Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 430

But what if you catch up with me?

The corner of the mouth of the obscene man shows a confident smile.

He is a descendant of stealing, and what he has learned is not only the skill of stealing, but also the skill of fighting!

Even five or six strong men can't get close to him!

Young man, since you are nosy, I'll let you know why the flowers are so red!


I saw that the two feet of the obscene man suddenly stopped running, sliding on the ground, sliding for tens of meters, the body of the obscene man stopped.

If you look at the soles of his shoes, they are almost worn flat.

The wretched man looked at Lin Kai, his eyes showed a cruel intention.

"Mind your own business, boy?"

Said, the wretched man took out a spring knife from his pocket. With a crack, the bright blade appeared in front of Lin Kai.

And Lin Kai also glides on the ground for a long time to stabilize his body.

Seeing the wretched man who took out the spring knife, Lin Kai also laughed.

How can you compete with yourself in melee?

At the same time, my new weapon is still worried that there is no opponent to practice!

Lin Kai took out the meteorite finger tiger from his pocket and put it on his finger.

After seeing the finger tiger on Lin's fist, the wretched man obviously disdained a smile: "Yo, ah, finger tiger? What's the age of this? How can someone use such a rubbish weapon? "

Lin Kai thought with a smile: "it's enough to kill you."

"Is it?" The wretched man moved his muscles and bones: "I want to see how you kill me with this piece of junk!"

After that, the obscene man moved.

His right foot suddenly stepped on the ground, his body broke out a very fast speed and strength, rushed to Lin Kai!

And the spring knife in his hand took Lin Kai's arm!

He doesn't want to kill people, but it's OK to scrap one of Lin's arms.

In the face of the menacing wretched man, Lin Kai did not dodge at all, allowing him to rush to himself with a spring knife.

It happened that this scene was seen by the several policemen who came to see it.

Several police panting after, see the picture of the indecent man with a knife, several police are staring.

Are you going to kill?

Originally a relatively simple theft, but now it is going to turn into a homicide case?

Several police officers rushed in like crazy, even if they knew, they had no use in the past, because the crooked man's spring knife had already stabbed Lin Kai's arm!

What can you do, young man?


A crisp sound, indecent man in the hands of the spring knife will be in Lin Kai's body.

The wretched man only felt that his hand was light, and that extremely tough spring knife was actually broken in two at this time!

It was as if his knife had been stuck on the steel!

Can't shake Lin Kai!

Bad, the feeling of the heart.

When the obscene man looks up, he sees Lin Kai looking at himself with a face full of fun.


Are you afraid of spring knives?


The only thought in a dirty man's heart.

Lewd man's reaction or very fast, a look at the other side is a hard role, without saying a word, turn and run!

But will Lin Kai let him run away?

At that time, Lin Kai's left hand directly grasped the collar of the wretched man!

The magical scene happened, only saw the body of the obscene man shrink, actually directly from the clothes to drill out.

Bone shrinking!

Is the threshold of the thief industry so high now? This wretched man is not only explosive, fast and powerful, but also has the bone shrinking skill of such an evil sect!

But Lin Kai believes that in the face of absolute power, all skills are empty talk!

In a blink of an eye, the obscene man has run out tens of meters away.

Lin Kai also chased up, Lin Kai's body, like a strong wind, straight after the obscene man.


One punch!

This blow, Lin Kai immediately regret, because he found that the meteorite refers to the tiger's power, is really too big!

He had only wanted to beat the wretched man down, but wearing the meteorite finger tiger, his own strength is somewhat uncontrollable.

If this blow is real, the wretched man is expected to explode and die on the spot!

No way, Lin Kai can only change the trajectory of his fist in the air.

I saw Lin Kai a blow to a rockery on the side of the road.

The few policemen who came after me looked silly and were not hurt? Running after the thief instead?

It's just, what's he doing with rockery?

Did he feel that he could blow up the rockery, and then the stones that splashed out would hurt the thief?Several policemen were very puzzled.

The wretched man also looked back at Lin Kai's actions when he ran away. He was also puzzled.

A fake mountain? Is this kid smart?

The obscene man just wanted to laugh, but what happened next made him unable to laugh.

Lin Kai hit the rockery with his fist. He heard a loud noise. The impregnable rockery was exploded by Lin Kai in an instant!

Although the rockery is not big, only one person high, but it is a real stone!

Lin Kai's fist is also made of meat. Even if he wears a finger tiger, his strength is not so big that even a rockery can be smashed!

For a moment, the stone splashed, and a stone splashed out hit the obscene man in an impartial manner.

The obscene man didn't react at all, so he was hit in the head by the stone. Ouch, he fell to the ground directly.

Subsequently, the obscene man was quickly run to the police to control, directly put on the handcuffs, afraid not to worry, also put on the handcuffs on his feet.

Lin Kai is sweating at this time.

It's too damn close!

If this blow is hit on that wretched man's body, it is estimated that it will be difficult to leave a whole body!

Fortunately, Lin Kai is also very excited.

This meteorite refers to the tiger. Its power is really huge!

With it, Lin Kai is not afraid to meet any powerful opponent in the future.

When I turned back, I ran into the policemen, who had a look of admiration on their faces.

A policeman came forward and took Lin Kai's right hand.

"Comrade, thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, this time the boy would have run away again!"

The policeman had a look of gratitude.

The wretched man who was hit on his head shed blood on his forehead. He looked at Lin Kai with shock on his face, and his mood could not calm down for a long time.

A blow to the rockery?

Even his master did not have this strength.

Who the hell is he?

Don't talk about that wretched man. Even these policemen don't understand. Lin Kai is young, but his speed and strength are even stronger than special forces.

No, it's impossible to measure Lin Kai by the standard of special forces. If we really want to find a standard, we can compare Linkai with flying man.

"You're welcome. I'll fight once every time I see a pervert with a special hobby like this!"

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