Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1464

According to the system task, the description of jiuyoucao is really suitable. Linkai is in the golden elixir period and wants to break through a small realm.

What excites Lin Kai most is that the semi divine level extraction ability of this reward is called divine monkey extraction ability, which can extract the original spirit out of the body and even attach the original spirit of his body to others!

If you want to know that the spirit of the cultivator is out of the body, you can only do it by transforming the spirit period!

At present, he is in the golden elixir period, and then in the Yuanying period, and then in the transformation period!

In other words, the extraction ability can make him get two big realms ahead of time!

Yuan Shen out of the body is of great use after the transformation period, let alone the golden elixir!

Whether he wants to break through a small realm, or for this extraction ability, Lin Kai must finish the system task quickly.

However, the Jiuyou grass should grow in a place with strong Yin and evil spirits.

Lin Kai still doesn't know much about this.

He thought about it and called master Zhicheng.

Master Zhicheng, who deals with evil spirits every day, may know something about it.

To my disappointment, master Zhicheng has never heard of jiuyoucao.

But master Zhicheng said that maybe other members of the Pihua residence would ask Lin Kai if they knew about this jiuyoucao.

Thanks a lot, Lin Kai hung up with master Zhicheng.

He continued to immerse himself in practice.

But after a while, master Zhicheng called.

Lin Kai was curious. Did he ask so soon?

However, as soon as he picked up the phone, he heard a voice coming from the opposite side.

The voice is not master Zhicheng, but an Xiaoran.

"Linkai, Linkai, the jiuyoucao you are looking for. Let me tell you this. The rest of the house of Beauvoir certainly don't know, but I have a way to know. If you ask me, I'll tell you. " An Xiaoran's humming voice came.

Lin Kai responded with a smile: "an Xiaoran, it's not too late now. Just now I didn't hear master Zhicheng say, what task are you doing? What do you mean to stay with a monk this evening?"

An Xiaoran immediately said angrily, "what are you talking about! Besides master Zhicheng beside me, there are several other people who belong to Pihua residence! We are in a meeting now

At the same time, an Xiaoran's side is a conference hall. There are several people sitting in front of the conference table.

In addition to an Xiaoran and master Zhicheng, there are two people that Lin Kai knew. To be exact, Lin Kai saved their names.

Chen's family is the master of Chen's family.

In the western suburb of Donghai City, Lin Kai finally saved the lives of three people in that evil place. Master Zhicheng was also saved by Lin Kai.

The people present were all extraordinary people. Although the mobile phone was not turned on, Lin's joking words could be heard.

When master Zhicheng heard about Lin Kai, he joked with an Xiaoran, an old monk. He could not help but say: "benefactor Lin was forced to do so. I can't help but say that intentionally. Don't you see an elated look of an Xiaoran? Don't blame him."

Taoist Xianning is a 60 year old man with a Taoist robe and a spirit of immortality. At this time, he stroked his long white beard and said with a smile: "although I have only met Lin Daoyou once, I don't know Lin Daoyou very well. It must be very elegant to see Lin Daoyou make an Daoyou so depressed."

After the Taoist priest Xianning laughed, he looked dignified: "the place where Jiuyou grass is born is a very dangerous place. If you tell Lin Daoyou so rashly, you may be in danger. "

Chen Guangdao: "just tell Lin Daoyou about the danger. Let Lin Daoyou judge by himself. Maybe this nine secluded grass is very important to him. Besides, his strength is really powerful. In that place, he may not be able to threaten him. Just in time, that place is almost the destination of our trip. Together with Lin Daoyou, we can at least not put Lin Daoyou in danger. "

After hearing this, Taoist Xianning nodded: "yes, we can't let Lin Daoyou be in danger. After all, we are very kind to us, and we have helped Pihua residence several times. In love and reason, they should help Lin Daoyou to win Jiuyou grass. "

"Gentlemen, the goal of our trip should not be exposed to outsiders. It's not good for us to have Lin Kai's man follow us? "

In a corner of the conference table, a young man in his twenties frowned and said.

The young man is also beautiful, not inferior to Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng is that feminine and feminine, more than a woman.

And this young man is similar, the only difference is that the young man's clothes are also partial to women, that kind of fancy.

The young man's name is Liu Jiacheng. He saw that an Xiaoran robbed master Zhicheng's mobile phone and then talked with Lin Kai on the other end of the phone excitedly, which made Liu Jiacheng very unhappy.

Especially now, Liu Jiacheng is very upset when he hears that Taoist Xianning and Chen Guang are discussing and asking Lin Kai to go with them.So he couldn't help running out and saying something.

There is another person on the conference table. She is a young girl. She is very beautiful and dressed with national characteristics.

It seems that such a young girl is a few years younger than Ann, and she has to be more mature.

But the young girl, sitting opposite Liu Jiacheng, with her chin up and her crazy eyes, stares at Liu Jiacheng.

Obviously, the young girl adores Liu Jiacheng.

When she heard Liu Jiacheng say so, she could not help but echo Liu Jiacheng: "yes, Liu Jiacheng is right. The purpose of our trip is not to be exposed. It is not good to let an outsider join our team. "

In fact, young girls are indifferent to this issue.

But Liu Jiacheng said this, and she also said so, in order to gain Liu Jiacheng's favor.

Sure enough, Liu Jiacheng smiles when he hears the young girl supporting him.

When the young girl saw Liu Jiacheng's smile, she looked like a fool with no brain, and said to herself, "how handsome!"

Master Zhicheng looked at Liu Jiacheng and the young girl with a kind smile: "Lin Daoyou is not an outsider. Although he is not a member of the Pihua residence, they are all organized by the state. Besides, the purpose of this trip is also deep in the mountains of xuandao temple, benefactor Xianning. The central deep mountain area of Lushan, Xunyang city.

The Jiuyou grass that Lin Daoyou is looking for is also in that place. It's on the way. Therefore, benefactor Liu Jiacheng, as well as benefactor Xinru, you can rest assured. No mission targets will be exposed. Naturally, we have to wait for our task to be completed, and then go to help Lin Daoyou. "

Master Zhicheng could not tell Lin Kai's true identity.

After all, Lin Kai's real identity is absolutely confidential.

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