Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 496

"The machetes in the butcher's hands on rainy nights are made of very good materials."

"And the young man can break the machete with his own hand!"

"And the machete was cut on the young people's hands, and the young people were not hurt. This shows that the young people's physical defense is extremely strong!"

"This is a master."

Wearing black Tang suit Maple boundless back hand, a face serious said.

As he spoke, his eyes still showed admiration.

Even he couldn't guarantee that his hands would be well preserved under the machete.

And this young man, he did.

All the people on the scene looked at the monitoring seriously. No one thought that Yang Jianxiong could survive because of the young man's blessing!

In the video, Lin Kai breaks off the old man's machete in rainy night, and the rest of the butcher gather together and look at Lin Kai with a bad face.

Then, with the order of the boss in rainy night, the butcher and other people went to chop the forest with a machete!

And Linkai moved.

During the monitoring, people are looking at the scene from a God's perspective.

So I can see Lin Kai's movements clearly.

I saw Lin Kai one punch blind the eyes of the boss in the rainy night and kicked him to fly out!

After that, Lin Kai solved the problem of rainy night.

One face-to-face, five butchers on a rainy night are solved by Lin Kai!

Even from the perspective of God, Lin Kai's speed is fast to blur!

Even the monitor can't take a clear picture of Lin Kai's movements. It's too fast.

Everyone is so surprised. This is really a master!

But in the sick room, Yang Mi's small face changed slightly. She didn't expect that Lin Kai saved her father's life!

Thinking of blaming Lin Kai at the scene of the car accident, Yang Mi felt a burst of guilt.

However, Yang Mi turned to think about it. Lin Kai didn't understand medical skills, but he still wanted to be brave. This is unforgivable!

What if he's good at it? Even if he is good at it, can he practice medicine indiscriminately?


During the monitoring, the third man took out his pistol on a rainy night, the fourth and the fifth also took out the pistol. The three men pointed at Lin Kai with their pistols, and their faces were not good.

They fired!

In the ward, everyone's face changed.

Can Lin Kai hold the gun?

They feel that Lin Kai should choose to run away at this time!

But the butcher on rainy night may also leave the scene ahead of time because of Lin Kai's delay. Yang Jianxiong saved his life.

That's what people think.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Kai didn't choose to escape!

On a rainy night, the third shot! That is to say, at the same time of shooting, Lin Kai's hand shot out a stone, which directly penetrated the head of the third in the rainy night!

On a rainy night, the third man died suddenly on the spot!

And Lin Kai stretched out his two fingers and caught the bullet from the pistol on the spot!

After seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed and widened their eyes!

Even Yang Jianxiong, who was lying in the hospital bed, couldn't help but stare at his eyes, and his breath became short.

This man caught the bullet with his finger!

How fast and powerful is this going to have to be?

Yang Jianxiong's master Feng Wuyuan is also shocked at this time.

It's so strong!

He thought that Lin Kai was strong enough to catch the machete, but he didn't expect that Lin Kai could catch bullets!

Even a bullet can't hurt Lin Kai Fen Fen!

At this time, the voice of maple boundless was shaking: "this This is a master

People also nodded, not to say Maple boundless, people also see, this is a master indeed!

Then, on a rainy night, the fourth and the fifth shot at the same time. They shot all the bullets in the pistol at one go!

And Lin Kai's hands were flying, and by the way, he caught several bullets with his mouth.

After that, Lin Kai threw all the bullets to the ground. There were no bullets in the fourth and fifth pistols on a rainy night, and Linkai was not injured!

At this time, the butcher on a rainy night finally knows that he is afraid, and the fourth and the fifth escape!

Lin Kai picked up two bricks from the ground and laid them down directly!

The hand that Lin Kai throws brick, that is a steady, but the brick hits that is accurate, old four and old five did not make a sound, already fell on the ground, life and death is unknown.

After watching this period of monitoring, everyone was silent.

No wonder, no wonder Yang Jianxiong was murdered, but did not die on the spot.

It turns out that such a young man appeared and saved Yang Jianxiong!

After a long silence, Yang Jianxiong said weakly, "remember the young man's appearance and investigate him. After that, he will be our guest of honor in the Yang family."Although Yang Jianxiong was still dead, Lin Kai saved his little daughter's life, so Yang Jianxiong kept this kindness in mind.

The Yang family all nodded.

Only Yang Mi blushed and said nothing.

She didn't expect that Lin Kai saved her sister's life!

But what about that? Yang Mi still doesn't like Lin Kai.

Even if you save my sister's life, you can't resist the fact that you practice medicine indiscriminately!

You almost killed my dad!

I won't trouble you at most, but it's impossible for me to regard you as a guest of the Yang family!

This is the most real idea in Yang Mi's mind.

People then look at the monitoring, then, Lin Kai picked up Yang Xinxin, and then came to Rolls Royce in front of him and pulled the damaged door open.

Later, Lin Kai pulled Yang Jianxiong out of his coma and was covered with blood.


At this time, ye Miao hand suddenly called.

The surveillance video was suspended and ye Miaoshu squinted at the TV screen.

He looked carefully at Yang Jianxiong on the screen.

After a long time, ye Miao clapped his hands and said, "it's really amazing!"

Ye miaoshou has a dignified expression on his face, and everyone also looks at him.

"What's the matter?" Yang asked

Ye Miao touched his chin, pointed to the TV screen and said, "you see, at that time, the owner of the house had many collapses and obvious injuries."

"It's no surprise that the traffic accident was so serious that there were all these injuries."

"But now, there's only one injury."

"The owner in the video clearly has been seriously injured and is going to die soon."

After listening to ye Miaoshu's words, everyone also looks at Yang Jianxiong in the video. As expected, Yang Jianxiong in the video is covered with blood and has several obvious wounds.

This is clearly a serious injury, will not be able to perform immediately.

At this time, Yang Mi said: "this matter is not easy to explain? At that time, Dr. Li Ming Li quickly arrived at the scene. He must have treated my father, which brought my father back from the ghost door, don't you think? Dr. Lee? "

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