Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 517

eight hundred million.

The vacancy in the Liu family.

Chen Tang Pharmaceutical secretly engaged in the Liu family, making the Liu family's capital chain a billion yuan vacancy.

Even if the Liu family sold iron, they only made up for a loophole of 200 million yuan, but still lacked 800 million yuan.

Chentang pharmaceutical has grasped the control of the Liu family. If the 800 million Liu family can not repay, they will face bankruptcy.

At the scene, hundreds of workers of the Liu family also clamored to let the Liu family pay the wages in arrears. For a moment, the pressure on the Liu family was great.

Where did they get the 800 million?

Now the Liu family has become an empty shell.

Only the Lin family can help them.

But their Liu family turned to laiao. Since the incident for decades, the Liu family never asked the Lin family for help.

Even if the Liu family went bankrupt, he would never bow to the Lin family!

Liu Futong looks ugly: "Chen Tang, we Liu family owes you 800 million, we Liu family will pay you back, you need not be so anxious."

Chen Tang pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "Oh, you Liu family owes me 800 million yuan of Chen Tang Pharmaceutical. It's a long time! If you Liu family delays again, be careful that I sue you. "

After that, Chen Tang asked a man standing behind him.

A middle-aged man, in his early 30s, is well-dressed and gentle.

He gave Liu Futong a smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Liu, I'm the lawyer invited by Mr. Chen. If you don't repay the debt of 800 million yuan today, we can only take legal means."

Chen Tang came here prepared, and even lawyers were invited.

The faces of the Liu family were livid.

Take legal means? Take them all to jail?

It is no longer a trivial matter that the wages of workers are in arrears.

Although Chen Tang Pharmaceutical industry was forced to a dead end, but the Liu family is still self-conscious, refused to bow to Chen Tang.

Liu Qiao, a shrew, stood up and swore: "Chen Tang! You beast! Isn't it 800 million? Our Liu family is a big family that has been passed down for a hundred years. Can we owe you that 800 million? "

"And you countrymen! A poor man is a salary of several thousand yuan? Do you need to find our Liu family's door? A group of country bumpkin who have never seen the world. They want thousands of dollars. Do you want face

Liu Qiao swore.

Liu Qiao didn't speak well. As soon as she spoke, the workers who were already angry almost had a riot.

"Take down the Liu family! Kill these scum

"If the Liu family doesn't pay us wages in arrears, why not? Demolish the Liu family! "

"Kill them!"


A burst of noise sounded, and the black crowd rushed to Liu Futong and others. All of the Liu family were startled by the battle.

Liu Qiao, who was still shouting just now, was even more pale and hid behind Liu Futong.

Liu Futong was also very nervous in the face of hundreds of riot workers.

The law does not blame the public. If these people really beat themselves to death, they can't find anyone to reason with in hell!

Chen Tang's face in the distance has been smiling, which is exactly what he wants to see.

He just wants to see the Liu family forced to die!

Chen Tang has always been ruthless in his work. If he wants to do it, he must do it!

Either the Liu family was killed by the workers, or he was sued by Chen Tang and spent the rest of his life in prison, or the Liu family could bring benefits to Chen Tang.

"Wait a minute, everyone!" At this critical moment, Chen Tang opened his mouth.

As soon as Chen Tang opened his mouth, the workers in the riot immediately quieted down.

Everyone looked at Chen Tang.

Chen Tang said with a smile: "big guy, think about it. If you kill them, they don't have to pay you. Do you think so?"

When the workers heard this, they all felt reasonable and stopped their actions.

Chen Tang looked at Liu Futong, and a greedy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Liu Futong, I will give you two choices."

"The first choice is to spend 800 million yuan and settle the wages of the workers. Chen Tang turned around and left without saying a word."

"The second choice..."

Speaking of this, Chen Tang deliberately prolonged his voice: "I heard that your Liu family has a medical book handed down from ancestors?"

After listening to Chen Tang's words, everyone in the Liu family changed their faces.

"How can you think of our Liu family medical books?"


On the other side, in the winter villa on the happy coast, Lin kaipin is enjoying tea and lying on the sofa very leisurely.

At this time, Lin Kai's mobile phone rings.

Take out the mobile phone to have a look, but found that it is his mother calling.

Lin Kai connected the phone: "hello? Mom, how do you think of my son

On the other side of the phone, came Liu Yun's hesitant voice: "Xiao Kai, I'm...""If you have something to say, mom." Said Lin Kai.


Liu Yun sighed and said, "Mom didn't want to trouble you, but now mom can't think of anyone else except you."

"Xiaokai, are you on the island now?"

After listening to Liu Yun's words, Lin Kai has vaguely known what his mother is looking for.

"Mom, do you want to talk about the Liu family? I'm not going to help the Liu family. "

Lin Kai's tone cooled down. During this period of time, Lin Kai has been looking at the attitude of the Liu family towards Lin Kai. He will never help the Liu family!

And Liu Yun's attitude to Lin Kai is not surprised, because she is too clear about the character of her family.

"Mom knows you don't like your grandfather and them, but they are mom's family after all."

"Mother's request is not high, don't let them get hurt, or have the disaster of prison

"As for whether the Liu family is bankrupt or not, mom doesn't force you."

After listening to Liu Yun's words, Lin Kai is silent.

As you can tell, my mother is very embarrassed.

After all, it's her family. No matter how bad her family is to herself, it's her mother's family.

I'm afraid that Liu's mother would help the prison if she didn't help her.

Or, you can't protect yourself!

Lin Kai thought of his grandmother again.

I don't think about Liu's family, but I have to think about my grandmother?

She is not bad to herself!

Lin Kai nodded and promised to come down: "Mom, don't worry. I can't guarantee others, but grandma, I will never let her get hurt."

After that, Lin Kai hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Kai put on his coat and walked out of the Liu family.

After leaving Liu's home, Lin Kai took out his mobile phone and looked at his mobile phone address book. Lin Kai used all his relations in the island!

Chen Tang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Lin Kai has heard that since the largest western medicine merchant on the island wants to fight against Chen Tang Pharmaceutical, Lin Kai must let Chen Tang Pharmaceutical die directly!

Of course, Lin Kai didn't go to help the Liu family. He went for his grandmother!

Although he promised his mother, Lin kaicai didn't care about the life and death of other people except grandma!

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