Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 408

So low?

At that time, the director group was stunned.

You know, the air conditioner on the wall is four or five meters away from the ground, and the distance between them is about two meters.

Moreover, the air conditioner is close to the wall, even if people stand on the top are not stable, let alone run.

You don't have to go to Parkour with via?

That's impossible!

Lin Kai Hui was killed!

What's more, the pole is so smooth that it's hard to climb without the help of via.

Even if you can climb it, it must be time-consuming.

And, if you have time to climb a pole, you might as well run down the road.

Linkai, this is just showing off!

At that time, Feng Dagang was also a little unhappy. Lin Shao was too big, right?

He thought he could fly over the eaves and climb the wall with a little Kung Fu?

No way!

Li Hu hugs his arm and sneers at him. He knows how difficult it is to run cool on the air conditioner. He is afraid of falling down when he uses Weiya.

If you don't use via, you'll be scared to death!

That group of small gangsters also help each other to stand up, a face of resentment at Lin Kai.

After hearing that Lin Kai would not use Viagra to parkour, they all began to look forward to it.

They can't wait to see Linkai fall down!

It's better to drop all the front teeth!

Feng Dagang wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Lin Shao, you don't know something about it..."

Feng Dagang's words were not finished, Lin Kai interrupted: "OK, don't waste time. After shooting, I still want to go back to the air conditioning room to cool down for a while."

Lin Kai looks impatient.

Seeing Lin Kai's inflated expression, Feng Dagang is also angry.

You like to show off, don't you?

I want you to be brave! After a while, I broke my face. It's just that I don't need to shoot this movie!

"Well, Lin Shao, please." Feng Dagang waved his hand in a bad tone.

Li Hu also held his arm and sneered.

A group of people are waiting to see Lin's jokes.

The camera is ready. On the other side of the street, dozens of punks with blades appear.

With Feng Dagang's order: "start!"

I saw these thugs roaring after Lin Kai!

Under Li Hu's hint, they deliberately ran faster, that is, they wanted Linkai to fall down.

And Lin Kai smiles. At this time, Lin Kai's right foot suddenly kicks the ground, and his body shoots out like a shell!

Only a second, then and behind the thugs opened a distance.

The first obstacle is a two meter high container. If it is two meters high, it is necessary to climb it by hand.

But Lin Kai didn't. Lin Kai jumped to the top of the container directly. He didn't stop at all!

At that time, Feng Dagang's chin almost fell off, did he have such a strong spring force?

What happened next surprised everyone even more.

Because Linkai didn't jump off the container at all!

According to the plot, now Lin Kai should jump out of the container, quickly run to the side of the wire pole, and climb up the wire pole.

But Linkai didn't jump down at all!

The container is eight or nine meters away from the electric pole. Lin Kai jumps on the container and flies directly over the container as if it is separated from the gravity of the earth!

"Damn it..." Li Hu's eyes are almost staring out.

A jump of seven or eight meters, is this still a man? Is this leg spring loaded?

Lin Kai jumped straight out of the distance of eight or nine meters and held the pole in his hands.

Lin Kai's hands and feet, as if they were glued to a wire pole, used both hands and feet. He ran faster than most people. In less than a second, Lin Kai had climbed to the middle of the pole.

Later, Lin Kai actually played a somersault in the air and landed on the air conditioner.

And a fuckin 'somersault! Too much!

What Li Hu saw was a shock!

Next, there's more.

I saw Lin Kai running on the air conditioner. Even without Wei Ya's assistance, he could be as fast as flying. The speed was comparable to Liu Xiang.

Moreover, every time Lin Kai takes a step, there will be an external air conditioner under his feet, that is to say, Lin Kai is completely flying!

Originally, the distance between two meters of an air conditioner was pulled to four meters by Lin Kai!

The speed is the same as flying!

Originally, Lin kaileng took half a minute to shoot a one minute shot!

After jumping off the air conditioner, Lin Kai tumbled in place and patted the dust on his shoulder. He was very handsome.The whole scene, ten seconds of shock.

Soon after, a burst of applause broke out.

Everyone in the director group clapped their hands sincerely.

Looking at the other side, those dozens of small gangsters, with knives, just ran out a few steps, Lin Kai has reached the end.

Who can catch up with such a fast speed?

The expression on Feng Dagang's face was exciting. It's a pity that he should not be a martial arts actor for such a good skill!

If Lin Kai is a martial arts actor, Feng Dagang can guarantee that he can be the second Bruce Lee!

He's handsome, he has a good figure, and his skill is so strong. He's a genius to be a martial arts actor!

The expression on Li Hu's face is very ugly.

Just now he thought Lin Kai was just pretending to be forced. Now he found out that Lin Kai is really powerful.

People do not need to hang Weiya, parkour action, in people's eyes, just like playing.

At this time, when I think of his disdain and impatience to Lin Kai, Li Hu's face is boiling hot.

I can be described as playing dagger in front of Guan Gong.

No wonder people don't kill themselves.

There is no need for him to be a martial arts instructor!

Feng Dagang came to Lin Kai and was quite excited: "good! Lin Shao, you are a born actor

Lin Kai waved his hand and said, "I just like to practice martial arts. Is there any camera today?"

Feng Dagang shook his head: "the first shot is finished, and today's work is finished. Originally, I took these two scenes as the workload of a day. I thought Lin Shao did not know kung fu."

"But now, where does it take a day? Half an hour is enough! "

"Don't worry, Lin Shao. I'll make a good preparation tomorrow. I promise you won't come back in the morning."

Smell speech, Lin Kai nodded: "good, then I go back first."

"Take your time, Lin Shao."


After returning to the capital of the famous city, Lin Kai finally saw Tian Guo, who had been lost for a long time.

Just walked into the door of the villa, I saw the fruit holding his arm, sitting on the sofa.

Tian Guo's lower body is wearing a purple miniskirt, which just covers the thigh, and the upper body is wearing a white half sleeve, which is very pure and beautiful.

A pair of beautiful legs is particularly attractive.

Some of the baby's fat little faces with angry expression, saw Lin Kai back, when Tian Guo stood up and was about to walk upstairs.

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