Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1484

Lin Kai is to urge the real Qi, and then cold drink out.

His voice, in vain, resounded in the ears of the ugly man, like the thunder of nine days, completely defeated the psychological defense of the ugly man.

The ugly man, with a regretful face, sat down on the ground: "I did it! I killed my mother

Whether it is the group of family members, or the group of people outside, heard the ugly man's words, one by one shocked. All eyes immediately showed anger. This is indeed a matter of common indignation between man and God. The ugly man should not poison his mother!

That group of family members, even more want to understand, have questioned: "a Niu, you brute! Why are you doing this? "

The ugly man was still full of remorse and cried, "I'm so confused! I didn't achieve anything. My mother scolded me this morning for going out to look for a job. As a result It turned out that I was impulsive, that's it! When I saw the medicinal herbs my mother took, I had a plan. If I could get rid of my suspicion, I could also blackmail a large sum of money, so I came here to make trouble. "

After hearing this, they were extremely angry.

"Sure enough, it's a beast!"

"Yes! I don't have the ability, gnaw old don't say, still give birth to oneself you raise your mother to poison to death! It's worse than an animal! "

"Call the police! Such people should be shot at once

In particular, the crowd of onlookers almost believed it before. Unexpectedly, the ugly man actually made such a heartless thing.

Even some people couldn't look down on it and rushed forward to beat the ugly man hard with one punch and one foot.

However, no one sympathized with the ugly man, even those relatives who came with him. They also followed some people to beat the ugly man.

Before long, the police arrived, and the medical trouble here was calmed down.

The most important thing in this is Lin Kai, who came to the conclusion so quickly.

The onlookers also apologized to Yang Xiaxing and Yang Mengzi. After all, they had misunderstood Baishantang before, and Baishantang was still the original Baishantang that saved the dying and wounded!

And the old lady who used vegetables to smash the Baishantang plaque was very embarrassed. After apologizing, she immediately borrowed a ladder and carefully cleaned the vegetables thrown on the board.

After all the people had retreated, Yang Xiaxing poured a cup of good tea for Lin and said, "it's really Doctor Lin! You can see the problem at a glance! Thank you for coming in time. Otherwise, the Baishan hall handed down by my ancestors will be destroyed. Once it is in my hands, I will be a sinner! "

Next to Yang Mengzi, is also a face of joy looking at Lin Kai: "Doctor Lin, thank you!"

Yang Xiaxing looked at Yang Mengzi strangely. Normally speaking, after his sister came back from studying abroad, he never met his sister. He was happy with which man, even if he had his father or grandfather, it was the same.

As if in his sister's eyes, a man does not have a good thing.

But now, for the first time, he saw Yang Mengzi smile so happily to a man.

Yang Xiaxing shook his head secretly, but it was also a good thing. So he said to Yang Mengzi: "after this incident, some patients were originally scheduled to come here for prescription or treatment, but they were delayed. Well, Mengzi, I don't have time to accompany Dr. Lin. it's almost noon. You just go and invite Dr. Lin to have a meal to show my thanks. "

Yang Mengzi agreed directly: "OK."

Hearing Yang Mengzi's Frank consent, Yang Xiaxing smiles in his heart, which is indeed a good thing. He then went to see a doctor.

Lin Kai shook his head helplessly for his brother and sister.

When it comes to the bottom, the system task is completed, and a good gold extraction ability is rewarded.

Originally, he was going to study the gold extraction ability, but when Yang Mengzi invited him to dinner, he had to follow him.

After all, Baishantang and Lin Qianqian have cooperated.

What's more, it's not good for Palin to pursue the benefits.

Soon, Yang Mengzi and Lin Kai came to a private restaurant and ordered some of the best dishes in the private restaurant.

I have to say that the food in this private restaurant is still very delicious.

In addition, in these two days, running back and forth in the two provinces, Lin Kai has no time to eat well.

So as soon as the dish was served, it was eaten directly.

When Yang Mengzi saw Lin Kai's appearance, she put a smile on her pretty face. She even helped Lin Kai with vegetables and said, "thank you again, Mr. Lin. You are really powerful. Your medical skills are so superb that you not only cured pan Liguo's incurable disease, but also expose the true face of that beast in a flash! "

Originally, Yang Mengzi always called Lin Kai a miracle doctor, but Lin Kai didn't dare to take the title. He just relied on the means of the immortal cultivator, so let Yang Mengzi call him Mr. Lin.The reason why Yang Mengzi treats Lin Kai like this is because she thinks that Lin Kai has excellent medical skills. She worships Lin Kai very much, especially when she rescued Baishan hall not long ago.

Hearing this, Lin Kai shook his head and laughed: "it's mainly because the onlookers are clear. At that time, you and your brother were stigmatized. It's hard to avoid being very anxious and didn't see it. As a spectator, I'm not in such a hurry. If you're on the sidelines, you can see it very quickly

What Lin Kai said was true. Although the system task only indicated that Baishantang was framed, it did not indicate that it was poisoned by arsenic.

Although Lin Kai didn't study medicine specially, as a practitioner of immortals, he also included all kinds of skills similar to traditional Chinese medicine.

Yang Xiaxing and Yang Mengzi have studied traditional Chinese medicine for generations, and they are no exception. Their medical skills are absolutely not weak. They are nothing but anxious.

Just as Lin kaigang finished, what did Yang Mengzi want to respond to.

Unexpectedly, a person came to the table of two people and said in surprise: "dream purple! I didn't expect to see you here

"Wang Jinghua? How did you become a waiter here? " Yang Mengzi frowned and responded.

The visitor was a young man in uniform.

Lin Kai knows who Wang Jinghua is. On the way, Lin Kai sees that Yang Mengzi doesn't seem to like men, except him.

Lin Kai was curious and asked.

It turned out that when studying abroad, Yang Mengzi was pursued by Wang Jinghua all the time, but Yang Mengzi did not agree.

But I can't stand Wang Jinghua's cheeky pursuit. I wanted to explain this to Wang Jinghua, but I didn't expect an accident.

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