Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 459

Huang Dingtian is defeated by Lin Kai. He simply turns his face and doesn't recognize people. He sneers and holds a golf club in his hand. He looks at Lin Kai with a bad look on his face.

The rich and young behind him are all rubbing their hands to teach Lin Kai a lesson.

Lin Kai is surrounded by so many people. He is not afraid at all.

"Huang Dingtian, I'd like to advise you, don't find yourself unhappy. It's still you who get hurt in the end."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the rich and the young around him laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha! Linkai, do you know where this is? This is an island

"It's Laozi's territory! It's not Jiangbei. Do you dare to threaten me? "

"Are you in your head?"

Huang Dingtian burst out laughing and said to Lin Kai with a face of arrogance.

"Lin Kai, I would also advise you to kneel down and knock three times to call grandfather."

"If I'm happy, I can consider letting you go."

"If I'm not happy, I'll let you lie down and leave here!"

Lin Kai sat on a solid wood chair and took a sip of tea with a look of indifference.

"Leave me alone, then."

A face of indifference, absolutely ignore Huang Dingtian.

At that time, Huang Dingtian was angry because he could not see any fear and despair in Lin Kai's expression, which made Huang Dingtian feel that he had no sense of existence.

Damn it, Lin Kai. You're still so crazy when you're dying. I don't think you can see the coffin or cry!


Huang Dingtian smashed a goblet to the ground. He pointed to Linkai and roared: "fight me!"

Huang Dingtian's command, at that time, only a few dozen armed with weapons rushed to Linkai!

Weapons such as baseball bats and stools hit Linkai.

And Lin Kai this time, finally put down the hand of the tea cup, burst in place!

Lin Kai jumped directly onto the table, and a whirlwind leg kicked directly at the people who were besieging him.

Lin Kai's legs are not only fast, but also very cruel. With a crash, Lin Kai's legs are in front of everyone.

Half of them were kicked in the face by Lin Kai's foot, and their bodies fell back uncontrollably.

For a moment, only a burst of howling sound could be heard. Dozens of people besieged Linkai and collapsed!

It's just a leg.

Then, Lin Kai picked up a golf club, just like a wolf into a sheep, and played when he saw people!




A piece of blood spatter out, only to see a person was directly broken by Lin Kai's arm!

Some people wanted to attack Lin Kai, but when his stick fell on Lin Kai's head, he was dumbfounded.

I saw that the stick was broken, and Linkai, not even a hair fell off!

Lin Kai turned his head and gave him a cold look. A blow made his nose bleed!

It only took less than three minutes, and all the dozens of them were put down by Lin Kai alone.

In the whole chess and card room, only one person is still standing, this person is Huang Dingtian.

Huang Dingtian is also silly at this time, and his golf clubs are scared to the ground.

How can Lin Kai fight?

In his thin body, is there such a powerful explosive force?

For a moment, Huang Dingtian was dumbfounded.

Looking at the wailing young brothers, Huang Dingtian even suspected that he was dreaming.

When did this kid get so strong?

Lin Kai took the stick and went to Huang Dingtian with a funny smile in his mouth.

"You boy, you want to move me, Lin Kai? Are you qualified? " Lin Kai asked haughtily.

Huang Dingtian only felt the burning pain on his face at this time.

He was so arrogant just now, but now, he has been cleaned up by Lin Kai. He is shameless!

Lin Kai was beaten by a foreign childe brother. If this thing is spread out, how can Huang Dingtian mix with him on the island?

"Lin Kai, I I advise you not to be a fool! This is an island Although Huang Dingtian is afraid, he still can't put his face down.

A stuttering threat to Linkai.


Huang Dingtian just finished this sentence, Lin Kai gave him a big mouth directly!

This big mouth made half of Huang's face swollen, and the corners of his mouth showed blood.

Huang Dingtian is stunned. Lin Kai dare to beat him? How hard is it? From childhood to adulthood, no one dares to beat him like this!

"How dare you hit me?" Huang Dingtian points to Lin Kai with an unbelievable face.


Huang Dingtian just finished this sentence, Lin Kai then gave him a big mouth.

This one mouth son, gave Huang Dingtian to suspect life.Both sides of his face were swollen, just like a pig's head.

Huang Dingtian finally feels scared at this time. Lin Kai is not afraid of him. Huang Dingtian is really heavy!

"Lin Kai, you Don't be impulsive. You have something to say. " Huang Dingtian's face showed fear, some stuttering way.

Lin Kai pondered and said with a smile: "ha ha, now you know how to say it well?"

Huang Dingtian's face is very ugly, dare not speak.

"Huang Dingtian, did the bet just now count?" Asked Linkai.

Huang Dingtian nodded with difficulty: "count"

now Huang Dingtian dares not to count? As long as he says no, Lin Kai will beat him mercilessly!

"Who loses, who will make a cow for the other party?" Lin Kai asked again.

Huang Dingtian nodded his head and his face was livid.

Lin Kai suddenly gave a bad smile: "Oh, in this case, you kneel down and learn a barking dog for me."

Huang Dingtian's body froze when he heard the speech.

You want him to bark like a dog?

Still kneeling?

You know, the most important thing for a powerful family like him is his own face. Now that Lin Kai asks him to kneel down, he throws his dignity in front of him and tramples on him!

Will Huang Dingtian kneel down?

If you don't kneel, you can't avoid a beating. Kneel down, and things will spread out. Huang Dingtian doesn't have to mix in the island!

"No kneeling?" Lin opened his eyes and his stick was ready to move.

Huang Dingtian can't help but shake his body. Forget it, kneel down!

Keep the green hills, don't worry about firewood burning!

It's not too late for a gentleman to revenge. Lin Kai, wait for me!

Just when Huang Dingtian was about to kneel down, a group of strong men in black rushed into the chess and card room.

This group of strong men in black, each of them is very tall, wearing a black suit, wearing sunglasses, and holding a electric wand in hand.

There are fifteen strong men.

After seeing this group of people, Huang Dingtian is overjoyed because these people are the security guards of this entertainment place!

After the strong man in black came in, and then a young man came in.

Young people in their early twenties, dressed in casual suits, with bright hair and a folding fan in their hands, walk very smartly.

He was wild and wild, and he had a bohemian temperament.

After he came in, Huang Dingtian was so excited that he almost cried!

"Wang Shao, you are here!"

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