Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 428

Feng Hai knelt down without backbone.

He's scared!

What manager Li said is not a joke. Ruyi Lou has the strength to make him disappear from the world.

And Lin Kai also has the strength to let Ruyi house do so.

Although the heart is not reconciled, but Feng Hai knows that he has offended the big man.

Now it's too late to regret, or quickly kneel down and kowtow to apologize!

At that time, I saw Feng Hai kowtow to Lin.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bursts of percussion sound, Feng Hai knock is very hard, soon after, Feng Hai's forehead has been bloody.

And Lin Kai sat on the sofa, with his legs up, without any intention of stopping Feng Hai.

One side of Ling Shi and Ling Zhonghua is also on pins and needles, buttocks only dare to touch a little edge of the sofa.

Their heart that is a nervous ah!

The one in front of them is invincible! One word can kill them!

Ling Xiaoqi looks at Feng Hai and kowtows to Lin continuously. He feels extremely relieved in his heart.

During this period, Feng Hai harassed her every day. Now, Feng Hai is finally punished!

"You deserve it! If you dare to harass me again, I'll let my boyfriend shoot you! " Ling Xiaoqi said with breath.

Feng Hai this time where dare to play Ling Xiaoqi's idea? Feng Hai shook his head: "I dare not, I dare not to kill me..."

Now Feng Hai, like a pug, where is his arrogance?

Lin Kai looked at Feng Hai, who was kneeling in front of him. He thought with a smile, "do you know why I didn't refute you just now?"

"Because you are a clown in my eyes. I want you to die as simple as squeezing an ant."

Feng Hai trembled and did not dare to speak.

"But if the dog bites me, I can't bite it back." Lin Kai asked with a smile.

He is calling Feng Hai a dog, and Feng Hai even dare not fart!

"What Lin Shao said is..." Feng Hai nodded.

"Drive your Bentley and get out of here! If you harass my girlfriend again, I will let you pay the price of life! " Lin Kai said coldly.

Feng Hai was overjoyed to hear Lin Kaifeng go by himself. At that time, he only kowtowed a few more times.

"Thank you, Lin Shao..."

After that, Feng Hai picked up the car key and ran away.

When Feng Hai ran away, Ling Xiaoqi took Lin Kai's arm with pride.

"Dad! Mom! Do you know why I chose Lin Kai? "

"Lin kaicai doesn't have money and background as you said. Lin Kai's money is too much for our family to spend in our lives! "

"Dad, mom, I hope you don't be so snobbish in the future. I want to choose people I like."

After listening to Ling Xiaoqi's words, Ling and Ling Zhonghua have blushed.

Where dare they say no now?

Even Feng Hai was scared to kowtow and apologize. They dare to refuse his girlfriend in front of Lin Wudi?

What's more, although Feng Hai has escaped, Lin Wudi is a more powerful son-in-law!

If Feng Hai has the ability to let them retire early, Lin Wudi can make them rich and powerful!

At that time, Ling's face showed a flattering smile: "Xiao Qi is right, I think this young man is good, and his face is beautiful..."

Lin Kai naturally has seen through Ling's face. Since he has helped Ling Xiaoqi finish his task, Lin Kai stands up.

"Uncle, auntie, I have something else to do. I'll go first."

After that, Lin Kai picked up his coat and walked out of Ruyi building.

How dare Ling Shi and Ling Zhonghua dare to neglect? He opened Lin to the gate of Ruyi building.

Mouth also a small open long small open short, that is a passion.

Ling Xiaoqi and her parents account for a few words, soon followed up.

They walk together in the streets of Jinling City.

See Ling Xiaoqi carrying his small hand, the face showed a smile, very cute, obviously, she is very happy now.

This year, 19-year-old Ling Xiaoqi is still very pure, she is really like a piece of white paper, very pure.

Her small face is full of collagen, and her skin is as tender and smooth as baby's.

Even if the girl is a little earlier than the boy, but now Ling Xiaoqi's figure is obviously not very hot.

It can only be said to be slim, but not sexy.

At this time, I saw Ling Xiaoqi secretly took a look at Lin Kai and said with a smile, "Hey, boss, thank you today!"

Lin Kai smiles: "you're welcome. We are friends.""Friends?" Smell speech, Ling Xiaoqi's small face showed a lost look.

"Yes, my friend." Lin Kai showed a lovely smile to Ling Xiaoqi.

Ling Xiaoqi jumps to Lin Kai at this time and stops walking. Ling Xiaoqi looks at Lin Kai seriously and says, "boss, I feel that we two are quite compatible. Why don't we play a real role and let me be your girlfriend?"

"Ah?" Lin Kai was stupid at that time.

Is Ling Xiaoqi a confession to himself?

Lin Kai is a little confused.

Although Ling Xiaoqi is very beautiful and pure, Lin Kai doesn't feel very strong about Ling Xiaoqi.

Lin Kai of the last generation and Lin Kai of this generation are almost 50 years old. For a girl of eighteen or nine years old, Lin Kai is really not very cold.

Now Lin Kai has a body of 19 years old and a mind of 28 years old.

Seeing Lin Kai in a daze, Ling Xiaoqi's eyes flashed a trace of loss, but she soon covered it with a smile.

Ling Xiaoqi scraped Lin Kai's nose and said with a smile, "hee hee hee, you're joking!"

"I'm just a child!"

"No, I'm going home to sleep with my parents today. I'm leaving!"

After that, Ling Xiaoqi didn't give Lin Kai a chance to speak, and ran away skipping.

Lin Kai also knows that Ling Xiaoqi is actually shy. She is afraid that she will refuse her, so she deliberately runs away.

Lin opened his hands and shook his head helplessly. Sometimes people look too handsome, which is also a kind of trouble.

At this time, Lin Kai's ear suddenly heard the sound of the system. After hearing the sound of the system, Lin Kai's spirit was shocked.

Whenever the sound of the system rings, either there is a task, or there is good news!

"Host! Congratulations! Through the unremitting efforts of the system, your weapon killing God has successfully integrated with the Yin and Yang seal, and the new weapon has been completed. Please open the system and check your new weapon! "

The new weapons have been integrated successfully!

At that time, Lin Kai couldn't wait to open the system. After seeing the weapons in the inventory, Lin opened his mouth.

It's a weapon made for yourself!

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