Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1354

Although this company's mission, the reward will be very rich, but the punishment is also very serious.

So many employees, you look at me, I look at you, do not dare to take the task of this company.

However, Luo Zhipeng, who has been silent all the time, inadvertently glances at Lin Kai, the edge of the conference table, and suddenly his eyes are bright.

Pointing to Lin Kai, he suggested: "since everyone feels incompetent, I'll recommend someone. Lin Kai, Xiao Lin, the new employee in our purchasing department, is a new comer in any case, and he has no achievements at all. This is a good opportunity for him to complete his performance. "

Luo Zhipeng's words, whether it is the staff of purchasing department, operation Department and propaganda department, are stunned for a while.

Later, some employees in the purchasing department responded. They knew the contradiction between Luo Zhipeng and Lin Kai.

Then an employee said, "I quite agree with deputy manager Luo that Lin Kai is in our purchasing department and has nothing to do, so I'll give him something to do."

"So it is, and I agree with it."

For a while, employees from other departments also spoke up.

After all, it would be great to have an employee who could come out and take over the task.

So they avoid being selected by force.

Because when no one answers, the Department Manager will force an employee to pick up.

Now, the deputy manager suggests that new employees should take over the mess, which is even better.

Even manager Wu, the manager of the operation Department, also said, "since everyone agrees with Xiao Lin to take over the task of the company, let him finish it."

In fact, Xu Xinghai did not expect that all the scenes were focused on Lin Kai.

Naturally, he has no opinion. Anyway, this is the task assigned to them by the senior management of the company, and they are not able to do it, so it is handed over to the employees under his hand.

It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not.

With a smile, Xu Xinghai said, "well, if everyone has no comments, let's let Lin Kai, from the purchasing department, complete the task of the company. The current time is 9:30 a.m., please contact a second-line star before 12:30 p.m. If you can't finish it, you'll be dismissed. "

Xu Xinghai doesn't allow Lin Kai to have any reaction. He ends the meeting directly and asks Lin Kai to wait in his office and give him the next task.

Some employees sympathize with Lin Kai. They all know that Lin Kai is the victim of Xu Xinghai and manager Wu.

The company blamed Lin Kai for not doing a good job. In addition, he dismissed Lin Kai, and the company had nothing to do.

So the employees who sympathized with Lin Kai either said a word of encouragement or patted him on the shoulder as a consolation.

When Luo Zhipeng came to Linkai, he gave a hypocritical encouragement: "Linkai, this is a very rare good opportunity, take good advantage of yourself. If it's done, the company won't treat you badly. The Rolls Royce phantom you dream of may come true

On the surface, he said this, but in fact, he sneered: "complete the task of this company? How is that possible? This tree can not even do the top management of the company, so it is handed over to the middle-level leaders. Hey, after 12:30, you Linkai was dismissed! Let you ruin my plan last night

Luo Zhipeng can be a deputy manager, and he is also a personal genius. He can let his employees go by any small means.

Compared with Luo Zhipeng, Xu Xinghai is more hidden.

Li Shengxian, the company, has developed a new product, which is actually very good, but the publicity is not in place.

If you find a famous star endorsement, and another wave of marketing, it will certainly sell well.

Xu Xinghai has been bought by leiyuan group. When he learned of the news, he immediately sent the company's detailed internal discussion plan to leiyuan group.

Leiyuan group immediately made a response, the original Li Shengxian company linked to the stars, one by one to intercept Hu.

As a result, the manager of the publicity department finally resigned.

This is the first step for leiyuan group to target Li Shengxian company. After that, it will continue to target Li Shengxian company and let Li Shengxian's company collapse.

Let Lin Kai take over the task of the company. Xu Xinghai knows that this task is not possible.

Besides, Lin Kai is a new employee, and we will all agree that the top management of the company will not be able to grasp him.

As for asking Linkai, let him go to the office first.

That's because Xu Xinghai has his own purpose. He saw Lin Kai's extraordinary skill last night, and he was moved.

When Li Shengxian's company is over, he can go to leiyuan group as an executive.

By then, he must have his own cronies.

He thinks that Lin Kai is a talent that can be cultivated. It's also very good to be a bodyguard or something like that.

When he was in the conference hall, Xu Xinghai actually made a plan. Lin Kai didn't finish the task. He dismissed Lin Kai decisively.

It's cruel for any employee to be fired.What's more, Lin Kai is such a poor boy. When he is out of his wits, he will offer him a good post. Then Lin Kai will definitely follow him.

At the thought of this, Xu Xinghai, sitting in the office, couldn't help laughing.

Dong Dong Dong Dong.

Just then, the door of the office rang.

"Manager Xu." Lin Kai's voice also came.

Xu Xinghai did not hesitate to ask Lin Kai to come in.

When Lin Kai came in, Xu Xinghai said: "although there are no stars in Donghai, there are several stars in the neighboring city. I will give you the information about these stars. If you can contact these stars as soon as possible, it depends on your eloquence. "

Lin Kai didn't take over Xu Xinghai's information and said, "manager Xu, I don't need these materials. It's manager Xu. You said not long ago that Yin Suyan would leave the East China Sea by plane at noon. Do you know which flight it is? "

Xu Xinghai did not know why: "Lin Kai, what do you want information about Yin Suyan's flight? Are you going to invite Yin Suyan

Speaking of this, Xu Xinghai himself laughed, not to mention Li Shengxian's company, even leiyuan group did not leave Yin Suyan in the end.

It can be said that any company in the East China Sea is not qualified to invite Yin Suyan.

But Lin Kai nodded and said, "yes, please invite Yin Suyan. I know that Yin Suyan's popularity is higher than that of many first-line stars. It is most appropriate for her to represent the company's new products. "

Lin Kai is not only to complete the company's task, but he really sincerely went to Yin Suyan.

After all, this is Li Shengxian's company, not to mention he also has shares in this company.

If we develop Li Shengxian's company better, we will be more stable in his position as the successor of the Li family.

The development of Xicheng suburb needs to be done slowly, but the company's products are not the same.

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