Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 524

Lin left!

This ending, let Liu family all did not think.

At that time, most of the Liu family were dazzled.

At this time, I saw hundreds of ferocious eyes on the Liu family.

Those migrant workers whose wages are in arrears by the Liu family can almost eat people in their eyes!

And the Chen family.

Chen Tang stood up from the ground and looked at Liu Futong and others fiercely.

He was opened by the forest and walked 10 billion!

And his dignity has been taken away by Lin Kai!

All because of the Liu family!

But fortunately, it seems that Lin Kai doesn't deal with the Liu family. He can sprinkle all the fire on the Liu family!

The lost 10 billion will be taken back from the Liu family!

Chen Tang's ferocious eyes made everyone in the Liu family shiver.

At this time, the hundreds of migrant workers have picked up their own weapons, step by step close to the Liu family.

They want to give the Liu family all despair!

Until this time, the Liu family felt regret.

If only they flattered Linkai earlier?

Even if he doesn't fawn on Lin Kai and just treats him normally, he will not stand by and help them make their Liu family prosperous!

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Lin Kai only took grandma Liu alone. Lin Kai doesn't care about their lives!

Liu Qiao's heart that is a regret.

In fact, she is not good to Lin Kai. Liu Qiao has been very clear in her heart, but she has always felt that her status is noble and she can't look up to Lin Kai.

Only now did she find out that she was wrong, so wrong!

She regretted it!

She is extremely regretful!

"Linkai! Lin Kai, I'm wrong! Please come back, Linkai Liu Qiao knelt on the ground and began to cry.

Tears drop by drop on the ground, she really regret, the intestines are regret green!

It's not just Liu Qiao, but everyone in the Liu family regrets.

Lin Kai has been to the Liu family several times before. How good his attitude is!

They also gave gifts worth 1 billion yuan, but not only did they not treat Lin Kai well, they also shelled him.

It's OK to bombard Lin Kai. They don't know how to admit their mistake. Now even if they admit it, Lin Kai won't come back!

At that time, Chen Tang looked at the Liu family and others coldly and roared: "give me a call! I don't want that eight hundred million! I want you to pay for the blood debt of the Liu family! "

Chen Tang got angry at Lin Kai and threw it all over the Liu family.

At that time, hundreds of migrant workers roared in a crowd.

All the weapons in their hands were called in.

At that time, the blood splashed and a series of wails sounded.

Soon after, only a few bodies were left in Liu's courtyard.

Not a whole body was left.

These migrant workers are really angry. They have worked hard for months, even if they have no pay. The boss's attitude is still so bad!

Now they can't bear to kill all the people of the Liu family!

Even if this matter is made to the court, the law does not blame the public, they will not have a person will compensate for the Liu family!

Lin Kai expected what happened to the Liu family. He knew that the Chen family and the migrant workers would not let go of the Liu family.

It's their karma.

It's not that Lin Kai is cold-blooded, it's just that they don't cherish the opportunity that Lin Kai gave them.

After returning to the happy coast, Lin Kai received the news that all the Liu family members had died.

Instead of telling his grandmother the news, he took her back to the villa, chatting with her and relaxing with her.

Soon, Chen's 10 billion yuan also hit Lin Kai's bank card.

Originally, Lin Kai wanted to use the 10 billion yuan to exchange another wave of attribute points and upgrade points, but the system does not allow Linkai to change.

It is said that the attribute value of Linkai is high enough, and it will break the balance again.

Under helpless, Lin Kai can only give up.

Soon, a month passed.

In this month's time, Lin Kai had a good rest for a period of time, accompanied his grandmother to play all over the island.

And her grandmother also knew the news of all the accidents in the Liu family.

She was negative for a period of time, but later under the guidance of Lin Kai, she slowed down.

Does grandma Liu blame Lin Kai?

At first, she blamed Lin Kai, but she had prejudice against him in her heart.

But when she got to the back, she also wanted to open up. Lin Kai helped the Liu family. It was her duty not to help. The destruction of the Liu family had nothing to do with Lin Kai.

On this day, Lin Kai packed up his luggage and stood at the gate of Dongfeng villa.Wang Kun drives Lin Kai's Rolls Royce as a driver.

Grandma was standing at the door. Grandma looked at Lin Kai and said, "Xiao Kai, remember to come back to see grandma!"

Lin Kai smiles at Grandma: "don't worry, I'll come back to see you often."

Grandma laughed.

Lin Kai also got on the car and left his home.

After leaving the happy coast, Lin Kai's face suddenly became cold.

He sat in the back seat of the car, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He thought of what he had experienced a month ago.

That man, break his limbs! Don't put yourself in the eye at all!

His insulting hatred is always a scar in Lin Kai's heart. Lin Kai has not forgotten that scar!

Tomorrow is the day when they two fight!

The place of the battle is in the capital!

Ye Nantian! I'm coming. Hope this time, you can see different me, of course, I will definitely let you taste the taste of being broken limbs!

In the car, Lin Kai sneered. His eyes were as cold as the devil crawling out of hell.

Even Wang Kun, sitting in the driver's seat, could not help shivering.

Soon, Linkai arrived at the airport.

On the plane, at about six o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Kai arrived in the capital.

After arriving at the capital airport, as soon as he left the airport, Lin Kai saw a person he was familiar with.

His old chief, he Zhijun!

He Zhijun was standing next to a Volkswagen, dressed in a black suit. After seeing Lin Kai, his eyes lit up and walked quickly over.

After coming, he Zhijun looked up and down at Lin Kai's body and laughed.

"Ha ha! I knew you wouldn't let me down! "

"Your limbs are all right! You don't have to leave the army! "

Lin Kai is a big baby trained by he Zhijun.

He didn't want Linkai to be broken like that!

But Lin Kai didn't let him down!

He recovered!

"Go! Take you back to the southeast military region. Your comrades in arms miss you very much

At this time, he Zhijun didn't look like the head of Lin Kai, on the contrary, he was like a kind big brother.

After all, Lin Kai and ye Nantian have always made him feel guilty.

He Zhijun pulls Lin Kai, but Lin Kai does not move.

Lin Kai took a look at he Zhijun. There was only one look in his eyes. Identification!

"I'm going to see ye Nantian."

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