Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 454

Huang Dingtian's mouth showed a proud smile, and a sinister look flashed in his eyes.

Linkai, Linkai, come to my place, do you want to win me?

No way!

As long as you dare to fight, I will definitely let you not win a game!

Lin Kai thought a little, then nodded his head and agreed.

"Yes!" Lin Kai smiles and says.

The reason why Lin Kai agreed with Huang Dingtian was that he considered his grandmother.

What's more, Lin Kai is short of a younger brother recently. Huang Dingtian is the eldest young master of the Huang family, one of the top ten families. He is qualified to be his younger brother.

"Good!" Huang Dingtian clapped his hands and was very excited.

"It's not too late. Let's go now!" Huang Dingtian is quite excited.

Lin Kai, Lin Kai, when we were fighting, you always bullied me by the Lin family behind you.

But now, my Huang Ding Tian is not what I used to be.

Behind Huang Dingtian, I am one of the top ten families in the island.

Even if you can't compare with your Lin family, but don't forget, this is an island!

It's Laozi's territory!

Even if you are the Lin family behind you? Even if it is the dragon family in Beijing, I am not afraid at all!

"Get in the car!" At Huang Dingtian's command, Lin drove directly onto Huang Dingtian's car.

Huang Dingtian's car is a yellow Ferrari sports car.

This sports car is limited in size and has been professionally modified. The market price is about 30 million yuan.

Huang Dingtian is worthy of being the top class of the island. Even the car is so luxurious.

A dozen luxury cars drove directly into the island city.

Their destination is a horse farm on the edge of the island city.

This Racecourse is the top Racecourse in the island. It has beautiful scenery and superior conditions. The horses in the racecourse are also top-notch horses.

Soon, Lin Kai followed Huang Dingtian and them to this horse farm.

Park the car in the parking lot, a line of dozens of people to the racecourse.

And the manager of the racecourse met Huang Dingtian when he saw Huang Dingtian coming. It was a passion.

"Huang Shao, you are here. Please come in!" The manager said with a flattering smile.

Huang Dingtian, wearing a pair of sunglasses, said with a smile: "spare me a race track. I'm going to race with others today!"

After listening to Huang Dingtian's words, the manager of the horse farm went to do it.

"OK, Huang Shao, just a moment."

Soon after, the manager came back and took Lin Kai to the starting point of a track.

This track, which is straight and green on both sides of the track, is the broadest track in the whole racecourse, with a total length of 3000 meters.

This track not only has beautiful scenery, but also has a traffic lane beside the track, which can let the car run with the horse.

As soon as Huang Dingtian appeared in the racecourse, he immediately became the focus of the racecourse.

Many of the young people who came to ride on horseback have already stood by and watched.

For a while, Huang Dingtian seems to have become a big star, surrounded by people.

And Huang Dingtian is also a proud expression, he waved: "bring my horse up!"

The supervisor personally led the horse for Huang Dingtian, and soon after, he saw a very beautiful brown horse was led up.

This horse is extremely beautiful, with shiny hair, strong physique and explosive thigh muscles.

A cry of surprise rang out at the scene. It turned out to be a bloody BMW!

"I've heard that Huang Shao has a hard-working BMW in this racecourse. It turns out to be true!"

"Yes, this hard-working BMW is said to be worth more than one million yuan! More expensive than BMW! "

"Who is the man who raced with Huang Shao? Why not? "

"I don't know. It seems to be from Jiangbei."

A burst of discussion sounded, and everyone pointed to Lin Kai and Huang Dingtian.

Huang Dingtian here can be said to call the wind and rain, and Lin Kai, no one knows.

Huang Dingtian looked at Lin Kai with pride on his face and said, "my horse, but I spent one million yuan to buy the pure blood BMW!"

"What horse are you going to ride against me? Oh, by the way, you don't have a horse, do you? "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Said, Huang Dingtian issued a burst of laughter, a face of irony.

And Huang Dingtian behind a crowd, are also laughing at Lin Kai, eyes with a smile.

They know that Lin Kai must have no horse!

Who goes out with a horse? So Huangding genius will compete with Lin Kai. Unexpectedly, Lin Kai agreed.

What a fool!

"It doesn't matter if there's no horse. I'm ready for you. Bring it up!"

With Huang Dingtian's order, the manager came with three people and three horses.After seeing the three horses, the crowd let out a burst of laughter.

Because of these three horses, two of them can be said to be malformed among the horses.

One is a short legged horse. The horse's legs are so short that it doesn't seem to run fast.

The other horse, however, was a lame horse. Although it was strong, it was limping on one foot.

The last horse, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. This horse is also very beautiful.

This horse, tall and powerful, full of muscles, explosive force gives people an amazing feeling.

And its hair is very glossy.

It is high in the eyes, but also represents its rebellious character.

This horse is even more temperament than Huang Dingtian's bloody BMW!

Lin took a fancy to the horse at a glance.

But the onlookers sneered and looked at Lin Kai with sarcasm.

Huang Dingtian asked: "master Lin, have you chosen?"

Lin Kaiyi pointed to the most powerful horse and said, "I'll take it!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Huang Dingtian's mouth showed a sarcastic smile. He wanted Lin Kai to choose it!

"Are you sure?" Huang Dingtian asked.

Lin Kai nodded heavily: "sure!"

Lin Kai is very optimistic about this horse, which gives him a wild feeling, and Linkai also wants to conquer this wild horse!

"Good! Then I'll give you the horse! " Huang Dingtian didn't hesitate in the slightest, nodded his head and agreed.

Huang Dingtian is so kind? Of course he wasn't so kind.

At this time, I saw a burst of laughter.

They're all laughing at Linkai!

Lin Kai is so ignorant.

The horse that Lin Kai is interested in is indeed a good horse. It is an Arab Horse. It is the royal family of horses!

But the horse's character is very strong, since it entered this racecourse, no one can conquer it!

Even the island's top equestrian can't do anything about it.

Because this horse is too strong, once a equestrian tried to conquer it, but it was mercilessly trampled on three ribs, almost died on the spot!

So, Lin Kaixuan is just looking for death!

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