Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1387

Therefore, Alice could not understand the conversation between several people, but when she understood that an Xiaoran was not satisfied, she comforted Xiaoran and said, "miss an, Mr. Lin has always been like this. Don't take it too seriously."

After hearing this, an Xiaoran's dissatisfaction dissipated. At least, a foreign friend comforted her, so she was not so angry, but she still murmured: "in ancient times, Amun was separated from Wu for three days, and now there is an Xiaoran who is not willing to leave for a year! In a year's time, you'll have a competition to see who can solve the evil problem better

Lin Kai just laughed, but he noticed that Wang Yue didn't follow him, although he had eliminated all the evil spirits in the ancient tomb. Mechanism traps in ancient tombs may not all be triggered.

But the only headache is that Wang Yue's stubborn appearance, believing that they are not fighting upside down, have wasted a lot of energy, let alone let alone let her go.

After Lin Kai walked out of the tomb, he thought about it for a moment, and then turned Zhenqi into a kind of electricity and injected a little electricity into his mobile phone.

Because of the evil in the tomb, it has been solved, and the normal signal on the mountain has been restored.

He called Jiang Shu.

Lin Kaixian told Jiang Shu that he had wiped out all the evil spirits of the ancient tomb. In the daytime, the archaeological team could carry out archaeology smoothly.

Jiang Shu is very excited and tells Lin Kai that he will report this matter to the people above immediately, so that the people above can monitor Lei Yuan group as soon as possible.

In this regard, Lin Kai is quite willing to do so. Lin Yuan's recent recklessness has already touched his bottom line. If he had not worried too much, he would have settled with him.

This time, the people of the country will monitor every move of Lei Yuan group.

In this way, Lin Yuan will not be able to use the power of Lei Yuan group to deal with Lin Kai in the future.

The secret conspiracy is not Lin Yuan. If you want to use it, you can use it.

The most important point is that Lin Kai took advantage of this time to investigate leiyuan group.

Having said this, Lin Kai said that there were three tomb robbers' bodies in the ancient tomb, so that people could take care of them.

At the same time, a member of the archaeological team came to the ancient tomb in the middle of the night and asked Jiang Shu to tell the team and send someone to take the team away.

Jiang Shu naturally agreed.

Before long, Lin Kai finished the call.

Master Zhicheng should be worried. Wang Yue, who was in the tomb, stayed and did not leave.

Originally, an Xiaoran also wanted to stay together. She wanted to explain the mission of this residence with the people above.

However, master Zhicheng seems to have a headache. This little girl, an Xiaoran, was originally a headache for master Zhicheng because of Wang Yue.

If you let an Xiaoran stay, master Zhicheng doesn't know what kind of hostility he will be.

He quickly called an Xiaoran and left the place with Lin Kai.

Finally, master Zhicheng said in a very positive tone that the greatest contribution to the mission of the residence was her an Xiaoran.

After hearing this, an Xiaoran followed Lin Kai with great satisfaction.

Lin Kai doesn't have a problem with an Xiaoran. Anyway, he's going to the downtown area of Donghai.

When we got out of the mountain, it was two o'clock in the morning.

Lin drives the Rolls Royce phantom and takes an Xiaoran and Alice to Donghai city.

Alice first came with Ma Jingyang. Now Ma Jingyang and others are dead, so they follow Lin Kai.

There are no cars in the wild mountains.

An Xiaoran is the same.

So they have to be sent to the city of Donghai and find a place to live first.

On the way, both an Xiaoran and Alice were very hungry. They called for Linkai to find a place to eat supper.

Lin Kai was speechless, so he had to take an Xiaoran and Alice to a slightly high-end Hotel nearest to the mountain. Everyone looked after the room.

This place is adjacent to the East China Sea.

Lin Kai is also ready to spend the night in the hotel, and then go to Donghai city in the morning.

Because this place, even if you drive past, it will take three or four hours to get to the East China Sea.

What's more, Alice and ANN Xiaoran let him have dinner.

Therefore, the three people randomly found a barbecue shop, ordered a lot of things, while eating and chatting.

Lin Kai has no interest in talking to Alice and an Xiaoran.

Alice and an Xiaoran had a good conversation, but with Alice drinking, she looked at Lin Kai with great resentment: "Mr. Lin, you don't know, you leave without saying goodbye, how heartbreaking I am. At that time, I decided to confess to you, but I didn't expect you to leave without a sound!"

When an Xiaoran heard Alice's words, she was very interested in eating the barbecue. She swept Lin Kai and Alice back and forth, just like eating melons.

Lin Kai had a headache at once. She knew she would not let Alice drink. She didn't expect to drink again.

He didn't know what to say.

An Xiaoran said with a smile: "Lin Kai, foreign beauties, have confessed to you. How can you leave without saying goodbye heartily."Looking at an Xiaoran, Lin Kai finally understood why master Zhicheng was driving an Xiaoran like the God of pestilence.

Lin Kai was speechless and couldn't help saying to an Xiaoran: "miss an, this matter has nothing to do with you. If you want to eat, you can eat yours. If you don't eat, you will go back to the hotel and have a rest."

Hearing this, an Xiaoran was still a little reluctant and turned her lips: "it's really nothing to do with me. I'll go back to the hotel for what I'm doing."

An Xiaoran just got up and didn't take a few steps.

Outside the barbecue shop, there are a few small gangsters, staring at an Xiaoran. It seems that they have already targeted an Xiaoran and Alice.

Whether it is an Xiaoran or Alice, are high beauty.

One is very cute and cute, the other is ocean girl.

When those gangsters saw an Xiaoran out of the barbecue shop, one of them accosted him: "little girl, I heard it outside. The boy inside doesn't seem to like you. It's OK. Our brothers will like you. How about going to play with my brothers? "


Ran an's eyes, who are you afraid of.

"Hey, is the little girl still stubborn? If you don't want to play with some brothers, you can't play with them

Those thugs are also bold. It seems that they have some background. They are not afraid at all. They directly surround an Xiaoran and jump on it. It seems that they want to take an Xiaoran away by force.

But an Xiaoran, is not an ordinary girl, she did not hesitate to take out her blue sword, decisively toward one of the gangsters, waved in the past.

The gangster was immediately attacked with a long sword mark on his arm.

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