Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1268

"Don't worry, sir. When you get back, they'll be ready."

"It's better."

Lin Kai said this sentence almost gnashing his teeth. If they didn't clean it up, he could not guarantee that he would do anything bad to them.

The hidden God looked at Lin Kai, who was smiling, and prayed silently for them.

I hope they don't die too badly.

Because of these two things, Lin Kai is in a bad mood.

The hidden God looked at Lin Kai, and did not know what to say, so he quietly accompanied him.

They drove aimlessly around the street.

"Would you like to come and have a look, sir?"

The hidden God pointed to the place surrounded by a group of people and asked Lin Kai.

"Let's go."

Anyway, there's nothing to do. It's better to go and have a look.

Distance where there is a distance, you can clearly hear where the deafening music.

When they passed by, they only felt a pain in their ears.

Looking at the men and women crazily wriggling in front of her eyes, Lin Kai frowns a little impatiently.

"Let's go."

These music sounds very exciting, but Lin Kai really can't hear the words clearly.

Looking at some crazy men and women, he felt that he could not understand.

Ready to squeeze out with the hermit God, a few women gathered around to prevent them from leaving.

"Handsome brother, together?"

A woman grabs Lin Kai's arm, sticks to his body, and twists and turns.

A pair of hands is more restless, in the identity of Lin Kai fumbled.

Just be pulled down by Lin Kai, one hand, the other two hands touch up, it's really annoying.

"Excuse me, please."

He really has no heart to say anything to this group of men and women.

However, the women seemed to have not seen them, surrounded them two, without the slightest intention of leaving.

"Handsome brother, play with some of our sisters."

One of the women threw a wink at Lin. as for what it means, we are all adults and naturally understand it.

"Don't go so fast. It's not easy to meet."

A few women played up and down on them, and they were not willing to let them go.

In addition, there are so many people here. The two people's bad work is too heavy, and the province will hurt others by mistake.

It's cheaper for the girls.

"Handsome brother, do you think people are not beautiful?"

One of them took Lin Kai's hand and put it on his body.

"Get out of here."

Lin Kai, who had no affection for them, couldn't let her succeed. She pushed people away.

"Don't be shameless."

Those women are also worried, looking at Lin Kai's face is not good-looking.

"Get out of here."

Lin Kai stares at them coldly, and his whole body exudes a cold breath.

Several women were stunned for a moment, and then the smile on their faces became bigger.

"I didn't expect to meet a president here."

"Maybe we are the heroine of the novel."


Several women around the forest open chattering non-stop.

Just when they said it was in full swing, several security guards came over.

"Please come with us."

The women's faces changed instantly when they saw the security guard coming.

"Who are you? Let's go with you and we'll go. "

"Yes, the sisters had a good time. What do you mean?"

"Get out of here, and don't disturb your sister's interest. It's a pity."


Although they said so, Lin Kai could clearly see their shaking hands.

Even the voice, also with a little shaking.

It seems that most of them have done something to be so afraid of being caught by these security guards.

However, Lin Kai is not interested in them. If someone catches them, he can get away from them.


As a result, Lin Kai had just taken two steps when he was stopped by the security guards.

"Do you know them?"

"I don't know."

Hearing what he said, the women were not happy for a moment.

"Nonsense, brother. How can you do this?"

The woman who teased Lin Kai at first held his arm tightly: "brother, you are not going to take us to play. How can you do this now?"

"Brother, you are so bad."

Another woman clung to Lin Kai and said, "aren't we all together?"Lin Kai stares at them indifferently. He thinks that they are in trouble, so he deliberately says so.

However, Lin Kai didn't want to help them, and he was disgusted with what they did.

If this is changed into an ordinary person, maybe they will cause some bad things because they do so.

Being looked at by Lin Kai, those women suddenly felt afraid.

But one of them held him more tightly and wanted to be integrated with him.

"If you're OK, get out of here, or you won't blame us for being rude."

"I'd like you to come with me, or we won't be blamed."

The women looked at each other, took Linkai and walked with them.

Lin Kai wanted to leave, but the security guards refused to let him go. It was obvious that they were all together.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the security guards took them to the manager's office of the shopping mall.

Looking at the dense people inside, Lin Kai thinks that most of them have caused something bad.

"Just a few of them?"

A woman stares at them sternly. After seeing Lin Kai and Yin Shen, her tone is a little disdainful: "two big men have hands and feet. What's wrong?"

The woman stood up and said scornfully, "it's shameless to steal things with several women."

"Get ready to call the police and arrest them."

When he heard a woman, Lin Kai knew what happened.

Although she doesn't like the tone of a woman, Lin Kai doesn't care.

"Sorry, I don't know them."

"Brother, you can't do this?"

A woman who was pestering him said pitifully, "it's clear that you let us steal things. How come things are exposed and we are going to be abandoned?"

"Brother, we know we are wrong. Please don't give up on us."


Listening to these women's crying, all the people present showed their disdain. They felt that Lin Kai was not something. How could he do such a thing?

"Are you still a man?"

A man yelled at him: "it's a shame to ask a few women to steal. In the end, they have to take the blame."

Lin Kai looked up at him and said, "you know I know her by her one-sided words?"

"Why can't they slander me? Or do you have evidence? "

Lin Kai was really angry. It was a natural disaster.

"You are sophistry

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