet fall to the ground. Then a stabbing sound of friction rings, and ye Nantian tries his best to stop.

Ye Nantian, who stops, looks shocked at Lin Kai.

The power of this punch is too strong!

Ye Nantian can't guarantee that he can hit this punch!

Looking at Ye Nantian's chest, Lin Kai has made a big hole in his clothes. The power of the meteorite finger tiger is really huge!

But inside Ye Nantian's clothes, she is wearing a treasure armor, a gold silk treasure armor!

Gold silk armour is made of superior copper wire. It can be worn on people and can be used to defend sniper guns.

The fist was in the conversation.

But under Lin Kai's fist, Jinsi Baojia was actually interrupted by several copper wires.

This is the treasure armour handed down by his Ye family!

Now you've got a bad punch?

If ye Nantian didn't wear this armor, it would have killed him!

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