Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 521

Liu Qiao, who has always looked down on Lin Kai, has an ugly expression after seeing that Lin Kai has actually found these three big people.

Although she knew that Lin Kai was looking for someone to be nice to the Liu family, she just didn't want to appreciate it.

Because in her eyes, Lin Kai is a loser. No matter how good Lin Kai becomes, she doesn't want to admit it.

The better Lin Kai is, the more miserable she is!

The faces of Liu Yong and Liu Qiang are also very ugly.

Only grandma Liu looked at Lin Kai happily.

Three people stand behind Lin Kai. Lin Kai looks at Chen Tang with bright eyes.

"Chen Tang, do you still want to let people go?"

Facing Lin Kai's pressing questions, Chen Tang also felt a trace of pressure.

The three people behind Lin Kai are not small.

The three of them took out one of them alone. He might not put it in his eyes, but Chen Tang did not dare to despise them when they stood together.

He is for the medical books of the Liu family!

Even if he will offend these three people, Liu's medical books are bound to win!

He would never bow to Lin.

He's been planning for this day for a long time.

You know, it cost him a lot to ask the police and the medical bureau. He will never return empty handed for these three people today!

At that time, Chen Tang's eyes flashed a trace of fierce color.

"Huang Dingtian, master Ku, Wang Tianye, even if you all help Lin Kai?"

"Liu family, I'm sure I'll get it!"

"If you have the ability, you can fight with my Chen family!"

"I don't believe that you will fight with my Chen family for a Lin Kai!"

Chen Tang's voice just fell, only heard a loud bang, Liu's door was kicked open.

"Is it? What about me? "

Later, only one person appeared in the Liu family.

The visitor is a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is more than 1.7 meters tall, with a river dragon tattooed on his body.

He had a fierce look, a scar on his forehead, and his coat over his shoulder.

He walked in with a big stride. It was a fool.

It seems like a little gangster, but the visitor is actually the biggest gangster in the island city, Wang Kun!

Wang Kun came in alone. After seeing Wang Kun, all the faces of the Liu family suddenly changed.

It's the evil star!

Where this evil star passed, it can be said that the wild goose is overgrown and the grass is barren. He has actually come to the Liu family?

Is it difficult for him to help Lin Kai?

Then he must not have come alone!

Sure enough, not long after Wang Kun came in, a group of people came in from behind the Liu family.

He has hair and tattoos. He is lounging one by one. He also has baseball bats and iron bars in his hands.

Countless people, these people entered the Liu family, Liu's courtyard suddenly became crowded up.

Wang Kun came to Lin Kai and nodded to Lin Kai: "boss."


After hearing these two words, everyone on the scene was in a daze.

When did Wang Kun have a boss?

And a 19-year-old kid?

Who doesn't know that Wang Kun is the first villain on the island?

And he had a boss?

Although Lin Kai is the youngest Lin family in Jiangbei, there is no need for Wang Kun to respect him so much? Call him boss?

If you look at Lin Kai's influence, you can't underestimate it.

Four great men stood behind him.

Four forces!

At that time, Chen Tang felt unprecedented pressure!

This outsider has such a wide range of contacts?

It's OK to know Master Huang Dingtian Ku, even Wang Kun?

You know, even if Chen Tang meets Wang Kun alone, he will have a headache.

Because ruthless people are afraid to be more cruel than themselves. Wang Kun is the first ruthless man on the island. He annoys him. He doesn't know what will happen to him.

Chen Tang's firm ideas began to waver.

With this group of people to protect the Liu family, Chen Tang is bound to be unable to move the Liu family.

But he is not willing to! He came here prepared! Let him return empty handed, he is not reconciled!

At this time, in the hearts of the Liu family, it was a shock.

This is Lin Kai?

This is the old dandy Lin Kai? Lin Kai, who's going to make trouble?

Now, Lin Kai has found four people who are so big, and they have already scared Chen Tang.

Liu Qiao's heart is very complicated. Lin Kai, who works in her massage shop, is now transformed into a big figure in the island society.It is possible to call so many big people to save the Liu family.

Think of her attitude towards Linkai.

At this time, Liu Qiao finally felt a trace of regret.

In the future, if the Liu family and Lin Kai have a good relationship, they will not only have to worry about the Chen family, but also make a great success on the island!

But now, their relationship with Linkai is in a stalemate.

But it doesn't matter!

Since Lin Kai has called so many people, he still has a conscience. He still knows how to help the Liu family.

Liu family people finally saw the hope!

Liu Futong clapped his hands excitedly: "good! Good! My Liu family is saved! "

Grandma Liu was even more excited with tears: "Xiaokai is promising, promising!"

At this time, Lin Kai didn't ask Chen Tang whether to let people go, because Lin Kai had given him too many opportunities and Chen Tang didn't cherish it.

Now, Lin Kai is going to trample Chen Tang under his feet!

"Chen Tang, I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it yourself!" Lin Kai looks at Chen Tang coldly and laughs.

Facing the pressure of Shanda, Chen Tang looked at Lin Kai and asked, "Lin Kai, I admit that the people you brought are really powerful. Tell me, how do you want to solve this matter?"

Lin Kai nodded and said, "first, I want to take a person."

"Second, I want a billion dollars in compensation."

"Third, I want your Chen family to admit their mistakes to Lin Kai."

After hearing Lin Kai's three demands, Chen Tang's face changed greatly.

The first request, Chen Tang can agree.

But a billion yuan is not a small sum for Chen Tang.

Let the Chen family admit their mistakes to Lin Kai, which is equivalent to beating Chen Tang's face!

"I can't do it!" Chen Tang refused Lin Kai.

Chen Tang stared at Lin Kai and said angrily, "Lin Kai! Don't bully people too much! It's a big deal! I have the fatal evidence of Liu's crime! No matter how powerful you are, you are not as powerful as the court? "

Chen Tang just said this sentence, only four or five white police cars drove into Liu's home.

The four or five police cars stopped in front of the crowd, and then a group of policemen in white uniforms came down from the police cars.

There were more than 20 of them. After seeing them, the director of the medical bureau changed his face.

Because the people who come to the medical bureau!

The leader, he knows, is his immediate superior, director Jiang of the medical bureau!

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