Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1366

After hearing the speech, Lin Kai had a funny smile on his face, and then said in a cold voice, "do you think I don't know that you were chased by Lin Yuan? Do you want me to send you to Lin Yuan with your broken hands and feet? "

The reason why he knew that, of course, it was the content released by the system. He mentioned this matter, but it was where Zheng Tianhao was. The system did not provide a location, only said some personal information about Zheng Tianhao.

I also know that if Zheng Tianhao is caught by Lin Yuan, his end will be even worse than killing him. It's just like life and death.

Zheng Tianhao is incredible at first. He looks at yanlinkai, and then Yanlu is afraid. He would rather die than be sent to Linyuan by Linkai!

His whole body trembled with fear, and then his eyes gradually became resolute. As if he had made some great determination, he quickly opened his mouth: "Linkai! I also obey the orders of Lin Yuan, so I can't hurt his innocence. Now I feel guilty. If you let me go this time, I will tell you all I know about Linyuan and what I can know! "

He will not have any guilt, two ordinary people, killed also killed.

But what he said later is true.

Now he hates Lin Yuan more than Lin Kai.

Lin Yuan has caught him by many means, but he has killed him completely, which makes him extremely angry. Now he meets Lin Kai, who can compete with Lin Yuan. Of course, he holds Lin Kai's thigh first.

Best in his disclosure, Lin Kai and Lin Yuan fight each other, die together!

At the thought of it, Zheng Tianhao was excited.

"Oh? You know a lot about Linyuan? "

Lin Kai suddenly came to be interested, but he looked at Zheng Tianhao with a sneer: "it's a pity, unfortunately, your condition is useless in my opinion."

He said, immediately used the gold ability to tell the truth, let Zheng Tianhao honestly, said what Zheng Tianhao knew about Lin Yuan.

Ten minutes later, Lin Kai canceled this golden ability.

Zheng Tianhao doesn't know. He has told Lin Kai what he knows about Lin Yuan.

He looked at Lin Kai and said confidently, "how about Lin Kai? If you know about the forest resources, you can solve them quickly. "

Lin Kai sneered: "I don't want to know."

What's wrong with Zheng hao? Lin Kai doesn't even want to know about this? Doesn't he want to get rid of the forest quickly?

After all, Lin Yuan is so tolerant that he targets Lin Kai everywhere and even threatens the people around him?

In particular, Zheng Tianhao saw the killing intention in Lin Kai's eyes and understood that what Lin Kai said was true.

In that case So if you want me to die, you can't make it better!

Zheng Tianhao's eyes showed a trace of determination, and a hand secretly wanted to take out something from behind.

He just didn't take out the useless hand.

Zheng Tianhao was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Kai to be so sharp. Before he could recover, he suffered a heavy blow on his chest.

It was Lin Kaiyi's fist that drove Zheng Tianhao to his last gasp.

Zheng Tianhao can't believe that Lin Kaizhen killed him directly. He really didn't want to know something about Lin Yuan.

But to his despair, Lin Kai said faintly, "you don't have to say, I know something about Lin Yuan, so you can rest assured and be a good man in the next life."

Lin Kaike has no mercy. In the personal information provided by the system, Zheng Tianhao killed many innocent people when he worked for Lin Yuan.

Unfortunately, although Lin Yuan ordered Zheng Tianhao to do it, Lin Yuan was very clever and would not order himself. Instead, he used various methods to bypass him and let him do things.

The purpose of this is that these things can not be blamed on him.

So it's useless to keep Zheng Tianhao. What's more, Zheng Tianhao almost killed Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian today, which he can't stand.

Zheng Tianhao deserves more than his death.

Soon, Lin Kai killed Zheng Tianhao.

It is from Zheng Tianhao's mouth that some things about Linyuan, although not very important, but barely a little.

Those who are chased by Linyuan will not get any core secrets from Linyuan. At most, they are external news.

We learned that Wanxin group and another large group in neighboring cities will cooperate with leiyuan group.

Help leiyuan group, engulf the economic lifeline of the whole East China Sea and control the East China Sea.

This is only a preliminary development. When the East China Sea is under control, it will reach out to the whole province.

In fact, according to Lin Kai, Lin Yuan's appetite is too big. It's just a dream to think about it in a short time.

However, he is still more vigilant, because leiyuan group wants to control the whole East China Sea. At present, the biggest enemies are he and Li family.

Presumably, Lin Yuan's next step is to play tricks on him or Li Shengxian.

According to Zheng Tianhao, leiyuan group will take the next step in about four days.And four days later, it was the worst day for Lei Yuan group.

Lin Kai took the opportunity.

Later, Lin Kai made a phone call to Jiang Shu. Zheng Tianhao's body was sent by Jiang Shu.

Because Zheng Tianhao, who is also Jiang Shu's target, has been trading in gangs abroad.

But there was still no evidence, but Lin Kai asked and told Jiang Shu the evidence.

In this way, Jiang Shu can use Zheng Tianhao's body to complete his performance there.

After Lin Kai made a phone call, he left here, jumped down the window, returned to the Rolls Royce phantom, started the car, and quickly left here.

Lin Kai doesn't know. In the room, Zheng Tianhao's body begins to emit a wisp of black gas.

At this time, Lin Kai came to the road between the two mountains, which was very narrow.

Suddenly, there was a middle-aged man of about fifty, dressed in the clothes of a farmer working in the field, walking in the middle of the road.

Lin couldn't help but stop slowly. The road was too narrow, so he could only let the middle-aged man go to one side.

So he opened the window and said to the middle-aged man, "uncle, how can you walk here alone in the middle of the night? How dangerous is it?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed: "the baby who works in the urban area of the city suddenly has a car accident and is being rescued in the hospital. I usually work in my hometown. When I heard this news in the middle of the night, I was in a hurry to rush there. But I had to walk alone because there was no car in the evening. "

"Oh?" Lin Kai was slightly surprised, but he also saw that there was nothing strange about the middle-aged old man. He said, "uncle, well, I happen to go to the city, so I'd better give you a ride."

The middle-aged man quickly thanks: "thank you! Thank you, little brother

With that, he took the co pilot's seat.

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