Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1286

"Well, it's hard to say."

Wang Kang gave a bitter smile, and his face was a little ugly.

Looking at Lin Kai, I don't know how to say it, but I really don't want to speak.

It's a shame.

It's a shame to think of his Wang family, which is the first and second rate family in the East China Sea.

He was still thinking about how to solve the matter as soon as possible, but Lin Kai came.

At first, he didn't think about it, but he gave up in the end.

Because he felt that Lin Kai's kindness was not bad.

Otherwise, if you want to return it, it's not so simple.

"Mr. Lin, I have something else on my side. Do you think you can wait a moment?"

Why did he say that he didn't want Linkai to run into that man.

If this was hit by Lin Kai and the man's temper, it might have happened.

"Of course."

Since Wang Kang didn't want to talk about it, Lin Kai naturally wouldn't bother to ask.

Just took Lin to the upstairs, downstairs housekeeper said which came.

Don't care what to say to Lin kaiduo, Wang Kang is a little anxious to go downstairs.

Speaking of this matter, it is also their Wang family's carelessness.

Although it is said to be a top family, it is hard to avoid a time when capital turnover is not open.

However, the other side is grasping this emptiness and putting pressure on the United Bank.

There is no way to borrow money. Some people and friends in the circle can't borrow from them.

There are more and more people in this market.

Maybe the last second still told you, good man, don't be afraid, I'm here.

The next second can face not red heart do not jump directly with other people, give him a knife.

After that, I'll tell you with a smile that I didn't mean to, you don't mind.

Wang Kang's face was as ugly as he thought of these bad things.

However, after seeing the visitors, he managed to squeeze out a smile: "Mr. Shao, you are here."

If Lin Kai saw this man, he would certainly recognize him.

At that time, he was a new comer and directly dismissed two of his subordinates.

Wang Kang looked at Shao Xin in front of him. His heart was full of disgust, but he couldn't express it. The whole person was miserable.

Looking at Wang Kang, who is like an old chrysanthemum, Shao Xin's eyes are full of disdain.

Think of what his father should say, Wang Kang is a character, don't force him too hard, be careful of the dog jumping over the wall.

But now?

I have reached this point, and I haven't seen any extreme reaction from him.

I have to flatter myself respectfully every time.

Shao Xin took a look at Wang Kang, without the slightest courtesy of being a junior, and pushed him away.

Looking at his back, Wang Kang's face looks like a palette.

To the house, Shaoyang also no nonsense, directly threw the contract to Wang Kang: "you see, there is no problem, just sign it directly."

Looking at Shao Xin with two legs up, Wang Kangqi couldn't say a word.

After reading the contents of the contract, Wang Kang threw the contract on the table and asked in a loud voice, "what do you mean by Shao family? Two billion? How about sending beggars

"There's another one. Why do you think I'll sell the company to you?"


Wang Kang said a lot, the whole person will be angry to death.

They are really deceiving people.

They put pressure on the banks not to lend.

Now it is clear that there is no deadline for payment, so we start to urge the balance.

What's the deadline? If you don't give it, you'll make compensation according to the contract.

Their Shao family is really good at scheming, and they are playing tricks on the contract.

For a while and a half, he couldn't give out 1.5 billion yuan. He didn't even give a fund-raising time. It's really a good plan.

Looking at Wang Kang, Shao Xin didn't feel the slightest sense. His eyes were like looking at a reptile: "either fight for money or sell the company."

"Do you think you have any other options besides these two?"

Wang Kang looked at Shao Xin, but he didn't expect that he had been in the market for half his life. When he came to the head, he was even calculated by a younger generation.

"Stay on the front line and see you in the future. I advise you not to go too far. "

Wang Kang advised him that he was not unable to take out the money, but was unwilling to owe that favor.

"You have no choice."

"Why didn't he have a choice?"

Lin Kai's voice made the two people downstairs stupefied for a moment and looked up at him one after another.

Originally, he thought that Wang Kang had something wrong. It was inconvenient for him to know.

I didn't expect that to happen.

It's no wonder that he didn't want to speak. He was forced to do so by a younger generation. He was indeed disgraced.

"What are you to talk about?"Shao Xin doesn't even give Lin Kai a look, as if he doesn't exist.

"Is it?"

Lin looked at him with a smile and handed Wang Kang a card directly: "the money in it can be used casually. I think it's enough."

Looking at the black card handed over by Lin Kai, Wang Kang hesitated for a moment, but still reached for it.

It's better than no company.

Shao Xin stares at Lin Kai and wants to kill him.

It's hard to believe that they met again today.

Thinking of the humiliation before, Shao Xin would like to kill him.

When have you ever been treated like this?

"You two know each other?"

Wang Kang was a little surprised, but it was not so strange to think of their personalities.

"Mr. Wang is so good at life that he even knows this kind of rubbish."

Shao Xin looked at him scornfully and said: "do you think he is like a person who can take out so much money?"

"What's the big wolf pretending to be a poor wolf here?"

"I'll tell you what you know, get out of here and don't let the labor and capital do it!"

Shao Xin was really angry with Lin Kai.

At the thought of that time, the whole person felt ashamed and angry.

"Why can't I take it out?"

In the face of Shao Xin's query, Lin Kai does not want to explain at all.

Wang Kang knew his identity and naturally understood whether he could trust himself.

"Mr. Shao, please leave first. As for the balance, it will be given to you tomorrow at the latest."

"Late!" Shao Xin stares at Wang Kang. He is not angry. The duck that gets his hand will fly quickly. How can he not be angry?

"I remember the date Shao told me was Friday. There are still three days left. Why is it late?"

Looking at the smiling Wang Kang, Shao Xin is really angry.

"You wait for me!"

Cold left such a sentence, Shao Xin turned away.

Let them go today, and then they will suffer.

He has not been treated like this. How can he let them go easily?

Looking at the background of Shao Xin's departure, Wang Kang handed the black card to Lin Kai: "Mr. Lin, thank you for this, but you can take this card back."

There are still three days to go. With the sale of some things, it's enough to ask.

"Do you think you can make up so much in three days?"


Wang Kang sighed, as if he were a teenager.

"I lent it to you, not to me."

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