Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 468

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang kunhu's body was shocked.

He widened his eyes and looked at Lin Kai in an incredible way.

He does have hidden diseases in that respect. Although Wang Kun looks fierce, he has only three seconds in bed.

This has always been Wang Kun's greatest pain.

The underground emperor of Tangtang island is a man of three seconds.

This has always been Wang Kun's biggest secret, no one knows, except his woman.

But now, Lin Kai's words are amazing, almost frightening Wang Kun to death.

"How do you know that?" Wang Kun asked with wide eyes.

Lin opened his hands in his pockets and glanced at Wang Kun: "I learned from an old Chinese medicine doctor in the army. I can see your symptoms at a glance."

Wang Kun heard the speech and gave a bitter smile.

"Ha ha, this is when I was seventeen or eighteen years old, I was fighting with others, and my lower body was injured, leaving a sequela."

Wang Kun has a helpless smile. As a man, he has only three seconds in bed, which is his biggest weakness.

Lin kaineng can see that it is really powerful.

But Wang Kun doesn't think that Lin Kai can cure his hidden disease.

After all, I have seen many famous doctors in China, and no doctor can cure his hidden disease.

At this time, Lin Kai said faintly, "it's just a little problem. I can cure it."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang Kun was stunned: "ah?"

Wang Kun can't react. Lin Kai says that he can cure himself of this problem?

At that time, Wang Kun thought Lin Kai was joking: "boss, are you kidding?"

Wang Kun gave a bitter smile. He thought Lin Kai was making fun of himself.

Lin made a faint smile: "ha ha, do you think I'm joking?"

After that, Lin Kai said, "wait for me to call tomorrow. I'll prepare something to cure your hidden disease in one day."

After that, Lin Kai left Wang Kun's villa.

Wang Kun sat on the ground, after a long time, he suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha

"I'm finally going to be a man!"

Wang Kun was overjoyed!

He has had so many years of old problems, now there is hope that can be cured!

Linkai gave him hope!

Now he only hopes that Lin Kaizhen is sure that he can cure his old problems. If Lin Kaizhen can cure him, he is willing to let Wang Kun do something for Lin Kai.

After leaving Wang Kun's villa, Lin Kai came to the island city and found a hotel at random and stayed down.

The next day, Lin Kai went to work as usual.

In the evening, Lin Kai cleaned up his clothes and was ready to leave work.

Just walked to the gate near the water Pavilion, saw a girl appeared in front of Lin Kai.

The girl wore a pair of short hot pants and a pair of long white legs exposed in front of Linkai.

This pair of beautiful legs, flawless, tender and smooth, let people see, there will be an impulse to touch.

But on the beautiful leg, also sets off a pair of flesh colored silk stockings, the silk stockings set off the beautiful leg more white.

On the upper body a waist small sweater, dressed very avant-garde and sexy.

And her face is also very beautiful, the visitor is Chang Weiwei.

After seeing Chang Weiwei, Lin Kai is obviously stunned.


Standing in front of Lin Kai, Chang Weiwei is a little embarrassed, because she is also the first time to try to wear such sexy clothes.

I don't know why, Chang Weiwei wants to show herself in front of Lin Kai.

"Lin Kai, you saved me twice. I'm going to invite you to dinner. You have to show your face today." Chang Weiwei said with his back.

Hearing this, Lin Kai couldn't laugh or cry: "OK, let's go."


Anyway, Lin had nothing to do after work, so he followed Chang Weiwei to a hotel.

The environment of this hotel is not bad. It looks like three or four hundred per capita. For Chang Weiwei, a bottom-level worker who earns 4500 a month, it is generous enough to spend three or four hundred to invite people to dinner.

Two people eat and chat, but also very happy.

Chang Weiwei ordered four dishes and a soup. They were not cheap. They were more than 500.

"Come on! Linkai! In order to thank you, I have never drunk wine girl, here is a toast to you

Chang Weiwei raised his glass and said with a smile.

Lin Kai raises his glass and touches Chang Weiwei.

Chang Weiwei picked up his glass and drank it down in one gulp. He was very generous.

After drinking the red wine, I saw Chang Weiwei's small face, had appeared a touch of blush, obviously, she was unable to drink.

But she also has a bottom. After a drink, she doesn't drink.

They were chatting happily when several young men in famous brands passed by the dining table.A girl looked at Chang Weiwei, surprised: "Weiwei?"

Lin Kai and Chang Weiwei look at the men and women together. The girl looks as if she is about the same age as Chang Weiwei. She is more exposed than Chang Weiwei.

But in terms of appearance, it is still much worse than Chang Weiwei.

A wave hair, wearing a sling skirt, a face of surprise looking at Chang Wei.

"Sister yuan?" After Chang Weiwei saw Li Yuan, she was stunned.

Li Yuan looked at Lin Kai and frowned: "who is he?"

Chang Weiwei quickly explained, "he is my colleague."

"Colleagues? Can colleagues have dinner together? Do you deserve Zhang Shao for doing so? " Li Yuan denounced angrily.

Behind him, several young men and women wearing famous brands are also looking at Chang Weiwei.

Among them, a young man, dressed in Adidas clothes and a Longines watch on his wrist, frowned at Lin Kai and looked displeased.

He is Zhang Shao in Li Yuan's mouth.

Zhang Qiming.

When Chang Weiwei heard the speech, she also frowned: "sister yuan, it seems that Zhang Shao and I have nothing to do with it? Who do I eat with, Zhang Shao doesn't care? "

"No way?" Li Yuan heard the speech and said, "Weiwei, where can this poor boy have Zhang SHAOHAO? Zhang Shao invited you to dinner. If you don't want to go, but now you have dinner with this poor boy, what do you think? "

"Zhang Shao's family is engaged in big business, with annual income of tens of millions. It's your blessing that Zhang Shao takes a fancy to you."

"Now you are having dinner with this little white face. Are you worthy of Zhang Shao?"

At that time, Li Yuan was angry and scolded Chang Weiwei.

Li Yuan is a senior high school classmate of Chang Weiwei, and her relationship is just ordinary.

When Zhang Qiming fell in love with Chang Weiwei, Li Yuan tried her best to match up the two of them. If they were together, Zhang Qiming would give Li Yuan a lot of money.

But now that Chang Weiwei is with other men, how can Li Yuan sit still?

At this time, Zhang Qiming stands out and looks at Lin Kai.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Qiming, the minority director of Zhang's group."

Zhang Qiming looks proud and doesn't take his eyes to see Lin Kai.

And Lin Kai took a glance at Zhang Qiming: "what's the matter?"

Zhang Qiming took out a bank card from his pocket and threw it on the table: "100000 yuan, leave changweiwei."

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