Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1288

The whole Li family was silent, as usual. There was nothing special about it.

Thinking of what Yin Shen said before, Lin Kai felt more and more wrong.

He thought it was better to find the hermit God as soon as possible, so as to solve the puzzle.

However, the Li family of Nuo Da was searched by him from beginning to end, and he did not find any trace of him.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Lin Kai murmured to himself that something was wrong.

When he was confused, the mobile phone rang again, looking at the name flashing on the screen, he was stunned for a while before picking up.

"Linkai, where have you been? Do you know what's going on? Come here. "

Before Lin opened to speak, the phone was hung up, and then an address was sent from the mobile phone.

This makes Lin Kai feel more uncomfortable, although the voice is still the voice of the hidden God.

However, Lin Kai's feeling is totally different. Besides, Yin Shen will never call his name at any time unless he really has no way.

"I'm going to see what I'm going to do."

He is now more and more interesting, who is bold enough to do such a thing?

Hope to be caught by themselves, not to die too miserable.

This time Lin didn't drive in such a hurry. He rented a car by the side of the road and drove slowly.

Before he was careless, even if something big happened, the hidden God would not panic into that way.

He will certainly take Li Chengjia to escape together and seek his help later.

However, it is useless to talk about it now. He still wants to know more about the history of the incident.

When he arrived at the position that the man had given him, he was not contacted.

The driver looked at the place and said, "young man, either I say you or you are a man, don't come to such a place easily. It's easy to have an accident."

In Lin Kai's puzzled eyes, the driver approached him and said in a low voice: "there are several men and women who have an accident here. Some of them have been forced, and others have been wheeled. Even men are no exception, and ah..."

After listening to the driver, Lin said thanks with a smile.

Instead, the driver looked warm-hearted: "if you have anything to do, please call me."

He was silent and said, "I'll call the police for you if I can't come over."

"Well, thank you."

After the driver left, Lin Kai quickly explored the inside and outside of the place.

Sure enough, I found a man who was very similar to the Yin God, and another one was lying on the ground, with his face down. He should be a member of Li Chengjia's family. He was bound here.

Looking at the two men, Lin opened his mouth with a sneer and thought that they were really taking great pains.

though they are as like as two peas in Li Chengjia.

But Lin Kai is 100% sure that these two are not them.

Even if they have tried to imitate, but there are too many bad things.

It's just the murderous spirit of the hidden God. They can't have it at all.

It came out of the sea of corpses and blood, which was possessed by the constant fighting.

They deserve it?

Where the people behind the scenes have this strength, let them kill people and set fire to them.

If you do, you will set yourself on fire.

People on the ground lay for a long time, but Lin Kai didn't appear.

A man came out and said to him, "keep calling until he comes."

Sure enough, within a minute, Lin's phone rang.

Looking at the man on the ground pressing his throat and trying his best to pretend to be a hermit, Lin Kai wanted to laugh.

Hearing his question, Lin Kai said seriously: "I have arrived. Where are you?"

His words, no doubt to the scene of a few people severely impact.

The man who pretended to be a hermit was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied, "you come to the Central Committee, we are here."

"Why are you here?"

In the face of Lin Kai's problem, the false hermit God is one sentence in the East and one sentence in the West.

Lazy to continue to tease them, hung up the phone, Lin Kai deliberately let the way, just came over.

Seeing him coming, Li Chengjia on the ground struggled more violently, and kept humming what he wanted to say.

Seeing him like this, the false hermit God on one side was too anxious to press him under his body.

Seeing their strange appearance, Lin Kai felt more and more ridiculous.

As soon as he passed, he felt that he had been hit hard by something on the back of his neck.

Although he didn't feel anything, just like tickling, he pretended to faint in order to know what they were doing.

"Plop" sound, if not for Lin Kai intentionally convergence, the whole ground may be smashed out of a big hole.After he fainted, the false hidden God stood up, and his tone was rather disdainful: "I thought it was so powerful, but I didn't expect it was also a fool."

"But it's also big brother. You're so good at this. You know that I can't do it alone, so I'm looking for Li Chengjia."

Lin Kai's heart "clutters". Is Li Chengjia really here?

The hidden God?

He wanted to catch them on the spot and inquire about the whereabouts of the hidden God.

But he was still patient and motioned to himself not to worry.

Listening to their conversation, Lin Kai understood what was going on.

It turned out that the Shao family was not satisfied with the land taken by the Li family, so Shao Xin sent people to the Li family to make trouble.

But someone broke into Li Chengjia's room. In addition, he was also a great master. For a time, Yinshen couldn't get away from it.

He thought that Li Chengjia was here, how could he be distracted to take care of him.

But unexpectedly, not long after he left, Li Chengjia was caught here.

Listening to their plan, Lin laughed because he was doomed to fail.

"You say that man is really that good? Can you go to heaven and earth? "

"Who knows, it looks great."


Listen to two people do not have nutrition dialogue, Lin Kai does not intend to continue to waste time, directly up, looking at their angry appearance, knocked them unconscious.

"How do you feel?"

Looking at Lin Kai, Li Chengjia was stunned for a moment and said anxiously, "you go to save the hidden God. I'm afraid he will have an accident."

Li Chengjia also understood that the hidden God was targeted because of his own affairs.

As you know, stealth is powerful, but the other side is not much weaker than him, so he is so anxious.

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know," Li Chengjia said with some annoyance, "I can go with you. What can I do for you?"

It's the only thing we can do now.

Soon they arrived at the place where Li Cheng's family met the hermit God for the last time.

As a result, as soon as I got here, I heard the sound coming from not far away.

Because they are afraid of the battle, they find a place to hide.

"Hand over Li Chengjia!"

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