Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 519

Before Chen Tang spoke, Chen Tang's son could not hold back, pointing to Lin Kai's nose and swearing.

Chen Tang's son, named Chen Ming, is 23 years old. He is a famous brand, with a Longines watch and an arrogant face.

Chen Ming is also a well-known rich second generation in the island. Among the younger generation, there are really no people who Chen Ming dare not provoke.

Because his father is Chen Tang!

Lin Kai is so arrogant that he wants Chen Tang to give him face? Who does he think he is?

Think it's great to drive a broken Rolls Royce?

Even if Yang Jianxiong comes in person, he has to face Chen Tang!

Chen Tang smile, did not stop his son, his son's meaning is his meaning.

Chen Ming stood out and poked at Lin Kai's chest and said, "boy, you're wise. Now get out of here!"

"Face you? Who are you? "

"Today, no one in the Liu family can survive! I said it

Chen's arrogant face.

After Lin Kai's death, all the people of the Liu family also had to make a mocking voice.

Lin Kai still wants to protect his grandmother? It's a dream!

Even if Lin Ting comes in person, he doesn't necessarily have that face. Besides, it's Lin Kai!

"Lin Kai, stop dreaming! Even if it's your father Lin Ting, it doesn't work! " Liu Qiao held his arm and laughed.

"Lin Ting?" On hearing the speech, Chen Tang was also amused with a smile.

Director Wang of the police and Zhang of the medical bureau also laughed.

Lin family, the overlord of Jiangbei, is the leader of Lin family. Naturally, they know that the Lin family is a hundred billion yuan family.

But on the island, it doesn't work!

Unless it is an international giant, otherwise, when you come to the island, everything must start from scratch! Because the island is an economically independent city, the island can be understood as a small country.

No wonder the Rolls Royce is a rich second generation!

This time, Chen Tang didn't have to worry about Lin Kai's identity at all. At that time, Chen Tang turned his face directly.

Chen Tang glanced up and down at Lin Kai and said, "young master Lin? In the face of your father, I don't care about you in general. Get out of here and don't hinder my Chen Tang's work! "

"Do you hear me? My father told you to get out of here

Chen Ming scorned to smile.

Lin Kai looked at Chen Tang with a serious look: "you really don't give me face?"

Lin Kai is very serious in asking. He is not a person who can distinguish right from wrong. What the Liu family does has nothing to do with his grandmother.

He is very polite. If Chen Tang doesn't agree, he can only use his own means.

Similarly, Lin Kai gave Chen Tang an opportunity not to offend himself.

"I'll warn you, what I've said is always consistent. I'll only give you a chance. Are you going to hand it in or not?"

After listening to Lin Kai's arrogant words, a burst of laughter came, and everyone was amused by Lin Kai's words.

Everyone looks at Lin Kai like a fool.

"I don't know where you come from as an outsider, and I'm very important."

"I'm sorry, you Lin's family is here with me, you have no face!"

Chen Tang sneered.

Chen Ming, Chen Tang's son, said: "boy, I'm afraid you don't know what family my Chen family is?"

"My Chen family is the largest family of Western Medicine on the island! Almost all the private hospitals, pharmacies and beauty salons in the whole island are owned by my Chen family! "

"My Chen family has also developed a beauty product that makes people three years younger and sells well on the island! Our Chen family is worth nearly 100 billion yuan

"Although it's not as big as your Lin family, don't forget that this is an island, not a place where you can be wild!"

"Now get out of here, and I can let you go. Otherwise, I'll screw your head off and kick it!"

Chen Ming, that is arrogant.

It's no wonder that the tens of billions of big families are so arrogant.

Even the people from the police and the medical bureau can be moved. It can be seen that the Chen family is indeed a big family and has a great cause.

At this time, Liu Futong snorted: "hum! What a shame to the Lin family

"If Lin Lei's son Lin Yuan is here, he can solve this problem easily. What else can you do besides eat, drink and laza, you dandy?"

"A waste, just gnaw old people!"

"I don't have any social skills, I don't have any connections on the island, and I want to ask people from others?"


Liu Futong directly spit on the ground with a mouthful of thick phlegm.

Lin Kai looked back at Liu Futong and said faintly, "I hope you don't regret saying this."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Liu Fu Tong laughed: "ha ha ha! What a joke

"I have never regretted what I said! Loser, can you save your grandmother? DreamLin Kai nodded and ignored Liu Futong.

The whole Liu family, only grandma Liu looked at Lin Kai helplessly and lovingly.

At this time, grandma Liu also spoke: "Xiaokai, or forget it, you go, this is the evil made by our Liu family..."

Grandma Liu loves Lin Kai too!

She knows Lin Kai, and after knowing Lin Kai Island, she is really good to the Liu family.

But she also understood that Lin Kai could not save her from Chen Tang's hand.

After all, Chen's family in the island is a big family, great business and extensive contacts!

Lin Kai is just a 19-year-old boy, not a native yet. Why should he let Chen Tang give him face?

Maybe even Lin Kai will get in by then!

Lin Kai looked at grandma, and his eyes were finally kind: "grandma, don't worry, I will take you away."

After that, Lin Kai looked at Chen Tang and said, "since you are sincere against me, don't blame me for not reminding you. I have used all my contacts on the island, so I don't believe it. I can't take people away today!"

Lin Kai's eyes were bright and he said in a loud voice.

Although Lin Kai was full of momentum, there was still a burst of laughter around him.

No one took Lin Kai's words to heart.

All the contacts? What kind of connections can you have on the island?

How many Playboys did you know? How could you offend the Chen family? make fun of!

Liu Qiao, holding his arm, said sarcastically: "ouch, some people are really hypocritical. If you don't borrow the things that we could have solved with a billion yuan loan, now you stand up to solve the problem for us, and want to pretend to be a good person to win the favor of our Liu family? Do you really treat our Liu family as idiots? "

"White eyed wolf, save it!"

Liu Qiao's words just said, saw a Ferrari super run into Liu's house.

That is a yellow super sports car, very domineering, worth tens of millions!

I saw a young man coming down from the car. The young man looked about the same age as Lin Kai.

After he saw Lin Kai, his eyes lit up, and he quickly walked over: "big brother!"

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