Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1437

Yin Suyan couldn't help walking to Lin Kai and looking at Lu Qingfeng, his eyes showed a trace of disgust: "Lu Qingfeng, what do you know? Building those scenes is to restore the script 100%. What's more, Mr. Lin is generous. During the construction period, he also provides welfare for the staff of the crew at the rate of 100 per day. "

"And that place, is in the west suburb of Donghai, once built, is also an excellent scenic spot."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng disdained: "do you really think I haven't been to the East China Sea? The west suburb of Donghai City, I know it! It has been deserted for a long time, and I have been there with my own eyes. It's very evil! It's gloomy and desolate! What a beautiful view! Lin Kai must be bragging

Another business car Yan Xin, at this time also came down, she has been listening to several people's dialogue.

At this time, she couldn't help laughing: "yes, Yin Suyan, you don't know that there have been changes in the western suburb of Donghai City, right? Originally, it was the center of the East China Sea. Because of some changes, it was forced to abandon it. This is a well-known thing. Although Lin Kai is our investor, he can bluff a big star like you by saying it casually? "

"What's more, it belongs to the local urban area, and the land should not be cheap. All the mountains belong to Lin Kai's friends? You're kidding! That's how much money it takes to buy it, which is much more than the investment in this film! Don't mention, we need to build a scene with 100% restoration, but it will cost a lot of money. I'm afraid that 400 million yuan is not enough! "

As Lu Qingfeng and Yan Xin said this, some other crew members were murmuring in a low voice. They seemed to be very unconvinced and thought that Lin Kai was boasting casually.

Pan Liguo, as the chief director, naturally refused to let his biggest investor, and Lin kaigei was wronged.

He said quickly, "everybody, this is true. Miss Yin and I went to the western suburb of Donghai city and went to see it in person. That place is really beautiful, and it is also very suitable for the scene of our movie. It can be said that there will meet at least 80% of the part of our film. "

Hearing pan Liguo speak in person, all talents dispelled their doubts.

However, Lu Qingfeng's face was still gloomy and terrible. Unexpectedly, there was such a place in the western suburb of Donghai city.

He couldn't understand, but he still held on to Lin and continued to sneer: "what if we found it? It's not a waste of time to build scenes and waste everyone's time! Although the crew has a subsidy of 100 yuan, what about the famous actors like us? Delay a day, but do not know to want, waste how much money? It's going to be built for more than a month or two. Isn't that for us to wait like this? "

Pan Liguo frowned deeply. According to Lin Kai, he should not only prepare to build a 100% restored scene, but also build some other scenes.

In this regard, pan Liguo still does not understand how long it will take.

It's been built for a long time. It's also a problem. After all, it can't be delayed like this.

So pan Liguo looked at Lin Kai and asked, "Mr. Lin, do you know how long it will take to build the scene? It's not good for a long time. "

Lin Kai talked to Li Shengxian before. Li Shengxian said that he had sent someone over and would explain the situation in detail.

Just as he was about to say that he was not clear about it, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "as long as the painting paper and scheme of the built scene are finished, the construction will not take more than 10 days at most."

It was a woman's voice. When they looked back, several people came towards this side.

Led by a beautiful woman about 30 years old, dressed in professional clothes, this woman Lin Kai also knows, is the vice president of Li Shengxian company, named Li ya'er.

Li ya'er is also Li's, but in terms of seniority, she is Li Shengxian's niece.

The Li ya'er family, however, are closest to Li Shengxian's parents.

Therefore, Li Shengxian gave Li ya'er the position of vice president.

Li ya'er's ability, also can't say, the company's new product research and development, is Li ya'er is responsible for the whole process.

Besides Li ya'er, there were several other people, including a middle-aged man in his fifties who looked like a very good engineer.

Lin Kai looked at Li ya'er. Unexpectedly, Li Shengxian sent Li ya'er, and nodded to Li ya'er: "Shengxian asked you to come?"

Before Li ya'er responded, Lu Qingfeng took the lead in sneering: "not more than ten days? Are you kidding? It sounds like such a big project. How can you play it in ten days! Don't talk nonsense! The whole crew can't wait for such a joke

Li ya'er ignores Lu Qingfeng and ignores him directly. She knows Lu Qingfeng, but she doesn't pursue stars and has no interest in this kind of fresh meat.

However, she worshipped Lin Kai very much. She came to Lin Kai and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, it was Mr. Li who asked me to come. In addition, Mr. Li arranged for an engineer, Gao Zhengsheng, who is very famous in ancient architecture."

This movie is an ancient costume drama. To be exact, it's a Xianxia costume movie. The mountains are like fairyland, which is very suitable for shooting.Therefore, in terms of scene construction, we should also build according to the ancient buildings.

Gao Zhengsheng is the middle-aged man in his fifties. He opened his mouth to Lin Kai and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm Mr. Li. Please come here to build the scene of ancient buildings for your film."

Lin said with a smile, "that's trouble."

Then Lin Kaiwang asked Li ya'er, "if the drawings and other plans come out, how confident will it be that the construction will be completed in less than ten days?"

Li ya'er has a plan in mind and says: "if there is no accident, there is basically no problem."

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded, then looked at the crew and asked, "in ten days, everyone should be able to afford to wait?"

Wang Xiaoliang immediately responded: "if the place can really occupy more than 80% of the scenes, don't wait for ten days or a month without delay. At least, I have no problem. "

Others also said one by one that they had no problem.

After all, this scenic area only takes up 50% of the scene, while that place takes up 80%. It's no problem to delay for more than ten days.

Only Lu Qingfeng has not yet made a statement. In public, he falls on Lu Qingfeng.

Lu Qingfeng snorted coldly, and the dead duck said: "I'm different from them! Ten days' delay is a waste of time for me! "

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