Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1461

Jiang Enyi seemed to think of something, and then said, "in addition, brother Wan, don't do anything too much. It is the first time that the young master of your family has used the Internet to offer a reward to Lin Kai. As a result, Lei Yuan group was targeted by state organizations. I have to do it the second time. In short, I can't do that again now. Otherwise, whether it's your little master or my boss, we'll have to finish it. "

The middle-aged man nodded: "I understand."

Instead of going behind the mountains, the car stopped in the middle of the mountains.

Jiang Enyi went to the front of the mountain to explore whether there was a dragon vein, or whether there was a trace of it. According to the information learned by the group, the mountain range was a dragon vein.

I don't know if it still exists. If it does, take the news back and Lin Yuan will come and get it. If it doesn't exist, forget it. Of course, if there are traces of dragon veins, they are not there, indicating that they must have been taken away by Lin Kai.

If there is a dragon vein, Lin Yuan is sure to get it.

As for the middle-aged man, he went to the back of the mountain.

But the middle-aged man just walked into the range behind the mountains. He felt as if he was being watched by something.

The middle-aged man was puzzled. He looked around and didn't feel any breath.

He then walked, while observing, found nothing unusual, and quickly went to the back of the mountains, there.

When he went in, the figure of the hidden God appeared in place.

Two days before Yinshen, he was arranged by Lin Kai to investigate and track some members of leiyuan group.

Today, I happened to follow Jiang En Yi, and I heard their plans.

The hidden God went to solve the middle-aged man first. Then, the hidden God disappeared again and continued to follow the middle-aged man.

"What is that Jiang Enyi! I know I'm a runner! Lei Yuan group is nothing! If it wasn't for the little master, let me follow Lin Yuan of Lei Yuan group to get some useful information, otherwise I would not help Lei Yuan group to make a move! "

The middle-aged man went deep behind the mountains, but at the same time, he was indignant, especially when Jiang Enyi warned him not long ago.

"Hey! You tell me not to do too much, I will do too much! I will not only destroy the architectural drawings, but also severely injure the engineer and liya'er! Export evil spirit

The middle-aged man's face showed a cruel smile, and then to build the direction of the ancient building, accelerated up.

On the way, a few workers were ready to carry the timber here.

The middle-aged man immediately asked, one of the workers: "brother, where are your engineers in charge of this project?"

Although this place is remote, some local people have already known that there is a need for development here. In addition, it is daytime. These workers are not worried.

The worker, pointing to the nearby hillside, built a temporary house and said, "the engineer is studying the specific ancient building plan there."

The middle-aged man heard the speech, but did not take care of the workers' surprise. He went straight to the hillside over there.

But he just walked on the hillside, the middle-aged man seemed to be hit by something and fell heavily on the ground.

Those workers are stunned, walk all the way can fall?

The middle-aged man was also stunned. How could he fall down when he was a martial Saint level master?

He got up with a gloomy face and was ready to go on to the hillside. Unexpectedly, there was an air wall in front of him. When he passed, he was knocked down the slope by an inexplicable force.

They kept rolling and fell heavily in front of the workers.

Naturally, it was the hidden God who made a secret move. Because there were several workers here, he could not directly show up and die. He could only hinder the middle-aged man first.

What happened to those workers again?

And the client, the middle-aged man's face was more gloomy.

He stood up and said in a cold voice to the workers, "say! Is that what you guys are up to? "

"What do you say?"

"What can we do?"

"It's clear that you didn't walk steadily and rolled down the hillside. Is that our fault?"

Said by these workers, the middle-aged man looks like dirt.

"Death! You ordinary people, dare to say so! Die to me

The anger in the middle-aged man's heart was originally there, but when the workers said that, the anger was even greater, and his fist immediately hit one of the workers.

In his view, this worker, including several other workers, had to be killed or injured by his own blow.

However, what made him dumbfounded was that the punch hit him inexplicably, and the middle-aged man was seriously injured in an instant.

Those workers, all can not feel the head, are with idiotic eyes, looking at the middle-aged man. Seems to want to understand, this person can be a fool, even beat himself, but also beat himself so seriously.

When several workers were ready to help the middle-aged man up, the middle-aged man stood up again.The middle-aged man did not believe in evil, and once again punched, but waiting for him, his fist, inexplicably, hit himself.

The injury was even more serious, and even getting up was extremely difficult.

"Brother, are you not ill?"

"Why don't I call 129? If you fight yourself like this, you will be killed sooner or later."

Several workers, really can't look down.

When the middle-aged man heard these workers' words, he was more angry. When did he encounter such insults?

A master of martial arts, but inexplicably become like this.

Are these workers masters? Or is there something wrong here?

The middle-aged man staggers to his feet and tentatively reaches out his hand. Just as soon as he reaches out, he gets cold hair on his head. His hand is completely out of control and hits himself again.

The viscera of the middle-aged man was almost displaced by himself.

At this time, his heart was creepy and he didn't care about anything. He ran away from the mountains and cried in horror: "is there something wrong here! There is something wrong here

In the cry, there was a look of infinite panic. There was no martial Saint level ancient warrior's demeanor.

Hidden God is the master level, plus good at stealth, dealing with a martial saint, it is easy.

If it had not been for several workers here, the middle-aged man would have been killed.

Yin God didn't go after him. He already knew that Lin Kai was here and went in the direction of Lin Kai.

At this point.

Linkai came to the middle of the mountains. He got here as fast as he could.

Although there was a hidden God, he was still worried about what would happen to Lin Yuan.

It's nothing if the architectural drawings are destroyed. What I'm afraid of is that Li ya'er will be injured.

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