Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 424

Ling slapped the table angrily.

It is her honor that Feng Hai has taken a fancy to her daughter.

Now that Lin Kai sits here, it is the biggest disrespect to Feng Hai.

If Feng Hai knew that his daughter was taken care of by this man, would Feng Hai still choose Ling Xiaoqi?

Feng Hai's face is not good at this time.

He likes Ling Xiaoqi because he has a pair of jade feet, and Feng Hai does have some special hobbies.

But there is also a very important point, that is the purity of Ling Xiaoqi.

He believes that Ling Xiaoqi is a very pure girl, is a pure white paper.

Now, this piece of pure white paper has been dyed a little black.

This made him feel very depressed.

But Feng Hai will not give up Ling Xiaoqi because of this. Anyway, Ling Xiaoqi is just a plaything for him.

When he is tired of playing Feng Hai, he can kick it at any time! The kindness to Ling and Ling Zhonghua is only temporary.

Want to be the manager of personnel department? Feng Hai sneers, can let you be two days first, but you think, so important position, I really will leave you?

But Ling and Ling did not understand this.

They look at Lin Kai angrily.

And Lin Kai was also seen to be scalp numb, said: "you misunderstood, Xiao Qi is my staff, I let her live better, it should be."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Ling took his arm and sneered: "ha ha, you still have some self-knowledge."

"Let me tell you, my little seven, you don't deserve it!"

"Don't think that if you rent a villa, you can capture the heart of my little seven."

"I don't know how many villas there are in Xiaohai's home."

After that, Ling looked at Ling Xiaoqi again, and tried to persuade him: "Xiao Qi, don't be cheated by this man. This man has no future."

"It's estimated that the sum of all the goods and clothes is only 300 yuan."

"If you look at Xiao Hai's clothes, you can see how formal they are when they come to see their parents. It costs tens of thousands to come down in a suit!"

"You are a boy friend. You have no education at all. When you come to see your parents, you don't know how to dress formally. What's a full-length stall?"

"What's more, how promising are soldiers? How hard to get ahead in the army? How much money can an officer have in a month? Thousands of dollars? "

"So, Xiao Qi, don't be silly, Xiao Hai is the right choice for you!"

Ling said something to Ling Xiaoqi, and Ling Xiaoqi bit his lips, a face of reluctance.

She knew that now her parents had been bewitched by Feng Hai. No matter what she said, she couldn't make her parents change their minds.

At this time, Ling Zhonghua did not forget to say: "by the way, I remember that we Jinling City, a new young master, what is the name of invincible forest?"

"The invincible forest is famous in Jinling City. Xiaohai and linwudi can be known. Xiaohai and linwudi are of the same rank."

"Xiao Qi, you can think about it."

Ling Zhonghua knows that the little girls like Ling Xiaoqi must worship the big flower master like Lin Wudi.

And Lin Wudi is really powerful.

So ling Zhonghua moved Lin Wudi out.

At this time, Feng Hai also showed a proud expression.

Does he know Lin Wudi? Of course not. Why does he say he knows Lin Wudi?

In order to pretend to be forced!

No one knows. Now Lin Wudi is a first-class celebrity in Jinling City. He is the most crazy young master in Jinling City. Even Cheng Tao, a top-ranking young man, can only be a dogleg to Lin Wudi.

Therefore, to say that he knew Lin Wudi, he also wanted to get Ling Xiaoqi.

Anyway, Ling and Ling Zhonghua do not know Lin Wudi.

After hearing the news, Ling Xiaoqi and Lin Kai were shocked.

Ling Xiaoqi and Lin Kai looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

Know Lin Wudi? Why don't I know?

Ling Xiaoqi, however, knew that Lin Kai was invincible. She didn't believe that Feng Hai knew Lin Wudi!

Because Lin Wudi is sitting opposite you, you can't recognize it?

Seeing Lin Kai and Ling Xiaoqi in a daze, Feng Hai thought that it was Lin Wudi's three big characters that suppressed them. At that time, his face showed a proud smile.

"Don't be too surprised. Although Lin Shao is not accessible to people of your level, Lin Shao and I are very good friends."

"Lin Shao has a villa worth 300 million yuan in the capital of the famous city. After Lin Shao's ups and downs, the price of that villa seems to have risen to 500 million yuan."

"Lin Shao often invites me to his house for a drink. Lin Shao and I are good friends who talk about everything. Xiao Qi, if you are with me, I will take you to Lin Shao's home, so that you and Lin Shao can get to know each other well."Then he saw Feng Hai smile.

Ling Xiaoqi also laughed. She couldn't help it. Feng Hai was so boastful!

Seeing Ling Xiaoqi smile, Feng Hai's heart was full of joy at that time. She laughed. She must have begun to look forward to the day when she was living with her. She had almost succeeded!

Therefore, Feng Hai took advantage of the victory to pursue: "Xiao Qi, you are still young, in some things, you must have your own choice."

"Maybe you like his handsome, but have you thought about it? He is a soldier. He has no money, he has no time to accompany you, and he is too young and naive. Although he can give you a happy feeling, you will never be happy when you are with him. "

"I'm not very good-looking, but I'm definitely not ugly. I'm 30 years old and older than you, but I'm mature and I know how to be considerate of women."

"And I have thousands of property, more time to accompany you to travel, I can give you happiness that person!"

"So, Xiao Qi, you can think about it."

After that, Feng Hai took out a car key from his pocket and put it on the table.

It was the key to a Bentley.

Seven of his success, will soon be in the arms of his own money, will be in the arms of his smile, will soon!

And Ling Xiaoqi at this time also felt that Feng Hai said he knew Lin Wudi very funny, with a smile on his face.

But she still has no feeling for Feng Hai.

At that time, I saw Ling Xiaoqi shaking his head: "no, even if you said it well, I would not be engaged to you."

Hearing Ling Xiaoqi refuse himself again, Feng Hai's heart is a little angry, but see the smile on lingxiaoqi's face, Feng Hai understood.

Ling Xiaoqi is shy!

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