Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 437

When he saw that Lin Kai was about to be cut off, the corner of long Xiaoyun's mouth showed a faint smile that was not easy to detect.

Linkai, Linkai, I will destroy your spirit in a moment!

But Linkai didn't cut it.

Instead, he stopped.

Lin Kai moved the scissors to the front of another wire. He wanted to cut another wire!

Long Xiaoyun shook his head. This wire is also a detonating wire.

Of the dozens of wires, only one wire can defuse the bomb.

"You only have one minute." Long Xiaoyun reminds at this time.

Smell speech, Lin Kai speed up the speed, scissors in front of a wire after another test.

Lin Kai's comrades in arms are confused. What is Lin Kai doing?

Although they admire their captain Lin Kai, Lin Kai is not omnipotent after all. It's normal that Lin Kai can't solve the bomb vest.

They didn't think Linkai could take the bomb vest off the firing mode.

Lin Kai quickly tests on one wire after another, and each wire will make the watchful cat's eye shake.

Finally, in the 58th second, Lin Kai found a wire to keep the cat's eyes from shaking!

That's it!


Linkai cut that wire directly!

The timer on the vest of the bomb was set at the 58th second.

The drip stopped.

People are stunned, the bomb vest, actually did not explode?

Although this bomb vest is just a simulation, if you cut the wrong wire, it will make a very harsh electric bell.

But now, the bomb vest did not make a sound at all. Does this mean that Lin Kai successfully lifted the detonating mode of this bomb vest?

It's amazing!

This is the first thought in people's hearts.

They and Lin Kai became special forces at the same time. Neither of them learned to remove the detonating mode of bomb vest in this way. Lin Kai certainly did not.

Now, Lin Kai has done it!

What does that mean?

It shows that Lin Kai is very talented and has no teacher!

The smile on long Xiaoyun's small face also solidified. She looked at Lin Kai like a monster. Her face was incredible.

She originally wanted to make things difficult for Lin Kai. After all, Lin Kai had no training in this field, but Lin Kai created a miracle again!

He actually removed the detonating mode of the vest.

This is a miracle!

After the scene was quiet for a while, thunderous applause broke out.

Lin Kai's comrades in arms, everyone sincerely clapped their hands.

They are proud of Lin Kai. Lin Kaiqiang has a light on their faces, because Lin Kai is the leader of their wolf squadron!

At this time, long Xiaoyun's voice stuttered: "Lin Kai, you How did you do it? "

Lin Kai smiles and says, "intuition."

With that, Lin patted himself on the chest.


This thing has always been a very illusory thing. Long Xiaoyun doesn't know how to evaluate this feeling.

A decade old soldier told her that intuition can really change a person's destiny in the battlefield.

But does intuition really exist?


After class, Lin Kai chatted with his brothers for a while, cleaned up his things and went back to his office.

The next morning, Lin Kai received a notice from he Zhijun, asking him to gather the battle wolf squadron and report to the conference room.

So Lin Kai assembled the battle wolf squadron and arrived at the conference room of the wolf tooth special battle brigade at seven o'clock in the morning.

After arriving at the conference room, Lin Kai found that not only the wolf Squadron, but also two special forces.

They are the LTTE and the red cell task force.

They're here, too.

Three familiar special forces have been assembled, mine warfare and Enron are also present, and he Zhijun and other three leaders are also on the scene.

So many people?

So grand?

After taking his seat, he Zhijun stood on the platform and saw a huge projection cloth behind him.

At this time, on the projection cloth, there is a picture.

This picture is a picture of Huangshan Village on a snowy mountain.

He Zhijun knocked on the table and said, "good morning, comrades. There is an important announcement today."

"Today, I'm going to tell you a story, the story of a drug lord."

"This big drug lord has countless pseudonyms and no specific name. He is the largest drug lord in China at present."

"I don't need to say much about his name. I believe everyone knows it.""He is Cao Wanjin, one of his most famous pseudonyms."

I saw the pictures behind he Zhijun one by one.

There are pictures of weapons seized, pictures of them committing crimes, and pictures of them making drugs.

After seeing these pictures, everyone's face changed.

Especially the three special forces.

Although the three special forces are elite, they are all recruits after all, and have not performed many tasks, so after seeing these pictures, they can not help but accelerate their hearts.

Everyone was very surprised.

In China, there are still criminal organizations with such a large scale?

This is terrible!

He Zhijun's serious expression gradually relaxed, and his mouth showed a smile: "however, it is such a large organization that ignores the armed police force, but it is a nest of people from our Southeast military region."

Hearing he Zhijun's words, everyone's eyes widened.

The people of the southeast military region are in a mess?

For a moment, everyone looked at Lei Zhan in unison.

Although Lin Kai is also very strong, Lin Kai's actual combat experience is certainly not as good as mine's, and this time, the superior will definitely send veteran.

It's not safe to send new soldiers.

At this time, Lei Zhan scratched his head and was in a fog.

In this operation, mine warfare did not participate at all!

During this period of time, Lei Zhan has been training new recruits, and he has not gone out to carry out the task. He has no idea about the task this time.

And this time, the task is top secret, before the task is completed, it will never leak out.

Suddenly, thunder was stunned.

He turned his head mechanically and looked at Lin Kai.

This boy, it seems that he has not been in the military region this time. Is it him?

No way!

Lei Zhan shakes his head, even if he is strong, even if he can always create miracles, but after all, he is just a recruit, he can take out more than 100 mercenaries' nest?

No way!

At this time, he Zhijun also looked at Lin Kai, smiling.

"Lin Kai, come out."

After hearing the two words of Lin Kai, everyone looked at Lin Kai in unison. It was him again?

People are numb. Since this boy became the new king, he has not stopped for a day. He is the one who praises, he breaks the record, and he makes contributions!

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