Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1352

Hu Wenliang's home is not far away from the prosperous Tang KTV, which is only about 20 minutes' drive.

So Lin Kai quickly sent Hu Wenliang home.

Qin Ya's home is still a little far away. Lin drove and continued to carry Qin ya. It took almost half a month before he finally arrived at the bottom of Qin Ya's home.

At this time, Qin Ya has got out of the car. She smiles at Lin Kai, who is sitting in the driver's seat. She is very grateful and says, "Linkai! Thank you again! Thanks to your presence tonight, otherwise I really don't know what to do

Qin Ya is actually grateful for another thing. She is not stupid. Naturally, she can see that Luo Zhipeng invited her tonight to celebrate her birthday.

In fact, she could see that Luo Zhipeng was scheming, especially Luo Zhipeng wanted to make her drunk with wine.

Fortunately, Linkai finished the bottle of liquor in one breath.

What's more, after that, what kind of President Cheng wants to take them away.

If Lin Kai didn't choose to go down hard, their fate would be miserable. It would be terrible to think about it.

Lin Kai waved his hand: "it's OK. It's almost early in the morning. You'd better go home now."

The task of the system is to let Qin Ya spend the night safely.

If Qin Ya goes home safely, then his task is finished.

Qin Ya hears the speech and thanks Lin Kai a few words, and then reminds Lin Kai to drive slowly and pay attention to safety.

Later, Lin turned the car around and found Qin Ya still standing there, as if to watch him leave.

Lin Kai shook his head, opened the window and said, "Qin ya, don't watch me leave. I have to go to work tomorrow and go home early. In addition, don't underestimate the cloth bag that you gave you. Don't take out the things in it. It's better to carry this bag all the time. "

He can't explain that the three amulets can protect Qin Ya's life three times.

Qin Ya didn't ask for details. She seemed to trust Lin Kai and nodded heavily: "OK, I'll carry it all the time."

Lin laughed and stepped on the accelerator and left.

With amulets, he is not afraid of Qin ya. He will have an accident on his way home.

Linkai has not been far away, the system will prompt that the task has been completed, and has obtained a gold extraction, which is a relatively common extraction, and has little effect.

However, the critical moment can be a good thing to reverse.

Just as Lin Kai passed by a five-star hotel in the East China Sea, the system released a task again.

The content of the task said that a girl would escape from the door of the hotel, and then save her and watch her leave safely.

The reward is silver extraction.

Lin Kai is a little speechless. Does the system like to let him save the beauty.

Anyway, the task is very simple, so I can do it easily.

So Lin stopped and got off the bus and went to the place not far from the door of the hotel.

Sure enough, not long ago, a beautiful girl in a wine red dress, as if drunk, staggered out of the hotel door.

Almost hit Linkai.

Lin Kai didn't smell the beautiful girl. There was something on her body. It seems that she was drugged.

When the beautiful girl and Lin Kai brush shoulder, he can see the whole picture of the beautiful girl.

He was a little stunned. The beautiful girl was familiar.

To be exact, I have seen it on TV, maybe a star or something.

"Quick, quick! Didn't you eat? Don't let her run away

Just as Lin Kai was thinking, three strong men came out of the hotel.

The three strong men were all warriors and soon caught up with the beautiful girl.

"Miss Yin, our young master asks you to go back!"

"Yes, go back, or don't blame us

The three strong men surrounded the beautiful girl with a triangle and refused to let her go.

When Lin Kai heard about Miss Yin in Zhuang Hankou, suddenly, he remembered that this beautiful girl was indeed a star named Yin Suyan.

In recent months, because of a movie, suddenly popular female star.

In the past few months, it appears frequently in front of the camera, leading to more and more red.

Although it is only a new rising female star, but at present, this momentum has overtaken the first-line stars.

Speaking of, a few days ago, Lin Kai disclosed the matter of Lei Yuan Group on the Internet, which Yin Suyan also helped to forward.

At the same time, Yin Suyan also commented. The general content is that she is currently in the East China Sea. A Qin people's film and television company invested by leiyuan group has asked her to star in female No.1, and her film pay is very high.

The contract was signed half a month ago.

But when she saw that leiyuan group was such a company, she decided to terminate the contract.

Her move has won praise and support from numerous netizens.

Yin Sulin's microblog is the number of times he was posted.

It can be said that Yin Suyan's contribution accounted for the majority of his microblog's success in hot search.Unexpectedly, the task of this system is to save Yin Suyan.

Even if there is no task, Lin Kai will go to save her.

However, before Lin Kai said anything, Yin Suyan looked at Lin Kai with a dim look. He said to Lin Kai: "help Save Help me... "

The voice is very small. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

Lin Kai frowned. Yin Suyan was more sure that he was drugged.

I do not know who, so bold to a big star.

Of course, Lin Kai is not afraid of anyone.

So Lin opened the next moment and went straight over.

"Boy, what? The hero saves a beauty? Go where you come from! With your weak figure, I'll punch you, and you may die! "

"Oh, why don't you go? I count three, before I leave, don't blame my fist for being merciless

The three strong men, seeing that Lin Kai was constantly approaching, did not mean to leave. They all looked at Lin Kai one by one, and their eyes showed fierce light.

One of the strong men had already finished counting three sentences. Seeing that Lin Kai was still not leaving, he was furious. He had never seen anyone dare to disobey his orders. So he waved his fist and stormed at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai looked at the strong man's fist and looked very calm. The three men were all martial arts, and they were better than ordinary people.

To him, these three people are also ordinary people.

As a result, Lin Kai easily solved the three strong men and lay on the ground and passed out.

But Yin Su Yan seems unable to support, Jiao body suddenly fell.

Lin Kai reacted quickly and helped Yin Suyan.

Then he decisively put his hand on Yin Suyan's abdomen and pressed it slightly.

Yin Suyan immediately vomited out, the vomit that was drugged.

At the same time, Yin Suyan is fully awake, knowing that Lin Kai saved her and asked for a contact information from Lin Kai.

Yin Suyan was very grateful to Lin Kai, but said that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he asked Lin Kai to leave here first. When she has a chance, she will invite Lin to have a meal and thank her for saving her.

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