Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1385

The snake head is still weak, but she is not out of the body.

These evil spirits are also very irritable, which may turn into terrible forces at any time.

How can Lin Kai let a woman with the head of a snake show her attack successfully, so he immediately moves to stimulate her true Qi and extract double strength! Attack and kill in the dark again!

The head of the snake will not be polite to kill the woman, the whole body issued a Zizi sound.

The figure of the woman with the head of the snake turns into white smoke and dissipates in this world.

At the same time, the spirit of the snake head gradually disappeared.


Lin Kai saw the woman with the head of a snake and was killed by himself. He was relieved.

This snake headed woman was really beyond his expectation. It was more terrifying than the real evil spirit.

Lin Kai speculates that the woman with the head of the snake has only recovered part of her strength. If she recovers all her strength, it is estimated that she will be very difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, master Zhicheng came in time to resist the attack, otherwise Alice would definitely die.

Alice's face was pale, her pupils were wide open, and she was obviously frightened. After all, she was so close to death that everyone would feel the fear of survival.

An Xiaoran is also afraid. First, she takes a shocked look at Lin Kai. It seems that Lin Kai's strength is so strong.

The most powerful evil of the ancient tomb was solved easily by Lin Kai, who made her look at Lin Kai with a new look. At the same time, she also believed that Lin Kai was not a tomb robber.

Then an Xiaoran turned her eyes to master Zhicheng beside her and said in silence, "old monk, I've been in the tomb for almost an hour and a half. Why do I just arrive now? Didn't you say that you would arrive in an hour? "

Master Zhicheng had words of suffering, so he had no choice but to say, "I'm late because I've been delayed for a while. I'm sorry, an Daoyou."

An Xiaoran didn't really care about anything with master Zhicheng, but she was very depressed. She waited for master Zhicheng for a long time.

She then hums a way: "old monk, see you also arrive in time, I am not angry."

Then, instead of looking at master Zhicheng, an Xiaoran turned his eyes to Lin Kai and asked, "there should be no other evil in the tomb, right?"

Lin opened a smile: "if there is, I will not still stand here, early start to go to destroy."

Under his perception, with the disappearance of the snake body woman, the evil spirit in the ancient tomb began to dissipate gradually, indicating that the source of evil spirit had been destroyed, let alone other evil spirits.

The most important point is that the task of the system is finally completed. It not only prevents the tomb robbers, but also kills all the evil spirits in the ancient tomb. In the daytime, the archaeological team can carry out the archaeology smoothly.

The system task reward also got, the semi divine level extraction ability, the eight trigrams extraction ability! Various arrays can be extracted from the eight trigrams!

We should know that the eight trigrams are the most important culture in the history and civilization of China. We can use the eight trigrams to speculate on everything, astronomy, geography, etc.

Among them, the most famous is the eight trigrams array, in which the eight trigrams give birth to Liangyi and Liangyi to four elephants.

Therefore, the extracted array is based on the eight trigrams array, which is extremely powerful!

Even if Lin Kai, in the heart also has some excitement, had this extraction ability, his strength once again increased many!

Just as Lin Kai was meditating, master Zhicheng came to Lin Kai, folded his hands, bowed, and said with a smile, "benefactor Lin, I haven't seen you for a few days. I'm glad you're here this time. If it's other people, you'll die in the hands of the last evil spirit."

Lin Kai is also a smile, he also did not expect, this just a few days, again met master Zhicheng.

He then shook his head and said, "master Zhicheng, thank you very much. I am the person from above, please help me. What's more, you have just saved your companion's life. I have to thank you. "

Without waiting for master Zhicheng to speak, an Xiaoran widened her eyes and looked at Lin Kai and master Zhicheng. Her eyes were inconceivable: "I said old monk, do you know him?"

Master Zhicheng said, "andoah, when I went back to Pihua residence two days ago, you were very curious. Who was that evil spirit exterminator in the western suburb of Donghai city? This is Lin Kai, benefactor Lin

"Ah? It's him An Xiaoran exclaimed, then looked at Lin Kai's eyes, with a trace of worship.

Obviously, an Xiaoran didn't know that it was Lin Kai who solved the evil spirit before he knew the last time.

It must be master Zhicheng. He didn't disclose too much information about Lin Kai.

Lin Kai just laughed and then said, "although all the evil spirits have been dealt with, there are still some situations that need to be dealt with by me. I will come when I go."

Lin Kai said, ready to turn around, pavilion side.

Did not expect that he did not walk a few steps, a woman's voice, in vain: "you stop!"

It was Wang Yue who had just arrived. She had already run to the gate of dashiman.Because of the evil spirit in the ancient tomb, almost disappeared. Under the strong flashlight, you can clearly see the scene inside the big stone gate.

Wang Yue saw the bodies of Ma Jingyang, Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li on the ground inside the big stone gate.

Although she studied Archaeology and went to the tomb to see the ancient corpses, they all became skeletons.

But in front of her, she had just died, which made her very afraid!

However, Wang Yue's ability to bear is also better than that of ordinary people. At least he majored in archaeology. After she was frightened, she pointed to the bodies of Ma Jingyang, Zhang Gangzi and Xiao Li on the ground, and asked in cross voice, "are you from two gangs? Is this self mutilation

Of course, there was still a shiver in her voice. She was very nervous and slowly retreated. She was afraid that Lin Kai and her group would kill her.

Through Wang Yue's clothes and the marks of the archaeological team, Lin Kai suddenly understood that the other party belonged to the archaeological team.

He then responded: "we are not fighting upside down. The three people who died on the ground are indeed fighting upside down, but it has nothing to do with us. They died in the mechanism trap of ancient tombs."

"Is it?"

Wang Yue didn't believe it. She thought that the old monk was here to fight.

Now she saw that the old monk and Lin Kai seemed to be familiar with each other, so she naturally thought that they were all in a group.

When Lin Kai hears this, he doesn't care about Wang Yue. However, Wang Yue is stubborn and fearless. He is ready to stop Lin Kai.

Master Zhicheng knows well that the benefactor is stubborn. He doesn't want to let Lin Kai suffer from that kind of misunderstanding. It's not good for Lin Kai to be unhappy. He quickly blocks Wang Yue.

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