Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1429

Cao Rongxian has lost the opportunity to invest with Li Shengsheng.

Now he can no longer lose Yan Xin, Yan Xin promised him to accompany him every night.

Yan Xin, at the door of the private room, looked at Cao Rongsheng with an idiot's eyes and said with a sneer: "ugly eight monsters! See you straight make disgust, still want my mother to accompany you every night? Do your spring and autumn dream! Bad luck

Cao Rongsheng is not the investor of the film. She doesn't need to give Cao Rongsheng any face at all.

After she finished scolding, she made a phone call to Wu Feifan, the second male. Then her tone became normal. She asked, "extraordinary, where did director Pan, general manager Xu and Mr. Lin talk about investing in films? I'm in a hurry now."

After a while, Yan Xin head also did not return, out of the private room.

Cao Rongsheng looked at the back of Yan Xin's departure, and said in a cruel voice: "good, good! Bitch, sooner or later, you will kneel down in front of me and beg to accompany me every night

But just finished, waiting for Cao Rongsheng, is a heavy fist, hit Cao Rongsheng instant dizziness.

And on the top floor of this hotel.

Xu Qiancheng and pan Liguo talked about the specific matters of investing in films for 10 or 20 minutes.

Xu Qiancheng said at this time: "director Pan, just follow your original shooting plan. I have discussed with Mr. Lin that the first investment fund will be paid to the account tomorrow morning. Of course, the money must be used to make movies. As the person in charge of this film project, I will supervise the whole process. "

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu has no problem. You can rest assured and cooperate happily." Pan Liguo has a smile on his face, as long as he doesn't get involved in the content of the film.

Like Cao Rongsheng, anyone who wants to make a good movie is disgusted.

On the contrary, any other director will like it.

Just after pan Liguo finished, he suddenly coughed violently.

If it's just a cough, it's not a big problem.

But when he coughed, he vomited out a big mouthful of blood.

"Director Pan, are you?"

Yin Suyan and others were surprised to see pan Liguo like this.

However, Yan Xin was extremely pretentious, showing a very concerned attitude, and even ran to support pan Liguo. His eyes were almost in tears. He was concerned and asked, "director Pan, don't let anything happen to you! You are the soul of our whole crew. If something happens to you, what shall we do? "

Said as if with the true, especially that red eyes, do not know, also really think Yan Xin is worried about Pan Liguo.

But for professional actors, Yan Xin is acting too much.

Pan Liguo motioned to let Yan Xin release his hand, then shook his head and said, "I'm ok."

But in the tone is very weak, obviously does not have what he said to be all right.

Lin Kai watched quietly. When Xu Qiancheng and pan Liguo were talking, he listened silently. Now he looked at Pan Liguo and said calmly, "director Pan, you have a relapse. It's a serious disease. Once in the hospital rescue, almost did not rescue. Some time ago, the old disease recurred, until now it completely broke out. You should know that your time is running out, so you didn't go to the hospital for treatment. "

When Lin Kai said this, everyone was surprised.

Yin Suyan immediately asked Lin, "Mr. Lin, really or not?"

Other people are also suspicious, especially Yan Xin, if Lin Kai was not the biggest investor, he would have questioned.

Lin Kai said, "just ask director Pan."

Without waiting for Yin Suyan to ask, pan Liguo sighed: "Mr. Lin seems to know some medical skills. Indeed, as Mr. Tong Lin said, it is because of the recurrence of an old disease that I can't completely treat. The last treatment, has little effect, a few days ago went to the hospital for examination, famous experts are helpless, at most half a year can live, less half a year. But you can rest assured that half a year is enough for me to make this film. "

"What?" Yin Suyan couldn't believe it: "director Pan, is the treatment really bad? It's really a pity to lose a director like you in China. "

"Maybe it's life." Pan Liguo sighed again. He should have thought well and said with a smile: "in fact, I am making this movie so urgently because of my relapse. I want to make the last movie in my life. So, Miss Yin, I had to compromise with Cao Rongsheng. No wonder, I was worried that if no one invested, I would not be able to make the last movie. "

"All my life, I've lived outside the film and inside the film. In a few days, if you can make the last film, it is no regret. Of course, if the quality of the film can be shot to the satisfaction of the audience, it will not be a pity. Fortunately, Mr. Lin finally invested in this film. Thank you very much. "

Pan Liguo shook his head and said with a smile.

Yin Suyan did blame pan Liguo at the beginning. Why did he compromise with Cao Rongsheng? Now he knows the real reason. He replied, "director Pan, I don't blame you."

Wu fan, the second male, also immediately opened his mouth: "director Pan, in order not to let you have regrets, I will do my best to play this film well!""Yes! I will try my best! "

This time, Yan Xin is also rare to show true feelings, not like faking, it seems to be pan Liguo's persistence to be moved.

Lin Kai saw that these people were very sad. At first, he was shocked, and then he could not help opening his mouth: "don't worry about being sad here. Pan's disease is not incurable."

When Lin Kai's words just fell, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Kai, all with suspicion.

"Mr. Lin, do you have a way?" Yin Suyan was the first to react and asked.

Lin Kai nodded: "I know a little about medical skills. If I read correctly, director Pan once had a serious illness, which led to the blockage of blood vessels in his whole body. Although he was finally cleared up, he left serious sequelae. Is an irreversible sequelae, then the blood gradually ossified, before no serious ossification, still can be treated. Now the blood vessels are completely ossified and can be operated on, but the success rate is poor. "

The people at the scene, hearing Lin Kai's words, were again suspicious, and did not know whether it was true or not.

Only pan Liguo was shocked and looked at Lin Kai strangely: "Mr. Lin, no one knows about this except my doctor. How do you know that I have such a detailed old disease?"

Pan Liguo was really shocked.

Other people are also surprised, except for Yin Suyan. Everyone looks at Lin Kai with a look of shock.

In the face of public suspicions, Lin laughed and said, "I know a little about medical skills. Of course, I can still treat Pan's disease, and the success rate is also great. "

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