Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1434

Lu Qingfeng sneered: "you also know that I am a male first. I spent two hours waiting for the film to be filmed here. The result tells me that I can't shoot yet? Also thought, let me go to the next place to shoot, that would be a waste of time! My time is precious! As for what director Pan told you, it's none of my business. You can use my stand in. I don't mind.

Of course, if you don't need a stand in, you can wait until I've finished my break, about noon tomorrow, and then I'll go there after lunch

"Lu Qingfeng, do you think we are willing to wait? You've only been waiting for two hours, other crew members, and other actors, but from the morning until the afternoon. They have no complaints, you... "

Before Wang Xiaoliang finished, Lu Qingfeng sneered and said, "can I be the same as those people in the crew? Let's not talk about the status and fame in the entertainment industry, let's say I came with injury. If you look at a small area on my face, you can see that I came to film with injuries. My level of professionalism is not bad.

Most importantly, I eat by my face. So we should have more rest. If the rest is not enough, if my face is destroyed, you are responsible for it? "

Wang Xiaoliang heard Lu Qingfeng's words, his heart was extremely angry, but he had nothing to do.

In his heart, he looks down on this kind of small fresh meat which relies on the flow and is forced to support. His acting skills are not good, nor can he do anything else.

In particular, Lu Qingfeng, who plays a big name, is too ridiculous. As for the injury, the green one is about the size of a thumb. Don't have to rest any more. I'll be fine in a few days.

And wait two hours. It's not in the sun.

The crew specially assigned a business car to Lu Qingfeng. This business car has been legally transformed. It has a large space, which is equivalent to a RV.

There are sofas, air conditioning, all kinds of food, and even WiFi.

It's not that you can't rest in this kind of environment.

The rest of the crew, however, were in the sun.

However, although there was no construction, no matter the staff or Lu Qingfeng, they were all paid and paid.

Even his deputy director, in order to communicate with the scenic spot, is also very busy, running around.

Now the shooting place of this scenic spot can't go in again, so we have to change to another place to shoot, otherwise we will work for nothing today.

So, take a little today.

But now!

As the most important male, Lu Qingfeng refused to go to the next place to film. He said that he would shoot again after he had a good rest, at least until tomorrow noon.

You know, the main part of the current shooting is mainly Lu Qingfeng.

If Lu Qingfeng is delayed, it is equivalent to that the whole crew will be delayed together with Lu Qingfeng.

As for doubles, except for the martial arts part, they are not used in other places.

After all, the quality of the film should be improved, so we can't use too many doubles.

Wang Xiaoliang got out of the car helplessly, but he didn't close the door. Instead, he looked at Lu Qingfeng and was thinking frantically about how to make Lu Qingfeng stay and continue filming.

Although he is also a little famous director, but in the face of Lu Qingfeng, or to be polite.

Although Lu Qingfeng is a little fresh meat for nothing, he has a high coffee position and many fans, so he doesn't dare to offend him.

Wang Xiaoliang also can't blame too much, cause now so helpless.

Wu fan has been in this business car next to, see Wang Xiaoliang in Lu Qingfeng there, eat shriveled.

He quickly ran to Wang Xiaoliang's side and advised: "Lu Qingfeng, it's the same to rest in this business car? Director Wang has said that. If you don't go to the next place to film, it's not good for the whole crew. "

Wu Feizhang's is also very handsome, compared with Lu Qingfeng, more sunny, not that kind of pure small fresh meat.

The most important thing is that Wu fan practiced martial arts from a young age. Starting from Wudai, he became an actor and also had certain acting skills.

In terms of fame, there are too many poor Lu Qingfeng.

In the film, he is not only the second male identity, but also a half martial arts director.

Although there is a professional martial arts guidance, but Wu fan is not bad, in order to make the martial arts better, Wu fan also participated in the martial arts guidance.

Therefore, Wu fan also has a certain obligation to arrange other actors with martial arts.

Lu Qingfeng in the business car only glanced at Wu Feifan and disdained: "no big or small. You are a man. How can I command this man?"

Lu Qingfeng said this, is to return to the hotel to rest, not to the next place to film.

It is estimated that Pan Liguo is here, which is not good for Pan Liguo.

Wu fan knows this very well. He knows that he can't persuade Lu Qingfeng. He looks at Lu Qingfeng's arrogant posture and shakes his head. He doesn't say much, and returns to his original position.

However, there is a business car in the rear, in which sits the female Er Yan Xin.Yan Xin has already opened the window, has been looking at the business car in front of Lu Qingfeng and Wang Xiaoliang, where the dispute.

As she watched, Lu Qingfeng was determined to return to the hotel for a rest. In fact, this was just her intention, because she also wanted to go back to the hotel and was worried about what reason to go back.

This is not, Lu Qingfeng created a good opportunity for her.

So, Yan Xin quickly toward the driver in front of the mouth: "driver, wait and follow the business car ahead, go back together."

Yan Xin didn't even say hello to Wang Xiaoliang and asked the driver to take her back.

Before long, the business car of Lu Qingfeng started and left.

Yan Xin this business car, also follow to leave.

No matter Wang Xiaoliang, or other actors of the crew, or the staff, they just watched the cars of Lu Qingfeng and Yan Xin and left one after another.

Wang Xiaoliang's face is very embarrassed, did not expect these two people said to leave, do not give face at all.

Looking at the two cars, more and more far away, Wang Xiaoliang secretly scolded: "this is what actors, but also said that they are dedicated, how can there be such dedication! I really don't know how director Pan fell in love with these two people! "

Wu fan in the side, shaking his head: "after all, there is flow, although the film now to quality, but also to some popular effect, no way."

Wang Xiaoliang was just about to say something. A Rolls Royce phantom drove over.

And, Lu Qingfeng and Yan Xin where the business car, to intercept.

Rolls Royce phantom rate first left pan Liguo, he recognized the two business cars, who is sitting inside.

He said: "Lu Qingfeng, Yan Xin, where are you two going now?"

However, Lin Kai took the initiative to stop the bus, because he had heard Lu Qingfeng playing big cards.

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