Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1452

All people are Lin Kai's words, to say stunned, including the master of the excavator driver.

After half a sound, the excavator master came back to his senses and looked at Gao Zhengsheng. After all, Gao Zhengsheng is a person who wants to practice this structure and is not strong enough.

Gao Zhengsheng looked at Lin Kai and sneered: "I don't know if you are conceited or ignorant and stupid! OK, please master the excavator and let the whole excavator rush up. If this simple wooden house can block the impact of the excavator! Then, of course, I will admit that the ancient structure you painted is very solid! If it collapses, with all due respect, this ancient structure is rubbish! "

Lin Kai didn't say anything, just nodded to the digger.

The master of the excavator saw the two men and agreed to it. Then he started to operate the excavator and ran directly towards the shabby wooden house, and the whole body collided with it.

Tall excavator, like a beast, with dust all the way, has now hit the humble wooden house.

After all, the humble wooden house is a simple wooden house. This impact naturally damaged it.

But only in the part of the board on the wall that was hit, it broke.

Although this board is also a high-grade material, but also can not withstand the impact of excavators.

But none of this is the point!

Apart from that, there's no damage to the shack! Still motionless!

"What? No way

When Gao Zhengsheng saw this scene, his eyes were full of incredible color. He did not expect that this would be the case!

Lin Kai ignored Gao Zhengsheng's expression, but laughed at him: "Gao engineer, how about the structure of this ancient building? Is it shocking? "

Gao Zhengsheng, however, was still stunned and muttered to himself: "this can't be! How can there be such a solid ancient building structure

Lin Kai shook his head and replied, "there is nothing impossible, because this ancient building structure is also the result of the wisdom of our ancestors. So it's completely possible to be so strong. "

Hearing this, Gao Zhengsheng seemed to think of something. He gradually became a little ashamed.

Then he looked at Lin Kai and apologized: "Mr. Lin, I was arrogant before."

With that, he said with a serious look: "please tell Mr. Lin how this ancient building structure can be so firm and stable?"

Seeing this, Lin Kai takes an unexpected look at Gao Zhengsheng. Unexpectedly, Gao Zhengsheng asks for advice so modestly.

Since Gao Zhengsheng knew his mistakes and changed them, Lin Kai couldn't have said anything more. So he said, "you should not be unfamiliar with the structure of the great Lei's ancient architecture? The great Leishi ancient architecture is the mainstream of ancient architecture, many of which have been preserved for hundreds of thousands of years. The great Lei's ancient architecture, in fact, is absorbed from a rare ancient structure of Jiang's.

On this point, you only need to read more ancient books, or to your teacher's advice, you will know this kind of ancient building structure. I just happen to know the composition of this piece, but in terms of research, naturally not as good as your teacher. So if you want to know the specific reason, I still have time to ask your teacher for advice. "

Lin Kai is not modest, but it is true. He only relies on the extraction ability of the system to achieve the description of this structure of the ancient architecture.

Although Lin Kai knows some of the specific theories, he is not as good as Gao Zhengsheng's teacher if he really explains them.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Gao Zhengsheng wanted to study this aspect and asked his teacher for advice.

When Gao Zhengsheng heard this, he felt more and more ashamed and said to Lin: "Mr. Lin is modest. As one of the top ancient architectural engineers in China, I don't know about such a good ancient architectural structure. I'm also ashamed. Today I want to thank Mr. Lin, or Mr. Lin woke me up. I'm still in the state of floating. It's really endless to learn! "

Gao Zhengsheng said, a burst of emotion.

Lin Kai shook his head and said with a smile, "thank you, you don't have to thank you. You can build all the scenes on the drawings in ten days. That's my greatest thanks."

Gao Zhengsheng immediately patted his chest and assured, "Mr. Lin, don't worry! With your perfect drawings, you will be able to build all the scenes for you in ten days

Hearing this, Lin Kai felt relieved.

Without waiting for Lin Kai to say anything more, Gao Zhengsheng began to command hundreds of workers while holding the drawings.

For a moment, the building began in an orderly manner.

At this time, Li ya'er came to Lin Kai with a happy face and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, I didn't expect that the ancient building structure you drew is so solid that it can be used as a shopping place for a scenic spot. Mr. Lin, Mr. Li also asked me to talk to you, and then carefully discuss the development of the scenic spots in the back and how to build them again

In addition to these scenes to be built, as a scenic spot, of course, there should be corresponding facilities and so on, as well as other construction aspects.Otherwise, it is only ancient buildings, with the beautiful scenery, although it is also good, but it is easy to get tired after watching for a long time, so other construction facilities are needed.

Lin Kai nodded, and he responded: "the chief engineer of Shengxian should have designed all the other drawings to be constructed?"

Li ya'er said, "yes, it was designed not long ago. I'm waiting for you to have a look at it."

Yesterday afternoon, Lin Kai discussed with Li Shengxian about the construction of the back of the mountain range. Li Shengxian also asked the special engineer responsible for the construction of the scenic area, namely, the general project of the mountain scenic area and health city, to plan other construction drawings.

Lin Kai thought for a moment and said, "OK, if you have time, send me those construction drawings."

He mainly went to see if there was any conflict between these construction drawings and his ancient buildings.

If there are conflicts, we must change them.

Li ya'er said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, I'll do it right away."

Lin Kai shook his head: "this matter is not urgent, you should first make the ancient buildings here well, and then."

Then there were a few more conversations.

Lin Kai looked at the time and was ready to go back to his own home. He had not been back to his home for several days.

Yinshen was arranged by him to the vicinity of leiyuan group to investigate the track of some personnel of leiyuan group.

People of Lei Yuan Group always make small moves secretly during this period of time. Lin Kai is not a saint. He has no mercy on the enemy.

Therefore, Yinshen can make some "bad luck" for leiyuan group, and let some people "have bad luck".

In short, it is to let Yin Shen secretly attack some people of Lei Yuan group.

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