Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1439

Yin Suyan was moved to hear Lin Kai say so.

I didn't expect Lin Kai to bet with Lu Qingfeng because she didn't want to play against Lu Qingfeng.

She was about to say something, but at this time, Wu fan came over.

Wu fan came to thank Lin Kai very much and said that he was given a chance to be a male number one.

Lin Kai waved his hand directly and said, "don't thank me. You'd better study the script lines of male one first in these ten days. If I'm not familiar with you, I won't let you be the first man. So for the next ten days, you need to be serious.

Really good research, can be competent for this man, that is also your efforts to get. So don't thank me or anything. Do you understand? "

Wu fan thanks again and says he will work hard.

However, at the same time, Wu Fei hesitated a little, and finally summoned up his courage and asked, "Mr. Lin, I will certainly try my best. That is Can it be built in ten days? "

Actually, I want to say, can Lin Kai really finish the drawing and scheme of setting up the scene in one night?

It's just because of Lin Kai, who is the biggest investor. This kind of identity is euphemistic.

Lin Kai didn't hear that. He laughed carelessly and said, "you don't have to worry about this. What you should do now is to finish the script of male one. Whether I win or lose this bet, it will not harm your interests. If you lose, you are still male two. If you win, you can rise to male one. Don't worry about anything that doesn't harm you. "

Wu fan thinks it is also, lose oneself won't pay what, win oneself to make a lot of money, so he hurriedly opens a way to Lin: "Mr. Lin, then I go to study the male one script well, take the lead to say goodbye."

Lin Kai nodded and immediately Wu fan left.

Before long, Lin Kai took Yin Suyan and bought various types of drawings in a nearby stationery store, including A3 and A4 drawings.

And different types of pencils. I bought one for each.

When Yin Suyan saw Lin Kai and bought these things, he was very curious and asked, "Mr. Lin, what are you doing with so many paper and pens?"

"For drawing, of course." Lin responded with a smile.

He bought so many paper and pens, of course, he did it himself to draw the scene drawings to be built in the movie script.

It's just that I'm an immortal cultivator, and the movie is also an ancient costume movie with the theme of cultivating immortals. It's still handy for those ancient buildings.

The most important thing is to get the gold extraction ability in the morning, which is to extract our own hands-on ability and make the hands-on ability more professional. Any hands-on ability, including drawing and so on.

As a result, Lin Kai was confident that he finished in one night, drawing the drawings and plans for setting up the scene.

Later, Lin Kai and Yin Suyan returned to the hotel together.

But this time, Lin Kai opened his own room.

Yin Suyan is also tired for a day. Lin Kai asks Yin Suyan to have a rest first. He goes back to his room.

First of all, he read the script. He was the kind of unforgettable. After a look, he could remember all the contents of the script.

Ten minutes later, Lin Kai sat at his desk and picked up his hands.

Lin Kai began to draw with great skill.

With the help of extraction ability, you don't even need a ruler. The drawing is extremely accurate, which is comparable to that of intelligent drawing on a computer.

And the painting is also very fast, an hour later, there are more than a dozen pages of painting.

Among these paintings are the ancient buildings to be built in the movie script. They are both three-dimensional and plane, and all kinds of details have to be drawn.

Compared with the professional engineers of ancient architecture, they are many times more professional, as if they are really top engineers of ancient architecture.

The sun was about to set in the evening.

The door of Lin Kai's room rings. It's Yin Suyan who is calling Lin Kai to have dinner first.

Lin Kai stayed in his own room for a long time, guessing that he was painting.

Yin Suyan also wants to have a look at what Lin Kai's picture looks like.

It's just that Lin Kai said that he was still drawing pictures and had no time to eat, so he asked Yin Suyan to eat first, regardless of him.

This makes Yin Suyan more moved, already know that Lin Kai bet, is for her. And then you don't eat or drink, and finish drawing.

In this way, another few hours passed.

Lin Kai's room.

He was drawing the last drawing, and after a while, it was finished.

On the table, there was a stack of thick drawings, at least hundreds of them.

In addition to the scenes needed for the film, there are all the buildings he knows, such as the real immortals, the buildings they live in, the immortal mansion and the immortal hall.

Every detail is clearly and clearly drawn. As long as the engineers who understand the construction are sure to understand it.Therefore, he finished the drawing and had to give it to Li ya'er.

After Lin Kai finished painting, he couldn't help stretching, which was a feeling of exhaustion that he hadn't felt for a long time.

It's totally him. He's serious about painting.

Not only for Yin Suyan, but also for the film, as well as the scenic spot on the back of the mountain range.

The back of the mountain is worried about how to transform it. The scene of the film can't be more appropriate. The back of the mountain will be very popular.

Especially under the blessing of the film, it will be very popular.

This is conducive to the development of the western suburbs of the city by Li Shengxian company.

At that time, the scenic spots on the front and back of the mountain, together with the health city, will have everything. Then we will create a healthy ecological environment, which will definitely be profitable soon.

Li Shengxian also settled down and became the successor of the Li family.

Lin Kai took a look at the thick painting on the table and gave a slight smile.

Soon, he sensed his hunger and looked at his cell phone. He found that it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening.

That is to say, he changed the picture for about seven hours.

Lin Kai plans to go out and eat something.

He just stood up with a quick frown.


The sound of broken glass in front of the window resounded in an instant.

Then came a bullet, heading for the original position of Linkai.

Because Lin Kai avoided in time, the bullet hit the wall and left a deep hole on the wall. It was very powerful!

This gun is not simple. It's definitely modified! If you go down with a sudden shot, it's hard for the master of martial arts to survive!

"The room I live in is on the 17th floor. According to the rules of this bullet and the angle, it is probably between the 21st and 23rd floors of the building opposite."

Lin Kai instantly judged the location of the shooter.

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