Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1303

"I see."

As early as the first time he knew Li Shengxian's accident, Lin Kai had sent someone to check it out.

He would like to see who is not open-minded and dare to move him.

If you have the ability, don't let him find out, or you will be at your own risk.

Looking at Lin Kai, the housekeeper retreated in fear.

After rubbing the goose bumps on his hands, housekeeper li felt that the temperature in the room had dropped a lot.

However, he was very happy in his heart. At least Lin Kai cared about Li Shengxian.

For the Li family's situation, he is not unclear.

It is because of this that he urgently wants Li Shengxian to find someone who can give him strong support.

He used to be so stupid.

You can only be bullied.

Now it's hard to make progress, but something like this has happened.

In fact, he knew in his heart that this matter may be done by the Li family, or it may be a competitor.

Competitors, OK, can make them pay the price.

But what about the Li family?

If Li Shengxian dies, they will be punished at most and nothing will happen.

If they are not dead and recovered well, their punishment may be a little more serious.

He is really disabled. The Li family can support him all his life. As for those who do it, there will be no damage.

But no matter what happens to Li Shengxian, they will not be killed.

But now with Lin Kai, it's different.

With his identity, Li Chengjia was severely punished, and they dare not say anything.

With a sigh, housekeeper Li didn't know what to say for a while.

The only hope is that Li Shengxian can wake up safely.

Lin Kai looks at Li Shengxian in bed and sighs. He doesn't know what to say.

Most of these things are left to fate.

But fortunately, he has a system.

Although we can't let Li Shengxian recover in an instant, it's too weird.

But it's OK to keep him alive.

The system also knows what Lin Kai is looking for. He doesn't speak for a long time.

At the end of the sentence, he would be OK, and he was silent.

Knowing this situation, Lin Kai felt much more comfortable.

"You take good care of him here. The Li family has something to do. I want to go over there."


Housekeeper Li promised to come down. There must be no one here.

On the way to Li's house, listening to Li Chengjia's words, Lin Kai's face became more and more ugly.

The news of Li Shengxian's accident hasn't been spread out yet. How ugly their food looks?

What if the news of his accident comes out? I don't know what these people are.

To the Li family, Lin Kai went straight to Li Cheng's study.

There are three or four elders of the Li family waiting.

See him Lin Kai, in addition to an elder disdain cold hum, the remaining three are smiling with him to say hello.

As soon as Li Chengjia was ready to speak, Lin Kai's elder opened his mouth.

"Mr. Lin, we hope you can return the land to our Li family."

"Anyway, it's our Li family's stuff. It's not good for you to hold it like this."

As soon as he finished speaking, an elder choked with him: "Li Gui, do you also mean to say that?"

"There was something wrong with the land, and we haven't paid for it. Didn't you advocate selling it?"

"Why didn't Mr. Lin care about nothing and bought that piece of land at the beginning, but now you say to return it back? It's ridiculous."

"What do you mean?"

The elder, who was called Li Gui, was not happy and cried out: "I'm not thinking about the Li family. Who knows there are caves under the land."

Hearing his words, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

"You want to go back when you see it's valuable? There is such a reason in the world? "

Looking at how much money he gave us, he said, "I didn't give you any money at the beginning

"Li Gui, what are you talking about?"

Several other elders of the Li family, including Li Chengjia, felt that they could not blush.

How could he have the audacity to say such a thing? It's shameless.

At the beginning, they didn't know that there was a karst cave below, so it was very good to sell the problematic land so quickly, and the price was not lower than the original price.

Now, because Lin Kai is going to make a fortune, they let people give the land back?

There is no such thing in the world.

"Li Fu, what do you mean?" Li Gui looks at Li Fu angrily and wants to kill him.Don't you know you can't do this?

What is he doing this for?

It's not for the Li family, or would he be so shameless?

"I know what you are for!"

Li Fu stares at him, burning eyes, let Li Gui some can't bear to look directly.

In fact, Li Gui is selfish in doing so.

As long as he can get the land back, Li Haoxian is 100% sure to take it down.

When the land is in their hands, the profits will not be rolling in?

It's just that they can't let them know, otherwise they will be finished.

At this time, Lin Kai, who had not spoken, opened his mouth: "have you asked me what I mean?"

"If you want to go back to the things I paid for? It's ridiculous. "

"What do you mean?"

Li Gui stares at her and says, "who knows if you already know there are caves below, otherwise how could you possibly spend money to buy it?"

"What if you know?"

Lin said with a smile: "people do not fight for themselves. If I don't tell you, what can I do?"

"I won't buy it. You'll have to pay for it."

"Do you think if you don't develop there, you'll know there's something down there?"

After listening to Lin Kai, Li Guiqi couldn't say a word.

I have to say that what Lin Kai said is the truth.

They explore the underground, is there a problem, using professional instruments.

It's impossible to follow Lin Kai like this. People can enter directly and find out what's going on inside.

"That's what you asked me to do today?"

Li Chengjia's face was gloomy and nodded.

It seems that Li Gui is really going to beat him.

Don't look at Lin Kai's identity. If he gets angry, the Li family will be ruined.

"Finish your business."

"That's it."

Li Gui stares at Lin Kai with a gloomy face. If his eyes could kill people, he would have died several times.

In his opinion, Linkai is a shameless thing.

It's shameless to occupy their Li family's things.

When Li Gui stares at him like this, Lin kaichong shows a smile and his teeth are white.

This even more let Li Gui, see a burst of toothache, but also can't say anything.

Those people are obviously biased towards Linkai, and they can't take advantage of it.

The more you want to be, the more angry Li Gui feels that his chest is not stuffy.

Just wanted to leave, but was stopped by Lin Kai.

"What else can I do for you?"

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