Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1270

"Who are they?"

Lin Kai's question directly made the people in the mall stunned.

Yes, he didn't say how his relationship with them was from the beginning to the end.

But they really did not dare to carry the thought of morlin, for fear that it would be over if they were not careful.

Finally, it was the female manager who spoke.

In fact, she didn't want to, but there was no other way.

Now I just hope that the company will give her some compensation in the face of her coming out this time, or it will be really over.

"Are they yours, Mr. Lin?"

The female manager wants to say "wife", only to see these five or six people and swallow the word silently.

Although he knew that it was normal for a person like Lin Kai to have ten or eight mistresses.

After all, there are many people in the world who are open to money.

For the sake of money, I don't care about my body.

It's just like Lin Kai who takes so many mistresses out of the house directly, and they get along well with each other. It's really the first one.

As a woman, the female manager also wants to know how he can make them live in peace.

As for Lin Kai, she seemed to know what the word the female manager didn't say, so he looked at her coldly.

"You seem to have forgotten what I said when I came."

When Lin Kai said this, the people in the shopping mall began to desperately recall.

In the face of such a big man, they are afraid of provoking him carelessly. When their boss comes, they can't save them.

Finally, as a security guard, he patted his thigh and said, "I remember."

"The gentleman said when he came that he did not know the women."

As soon as this sentence was said, the atmosphere of the scene immediately changed.

The people who had been obedient to them changed their faces in an instant.

He glared at them.

It's bold to cheat them.

Those women didn't expect Lin to say so at the meeting. They were stunned for a while.

After a while, the leading woman said, "what are you talking about, handsome boy? Have you promised us all?"

Her words were ambiguous, and no one knew what the promise was.

The people in the shopping mall have no courage to ask Lin Kai for fear of upsetting him.

Looking at their appearance, Lin Kai didn't know what to say.

What a bunch of crap.

The words are so clear that I don't know what it means.

With a cold hum, Lin Kai kicked those women out of his body.

"I don't know them well."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Those women were immediately impatient.

Now the reason why they are so arrogant is because of Lin Kai's relationship.

But he's hurting them by saying so now.

"Stop it. We know it's wrong."

A woman directly rushed up, approached Lin Kai's ear and whispered, "as long as you help us this time, our sisters are at your disposal, even together can be."

She almost told Lin Kai that as long as she helped them, she could have a good night with them.

It's just a pity that they met Lin Kai. They had no idea about this kind of thing.

If it had been another man, he would have agreed.

"Do you think it's possible?"

After a cold sentence, Lin Kai pushed her away.

"I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer, or I won't be so rude."

"Yes, yes, it is nature."

The people in the shopping mall agreed with them in fear.

I have thought of countless ways to deal with it.

"Stop now."

Naturally, those women don't want Linkai to leave. They don't seem to die.

"Are they your women, Mr. Lin?"

Finally, someone couldn't help asking the question.

Although they knew the answer to this question now, they just wanted to hear his confirmation.

Lin Kai, who was already in a bad mood, was even worse when they asked.

Is his vision so bad?

Although these women are not bad, but compared with AI lu'er, not to mention Lin Qianqian.

"A bunch of mindless things, you want them?"

Indifferently left such a word, Lin Kai turned to leave.

He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he could not help killing the people in the mall.

It was not until he left for a period of time that the people in the mall reacted.He stole jewelry and threatened them with lies, some of which he suffered.

After Lin opened, listening to the deafening sound, he felt a burst of impatience.

I really don't know what these young people are doing for.

"Go home."

Lin sighed. The whole person looked tired.

After such a long journey, Lin Kai has never had a good rest.

Thanks to his amazing physical strength, he would have collapsed.

Yin Shen followed Lin Kai's side and drove quietly to let him have a good rest.

By the time he went back, Li Shengxian and Jiang Shen had not yet decided.

Lin Kai stares at them coldly, with no emotion in his eyes.

Mental fatigue, let Lin Kai whole person all send out a bad breath.

Li Shengxian and Jiang Shen looked at each other, and they went to pick up the things in a hurry.

After they had cleaned up, Lin Kai had left, which made both of them have a bad feeling.

At this moment, Lin Kai has arrived at the hotel and stays at home. He is afraid that he can't help killing them both.

"Sir, I'm next door to you. Please call me."

In fact, he didn't have to call Lin Kai. His divine sense had been released all the time, and he couldn't escape any wind and grass.

"I see. I'll be busy."

Lin Kai waved his hand to let the hidden God leave.

Standing by the window, the smoke in his hand was burning quietly. The smoke was swirling around him. Lin Kai felt a burst of stability.

Recently, because of Lin Yuan's news, I feel a little uneasy. I really shouldn't.

With a quiet mind, Lin Kai felt much more comfortable, and his exhaustion was swept away.

It was he who was so eager for success that he nearly hurt himself in the end.

"I'm waiting for you."

With a confident smile, Lin Kai is fearless.

No matter whether Lin Yuan can be grasped this time, he will not have too much emotional fluctuation.

When Linkai was ready to have a rest, the reflection from the opposite building suddenly shook his eyes.

A turn around, hide behind the curtain, Lin Kai look a little ugly.

At the same time, the hidden God came quietly and firmly protected him.

"Sir, do you want me to come over?"

Although it is not sure whether this person is aimed at Lin Kai, the hidden God will not continue to let this potential factor exist.

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