Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1284

"What's the matter?" Huang Tianshi and aunt Fang looked at Lin Kai suspiciously. They didn't understand how he stopped.

"It's OK. Go on."

He laughed, but he didn't expect that the system, which had been silent for a long time, actually had something to do with it.

"Old fool, can you help me to make a divination now?"

"What do you want to be?"

Huang Tianshi looks at Lin Kai and asks aunt Fang to prepare things for herself.

Lin Kai was silent for a moment, and suddenly shook his head: "it's better to wait later."

He is anxious, thinking about Lin Yuan's current state, how can we calculate his position.

Just then he remembered that even if Lin Yuan was like this, it was impossible.

With a sigh, he waved his hand and said nothing.

Huang and aunt Fang looked at each other and thought that Lin Kai was not normal today.

However, Huang also knew that they could not ask for anything unless he said it on his own initiative.

"Why do you come to see me now?" Huang Tianshi took the initiative to open his mouth and broke the dull atmosphere in the room.

"I'm busy."

Lin Kai said briefly. When she mentioned the land of the he family, aunt Fang's face was a little ugly.

"Did you really take the land down?"

Looking at Aunt Fang's dignified face, Lin opened his mouth and asked, "Auntie Fang, what's wrong with that piece of land?"

"Alas." Aunt He Fang said, "I didn't know about it before I sold it."

Aunt Fang didn't expect that someone else would buy the land.

It also depends on Lin Kai's good situation, otherwise she would never have said it.

"What are you going to do with that field?"

"Business circle."

"It can't be built. The land can't bear it."

Fang aunt see Lin Kai some doubts, explained to him: "that piece of land down more than ten meters is hollow."

"Do you think this kind of land can bear it?"

"It's just fantastic. Sell your land."

Aunt Fang is not a good person. As for who bought the land in the future, they deserved it. No wonder she did.

She's not Notre Dame. There's no need to be responsible for everyone.


Huang sighed deeply and didn't know what to say.

That piece of land can't fall into their hands.

They also know what Lin Kai wants to do. They can't fail because of this.

"How do you know that?"

That piece of land is of great significance. If possible, Lin Kai doesn't want to give up.

"When I was promoted to a great master, I was not stable. When I was pursued, I went there."

"It's an underground cave. It's OK inside, but it's definitely not good to build a business circle."

Listening to Aunt Fang's narration, Lin Kai has a plan in mind.

"I see. Show me."

Whether this plan can be implemented depends on what happens to the cave.

Looking at Huang Tianshi, he nodded and aunt Fang took Lin to drive over.

A master, a golden elixir period, the nature of cultivation against the sky, blink of an eye is gone, an instant to the cave.

Seeing the scene, Lin Kai, a man, was also amazed and had to praise the uncanny workmanship of nature.

The colorful stalactites, or Gao Xuan, or take on various forms on the ground.

Some of them are like swimming dragons and flying phoenixes.

On the left is the stalactite pool, which has broken stalactites, shining.

On the right is a glittering stone made of stalactites.


In the light of the background, issued dazzling luster, just like yaochi fairyland general.

"It's beautiful."

Even though she has seen it many times, aunt Fang still has to sigh at the uncanny workmanship of nature.

After they went back, Huang Tianshi was asked to look at the photos.

Even if the photos are not as beautiful as 1% of the scene, they still make him excited.

Of course, Lin Kai knows that these things can't be photographed, but without these, he can't convince the Li family.

"Thank you for Aunt Fang."

Lin Kai solemnly thanks her for letting her go. If it hadn't been for these things, it would have been a great loss this time.

"It's OK. It's OK."

For Lin Kai to do so, aunt Fang is a little flattered.

After talking with Huang Tianshi for a while, Lin Kai left.

We should make good preparations for it, or we will lose everything.

Before going back, he went to see Li Chengjia.

When he saw the picture in front of him and was taken by the hidden God, Dawei agreed with Lin Kai's words.

He is a member of this circle. He knows what this means.After the hermit God brought him Zhishan, they talked for a long time in the study, and then left one after another.

After Lin Kai left, Li Chengjia and he Zhishan used all their relations in order to take the ownership of the land, including the right to use the things inside.

As long as they take these things, even if some people want to take love, there is no way.

Lin Kai went home with Li Shengxian.

After showing him those things, Lin Kai asked him, "what are you going to do?"

Li Shengxian pondered for a while and replied, "although this land can not be built into a commercial circle, the value of this cave is greater."

"But the only difficulty is that once this thing is exposed to the public eye, who wants to cross the foot."


Li Shengxian put his own ideas, as well as some suggestions, honestly said.

"Not bad."

During this period, Li Shengxian has made a lot of progress, much better than before, but not enough.

And Li Shengxian was praised by Lin Kai, just like playing doping, he wanted to show his skills immediately.

"Go and put out the news that there is something wrong with the land. You should know what to do about it?"

"I see."

Li Shengxian is a little excited to hold his hand. They are building the plank road in the open and hiding in the dark.

Everyone thought that when they lost money, they had to find a way to develop the land, and then the public's eyes would not gather on them.

This gives them enough time to solve the cave problem.

Once the development is completed, they just want to have a piece of the pie, and they have no way to start.

And then they'll make a lot of money.

Now let them have sex for a while.

"Lingo, I'll go first."

Li Shengxian took a few steps and suddenly stopped to ask, "does my father know about this?"

To be honest, he was worried. If Li Chengjia doesn't know, when the Li family knows the news, they won't continue to keep the land. She can't keep it by her own strength.

"He knows."

In a word, he felt relieved for a moment.

After Li Shengxian left, Lin Kai fell into a long thought, hoping that nothing would happen this time.

I don't know if I think too much. I always feel that my eyelids have been jumping.

He was also worried that Lin Yuan would make a stumbling block secretly. He already knew that he was here, so he would not let himself go easily.

"What would you do?"

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